Chapter Nine

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I normally type in past tense, not sure why. I'm going to change it up a bit and use both current and past tense, it just makes it more.. Readable. Hard to explain.

I doubt you guys'll notice much.~

Also, for those who are confused about the whole God origination concept, lemme explain quickly.

I believe the God's in this story are Greek-based. (I didn't do my research like a good girl. I went by memory. I know, bad move.)

Remember, Akuma was born in a totally different Realm/Dimension, and was sent to the 'Naruto World' Soon after birth. (If you don't read the Prologue, you may be confused later in this chapter.)

I'll answer more questions later.


What kind of dream was this?

Currently, I stood in darkness.

No Touch, Smell, Sight, Hearing, nothing.

It was like being under water. However, I wasn't swimming. I was standing on a solid surface, that much was explainable. Perhaps I was In a black room?

My exact question was answered when a person-sized rectangle dissolved before me, light spilling through the cracks until the portion of the wall seemed to disappear, leaving just the whiteness.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed that it led to an extremely bright hallway.


I felt it, then. The silent, touchless nudge in the direction of the doorway, as if the Shadows themselves were ushering me out of this Void-like room.

Stepping through the doorway out of influenced curiosity, the dark room that I had just left seemed to fold into itself. In a matter of seconds, it was just a blank, white wall.

The familiar frown creased my features, and I released a slow, irritated sigh. Where the hell was I?

With no other choice, I trudged onwards, with the twin walls blocking me in securely on either side. They seemed to stretch on, until I felt as though I was walking for miles; and the hours were stacking up.

However, I never seemed to tire, which was I suppose, one plus.

The floor was a deep grey Marble. Quite pretty, honestly. It was the only change in color.

In fact, everything in this Dream-like world seemed to in Monochrome. Even my pale skin, was now a ghostly white.

I couldn't be dead. No, for I clearly remember having a shower, and then flopping atop my bed. No injuries, no pain.

Then what is this?

"Your mind, my Dear." The slow, feminine voice drawled. My attention was captured be the towering woman that stood straight-backed before me.

Deep, richly crimson hair fanned around her, clinging to her heart-shaped face. Narrow, Silver snake-like eyes seemed to glow, sharpening her otherworldly appearance. It then clicked, that she was the only splash of color in this Greyscale place.

"My Mind is one boring place, then." My scowl deepened behind my Mask. I didn't like it here, the air was sharp and cold. Like a Winter breeze.

"Quite the opposite, Child." Her eyes seemed to narrow, and a slow, thin-lipped smile took over her features

As I was about to point out our obviously drab surroundings, she continued.

"No, no. Your Mind is absolutely Hellish, Dear." Her tight smile curved upwards more. It was like an observing smirk.

"Yes, I can see that." I snorted, sleeved arms crossing. What was her aim?

As if understanding my wordless question, she released a slow, drawn out sigh. "So much like me, in my youth." She murmured, before turning slowly, gesturing down the empty hall.

However, now there was an end, which displayed a slightly ajar door. "Moving on." Blinking once, she was already holding the door open by the time I regained any sense to move.

Guessing she wished for me to follow, I did so hesitantly. Quite obviously, I felt no need to trust this woman. What was her aim?

Stepping through the Door, it was like we walked into a whole other world. Color included, this time.

It was a huge Court-looking room, with towering stone pillars, and Golden walls. Statues of people in ancient armour lined what seemed to be a Red Carpet, and looking further, led to a Large Throne.

A single man kneeled before the Throne, while another sat Straight-backed atop the Mighty stone Chair. It was like watching a silent play.

There was no noise. No talking, footsteps, or the sound of movement. However, it was then I remembered my companion.

"Watch closely. Memorize every detail." She murmured, before crossing her arms and leaning against one of the Pillars.

The kneeling man seemed to be pleading, and clutching a small bundle of cloth in his arms. The bundle was squirming, in which I could only guess it was a new-born infant. What was te story behind this?

I was too far to see what the Baby looked like. However, I did get a glimpse of Cherry-Red hair, before it was tucked back into the fabric.

The man Sitting atop the Throne abruptly stood, one hand grasping what seemed to be a Spear. The non-lethal side of it soundlessly struck the ground, in which sent tremors through the sleek Marble. Why were they arguing?

I was about to voice my question, when a Raven-haired woman made an appearance. I hadn't even noticed her before.

As she soundlessly spoke to the Enraged man, he seemed to mull over something, and his snarl faded into a boiling scowl. A few more words were passed, before the Woman smiled, as the kneeling figure bowed his head.

Had they reached a compromise of some sort?

That seemed to be the answer, because the Woman nodded once, before disappearing behind one of the Stone Pillars. The lion-like male sent another scowl to the one that still kneeled, before the blunt side of his spear cracked against the Marble once more.

However, this time, a flash of blinding White light filled the Court.

When it cleared, the Bundle the man clutched was gone, and he seemed to visibly deflate. Whether it be relief, or something else.

However, everything started to fade, leaving my vision tainted black.

A few more seconds of Drowning in the thick nothingness, and I was back in the Hallway with the woman.

"What was that?" I couldn't bring myself to snap at the woman. For some reason, I was getting more and more tired. That, tied in with confused

"The Past." She seemed to pause, as if contemplating her words. "There's more to you then you believe, Child. I'll drop hints along the way to aid you, However, you must ultimately decode the vision yourself. It will take time." The World was fading, and her words were becoming harder for me to hear.

"But you're Smart. Time is becoming limited, Girlie. You'll have to use that brain, before it's too late." She added, the last part coming as a whisper to my ears, until I was once again left in silence, and given a few seconds before I woke.


Sorry, I'm updating every 50-100 Views. It's a schedule I've set for myself so I don't lose motivation.

I know, generally confusing chapter. You'll understand soon.

I'm busy, so this is goodbye for now!


- Duckie.

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