Chapter Nineteen.

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Just realized how shitty this story is overall, lmao. Akuma's name is so Cliché.

Keep in mind it's my first Naru-fic, so it's more for experience and stuff.

But as usual, their lines won't be spot on from the Anime. I'll be skimming over the Exams, because it's not a huge part within the book. [As possibly noticed prior, and the lack of detail.]

The only fight I'll really include is Akuma's, because it's relatively important.

Anywho, onward.

[Found the picture on Deviant Art. It's a tad what I'd picture Akuma and Azuru to look like, though obviously Azuru is still a cub.]


I stood, Frozen in place. Honestly? I should have expected it.

The Similarities, mainly. However, hearing the Woman actually announce it out loud, was another thing.

At first, I couldn't respond. My brain wasn't up to pace, and was still attempting to understand the previously stated words.

"You're lying." I murmured in a futile manner to comfort my Chaotic mind, and emotions. "Don't lie to me." I repeated. I could feel my muscles trembling, and I had to clench my fists, just to stop them from trembling uncontrollably.

"Darling, you know I'm speaking the truth. Don't kid yourself. I'm your Mother." Her persona was completely different. No longer were her words Patient and Understanding, and instead, her tone was relatively amused, which thinly veiled the harshness.

I stared into her face, attempting to find.. anything, that told me this was all some sort of sick joke.

And I found nothing.

My stomach threatened to heave, and bile rose to the back of my throat.

"Then.. Then, where were you?! The past Thirteen years.. They were absolute hell for me!" My voice had risen to a desperate high note. I was still hoping she'd laugh, and say she was joking.

"You know, I've been a bit busy. Here, there.. But I've been watching over you, never the less. Although it took me about Nine years to find your location." She frowned, examining her nails.

It was so Cliché-feeling. I hated it.

Chest tightening, I barely contained the flash of Fury that started to boil within my stomach. She had known all about me, yet I knew nothing of her.

I had gone Thirteen years Parentless, and here stood my.. Mother.

I had always dreamt of having a normal life. With a Dad, and a Mom. We'd be a big happy family, and we'd get Icecream every Monday.

I had Daydreamed of one day meeting my Parents. It had been such a happy reunion I'd created.

This felt everything but.

"Do you know how long I've waited? How long I've been alone?!" I roared, chest heaving. Fists clenching to the point I felt my Nails biting into the flesh, it took everything I had not to lash out right there.

And she Ignored my words.

"You've got the temper of your Father, and my Looks. You're a little Vixen." A small, Wicked smile danced over her features, which didn't fail in infuriating me further. However, one word set me off the slightest.


Seeing my hesitance, her grin tilted upwards a tad more, until she resembled a Cat.

"Your Father is a short-tempered Man. More like a boy, honestly. He's Egotistical and Narcisstic. And, not to mention, he's the reason you're here." As she spoke, my anger shifted to confusion. Then, the realization that I knew absolutely nothing of my Heritage. Nontheless, she went on.

"But I fell in love with that Man. His Golden eyes and Dark curls.. My, he was what everyone dreamt a God to look like. Perfection." Her grin wilted into a sour frown. "But he Betrayed me the moment he brought you to Ruler of all that is 'Holy,' Zeus himself." She spat, Lips curling into a Sneer.

I knew Nothing of my Ansestory, nor where I was truly born. The earliest memory I bore was attempting to scavenge food from the trash of a Dumpling shop.

The way she spoke clearly displayed her Dislike of the man titled Zeus.

"I don't have the time to explain everything to you. It's nearly morning. However, you may get the information you seek from that book you stole from the Konoha Archives." A small smirk tilted her features. However, it was quick to fade.

"Until next time, Daughter."

"Wai-" I suddenly found myself incapable of speaking. I still needed answers! I had so many questions!

Her words drifted through my mind once again as the Monochrome Hall melted to black.

You may get the Information you seek from the book you stole.



I'm sorry. It's shit, as I said. *My Opinion.*

Was it alright?

Anywho, I'll see you in the next Chapter!


- Duckie.

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