Chapter Five.

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It hurt to open my eyes. Not even fucking joking. Was some asshole trying to blind me?

I got my answer when I finally brought my hand up to shield my face, and would then proceed to make an attempt at parting my lids.

A soft groan left my dry feeling lips, as I forced myself to sit up. What the hell happened? Or more importantly, where the hell was I?

Forcing myself into a sitting position, I cringed at the flash of fire-like agony that surfaced the moment I sat upwards. However, it was quickly joined by a jolt of panic when I realized I wasn't wearing my mask and cloak, and instead, was in hospital attire.

Was that where I was? A bloody hospital? Hell, I'd rather be back out on the streets then here!

Then, I also remembered that the.. Fox? Was that what it was? Had said she'd bring my body here. What a drag.

Running a hand through my tangled locks of crimson hair, I'd resort to scoping out my current hospital room, due to my inability to move very much. I was alone, go figure.

Then again, who would even want to se-


Head whipping around to stare with wide eyes at the now door that had slammed open, four bodies suddenly filled the room, followed by an extremely disapproving nurse.

I quickly identified them as Kiba, Shikamaru, Ten-Ten, and a smaller, rather fragile looking pale-eyed girl that gazed hesitantly at the others.

The two guys gawked at me, before further realization set in.

"Don't look at me!" I screamed, Hueless orbs widening in fear, before I tossed the white hospital sheet over my head, and huddling into a small, quivering ball.

They couldn't see me! I knew they'd instantly feel revolted at being a friend to such a hideous thing. I mean, I got no other answers from any other people that have seen me!

Silence continued through-out the room, before the Nurse cleared her throat. "Maybe you should-"

"No!" The voice belonged to Kiba, I think. However, he continued in a much softer tone.

"Akuma? Hey, why're you under there? I mean, I know I'm good looking, but you don't gotta hide." He chuckled, followed by a loudly drawn out sigh. Shikamaru.

"What a drag." He muttered, before I heard his footsteps approach, along with another set which I presumes was himself and Ten-ten.

"Y'don't needa see me. I look horrible." I muttered. I wasn't the type to say that go attention. Honestly, I truly believed my words. Why would they want to be around.. Demon trash like me? I didn't understand.

A gentle hand was placed on my side, before I felt a dip in the bed, where someone sat down.

I quickly identified the person as Ten-ten, because I don't think the others really knew how to.. Comfort someone.

My body tensed at the contact, causing me to flinch. Were they going to hit me? I don't understand.

I felt the sheet being peeled away from my head, and I instantly buried my face in my hands.

"It's okay, we're not gonna hurt you. We heard you were found outside the gates to the village, and came to see you once they allowed visitors in." I heard the smile in Ten-ten's voice, an I peered cautiously through my fingers at them.

The Nurse had left, Kiba leaned against the wall beside my bed, Hinata stood by the door with a small smile, and Shikamaru had seated himself on a stool that I suppose was brought in when I was sleeping. Speaking of sleeping, how long was I out..?

"Why?" I was confused as to how come they actually showed up, when nobody else did.

This time, it was Kiba who answered with that Boyish grin of his. "You're not annoying. At least.. I think. " He blinked, before Shikamaru decided to speak.

"Choji would be here, but he had to help our Sensei with some stuff. He told me to send his regards." He sighed, before linking his hands together behind his head.

Kiba and Ten-ten nodded, and the quiet girl hesitantly stepped forward.

"H-hello. I'm.. I'm Hinata. We haven't met, but.. I-I glad you're okay, too." She pushed her fingers together, her face heating up a light pink.

They cared?

Although I was still confused, I finally took my hands away from my face. "S-so.. You aren't going to insult me? Or attack me?" I muttered, which seemed to confuse them all.

Kiba blinked.

"The hell would we do that for? We said we came here because we were worried, didn't we?" He frowned, and I shrugged.

"Normally people.. Don't like me. They make fun of my ears. And eyes. And, well.. Everything about me." I murmur gently. I didn't expect it, when Kiba released a sudden bark of laughter, which led to him clutching his stomach.

"Dude, you're like, gorgeous. How don't you see that?" He chuckled. I wasn't sure if he was messing with me, or not. Me? Gor.. Geous?

The word sounded foreign, even in my mind. No. He couldn't possibly be telling the truth.

However, I seen nothing but honestly in his eyes, which caused me to flushed a deep shade of ruby, lighting me up to match the hue of my hair.

I dropped my hands, before gazing down at them settled in my lap. How do I reply?

I ended up gently shrugging again, before the girl I identified as Hinata spoke up again.

"You're eyes, t-they're really.. Pretty." I blinked at her, and if possible, I flushed a shade darker. Quickly angling my head downwards, I released a shaky sigh.

"Y-yeah. You too." I didn't stutter, it's just the fact I was extremely nervous. How do I compliment someone? With my luck, I'd try, and end up insulting them.

However, I knew I at least didn't fuck up, when Hinata sent a smile back my way. Was I finally making friends?

Somehow, I managed to control the heat rushing through my face, and in turn, seemed to brighten with relieved happiness. Suddenly, I paused.

"How long have I been here? I don't feel as bad as I did... Before." I flinched at the memory of the fight, but I composed myself the best to my ability when concern flashed through their eyes.

Kiba waved his hand dismissively. "Over-Night. It was nearly eleven, last time I checked." I nodded. By the sunlight that streamed through the window, I easily could tell that it was the morning, and not currently night.

"You need some more rest." Ten-ten finally said, after a few moments of settling silence. "Nurse said you should be fine enough to leave in a few days. We'll be back tomorrow to visit." With that, she stood, and followed Shikamaru and Hinata out the door with a wave.

Kiba paused, before glancing back at me. "Don't strain yourself, Cherry top." He grinned at my face towards the nickname, but quickly followed his friends out the door. It shut with a click.

Then it hit me.

I tossed my hands up in the air, and when I nearly fell out of bed, I laid back down was a partially pained exhale.

However, an extremely happy smile overtook my features.

I had made friends!

..I think.


Just wanted to get out the idea for who Akuma makes friends with. I'm skipping the Team 7 Zabuza thing, sorry.

Next few chapters are gonna be training, and strengthening the friendship. I find Ten-ten doesn't get enough attention in most fanfictions, nor Choji.

Until next time!

(~ ° 0°)~


- Duckie.

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