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" I Kanan ?" Ezra said in a trembling voice as Kanan's eyes widened. The boy looked so pale, so scared. This was a lot to take in.

Suddenly the air started getting tighter and tighter again, it was getting hard to breathe.

"Ezra.." Kanan managed to say but Ezra looked back at the papers saying "I..I dont understand..My parents told me I was just someone with special abilities..they explained what the force was to me...they just told me I was force-sensetive. But im not am I ??...I'm something different....and thats not good  ! I...I.."

It was seriously starting to get hard to breathe for Kanan, his legs felt like they were about to give out any second but despite it he took a step closer to Ezra. At that moment the raven haired boy turned back at the older man as he said "D-Dont Kanan ! I'm...dangerous ! I dont want to hurt you"

Kanan's vision started getting blurry but he could see Ezra's eyes widen when he looked closer. It was clear the raven haired boy saw the state Kanan was in because of his panic. The older man started losing consciousness more and more untill his vision blurred seeing Ezra's figure run towards him..

"Kanan !" was the last thing the Jedi heard before falling down on the ground, fainting.

Ezra rushed to Kanan's side, breathing heavily. But the moment he touched the unconscious body Ezra's vision disappeared and everything went black...

When The raven haired boy opened his eyes again he was back in the common room, standing in front of the table with....Kanan and Ahsoka sitting down across from eachother on the couch.

"K-Kanan ?" Ezra said as he tried touching the man's shoulder but..his hand went through. And both Kanan and Ahsoka didnt seem to notice the boy.

"They..cant see me ?" 

But as they their conversation continued Ezra heard Kanan mention his name...They were talking about Master Depa's vision...they were talking about who Ezra is. The boy's eyes widened, he had..entered Kanan's memories..he was shown the past. 

Ezra had nothing to say, he just stood there and listened to the whole conversation. He was feeling more and more relaxed despite the information he was learning because...he now knew Kanan was on his side...he knew Kanan was there for him.

Ahsoka got up as Ezra moved aside even when he technically didnt have to. 

"I was quite a curious and troublesome Padawan" She said and then the raven haired boy noticed the file she left in front of Kanan on the table while the Jedi was asking where did they come from.

"The files !" Ezra thought

Then Ahsoka started walking to the exit of the common room saying "An accident...and I forgot to return them. But now they will come in handy wont they ?"

But her voice to Ezra seemed to get further and further away, he barely heard what she said. Everything started being consumed by darkness as the room disappeared and everything went away...

Ezra's eyes opened as he shot up from the floor. He was breathing fast and unevenly, looking around frantically and then...he noticed that Kanan was still unconscious next to him "Kanan !" he said starting to nudge and shake the man awake. The younger boy was panicking....did he hurt Kanan ?

"Wake up, Kanan !" Ezra kept repeating trying to wake the man up.

The older Jedi's eyes opened slightly and the first thing he saw was Ezra's panicked face hovering above him. The boy seemed to immedietly notice that the man was awake as he let out a relieved sigh saying "Are you okay ??"

Kanan slowly got up in a sitting position with Ezra helping him "...I'm alright you ?"

The raven haired boy immedietly answered "I'm not the one that remained unconscious on the floor !"

Kanan chuckeled slightly saying "I'll take that as a yes". Ezra helped him get up and sit on the couch with the boy now sitting next to him around the table. The older man was still feeling dizzy but he was recovering fast "What happened..?" he asked as Ezra looked down

"Its all my fault...I'm sorry I shouldnt have panicked like that since I'm affecting everyone around me with...well my existance" Ezra answered back as Kanan looked at him "Listen Ezra.."

"You dont need to explain anything..I saw it all myself.." The boy said as Kanan gave him a confused look "....What do you mean ?"

"With you unconscious I was able to...I guess connect with your memories...and I saw the conversation you had with Ahsoka" Ezra looked at the files that were on the table.

Kanan was taken a back a bit, this kid really was the one from his Master's vision, the physical embodiment of the Force. But despite it, the older Jedi saw the boy in front of him as a real and kind person. Still someone that was a child when most people just saw him as a either a tool..or a dangerous being. A few moments passed when Kanan realised he didnt aswer back to the boy "Oh Sorr-" the man started but Ezra interrupted him

"They dont like me do they ?" Ezra said with a soft chuckle refering to Commander Sato and the rebellion

"...Dont worry alright ? They just need some time to understand" Kanan spoke gently as Ezra looked at him and smiled back but his smile soon faded as he looked away 

"Kanan I...I dont know what to think right now. All my life I was protected and I didnt even know the reason...but now that I do...I wish I never found out. Maybe if I just stayed inside the temple everything would be better ? You wouldnt be put in danger...the rest of your crew..everyone.." Ezra said but Kanan grabbed his shoulder and gently turned Ezra to himself.

"You are exactly where you need to be. You might have dangerous abilities but..You are Not Dangerous Ezra" Kanan spoke as Ezra looked directly at him. The older Jedi's eyes were so sincere so kind. The raven haired boy looked away but then suddenly hugged Kanan tightly

"I'm sorry you got stuck with me" Ezra spoke softly with a trembling voice, burying his head into Kanan's chest. The older man was suprised but his expression soon softened as he hugged back the smaller boy "Wouldn't have it any other way" Kanan said back gently. He knew Ezra was now his responsibility but something changed...this time around he wasnt scared of that fact...he was glad Ezra was there with him..


Ahsoka was standing, leaned on the wall in front of the doors. Just enough distance for them not to open. Earlier she felt something happen with Ezra so she rushed back to check on the two but then she overheard the conversation the two were having after waking up and she stopped in front of the door.

At their words, Ahsoka smiled softly

"The Galaxy is in for quite the experience" She said as she started walking away

"Eachother is exactly what they need" Another familiar female voice spoke gently in the air...

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