Chapter Seven

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Do you know what fucking time Kiba came knocking on my door this morning?

Six fucking am.

And right now, after I had begrudgingly gotten ready enough to be presentable, (Although I was clad in my Cloak and New mask,) the damn mutt was trying to drag me to some food stand.

He pouted after I rejected Ramen, but settled for a grin after I said he could choose anywhere else we could eat.

"I bought fucking food yesterday, man. Why the hell do we have to go Kami knows how far, just to get breakfast?" If you couldn't already tell, I wasn't too happy about being woken up so abruptly, only to be dragged around Konoha.

Kiba merely shot me a another Cheeky grin, before he stopped, and would then cup his hands to his mouth. "SHIKAMARU! CHOJI!" He bellowed, resulting in a subtle ring that echoed through my mind.

Cupping my ears and shooting the boy a scowl, I sighed. "Troublesome men." I muttered, folding my arms beneath my cloak, before averting my eyes elsewhere.

As I was gazing at a particularly colorful bird that flew from the roof to the ground, my attention was drawn back to the gentle sound of approaching footsteps.

Shikamaru, as usual, had his arms propped up behind his head, Choji followed behind him, surprisingly absent of his daily bags of chips. If they could see it, I'd raise a brow in question.

"Shikamaru, Choji." I murmured in greeting. First mentioned offered a lazy smile in response, while Choji gave a small wave. "Akuma." They both soon replied.

As silence settled between the four of us, Kiba finally broke it when he tugged on my arm, gesturing down the street where a Dango stand was opening. "We were planning to catch something to eat. You guys wanna come along?" Kiba had already started a slow walk towards the previously mentioned, glancing back only to see if we were following.

The only resistance was a feeble "What a Drag." From Shikamaru, and I trotted along wordlessly soon after.

Once we were all seated, I frowned down at the wooden counter. This reminded me of my ex-friend. The blonde one, mentioned a while back. He ran a Dango stand.

Before I could get lost in my pity puddle, I soon felt a now familiar weight drop onto my head. I hadn't noticed Akamaru earlier. I guess he ha been tucked away in Kiba's jacket.

My only reaction was to quietly pet the small Ninja hound, a small smile forming a path onto my face. So.. Soft.

"What do you want?" Kiba soon asked, elbows propped up on the table, his cheek resting against his fist as he gazed up at the menu. With a shrug, I released yet another sigh.

"You can choose. I still don't know what's good around here." I muttered, before removing my hand from petting Akamaru, and then resting it in my lap. Kiba nodded, before muttering something quick to the man behind the counter. A small grin lit up the Elderly shop-owners face, and he retreated into the kitchen-area to prepare whatever the hell Kiba had told him to.

Shikamaru and Choji were already eating, both content. I absent mindedly wondered why they weren't on missions, but supposed they'd probably be more busy later.

Turns out, Dango were delicious.

Asuna had come and hunted down Shikamaru and Choji. Apparently, they had escaped from a babysitting job, and were wandering Konoha for something fun to do.

Akamaru was still perched atop my head, and surveyed the area for any unlikely danger.

"He likes you." Kiba Teased, resulting in me frowning.

"So I see." I murmured, releasing a small, uncomfortable cough. Wasn't as though I didn't like the pooch, quite the opposite. It was more the factor of why the little dog got so attached to me, all in the matter of two days.

"You smell good." He added, causing me to pause. Was I to be a bit creeped out, or awkward? I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not, so I merely muttered something incoherent in reply.

However, Kiba seemed to flush when he realized how his words had sounded. "No! I didn't mean it like that. I meant, It's what Akamaru said, not me." Frantic was hilarious on Kiba. So.. Out of Charater from his normal Cocky and Cheeky persona.

I offered an eye roll, one in which was followed by a quiet snort. "Sure, sure." I chuckled softly, shaking my head. It was his turn to frown, and my turn to grin. Too bad I was wearing my mask. Shame.

"Right! I've got practice with Kurenai-Sensei! Totally forgot. Damn, I'm late." Inclining a singular brow as he hurriedly snatched Akamaru from my head, he'd then take off in he opposite direction.

"I'm sorry! I'll be back tomorrow!" He tossed over his shoulder, and I shrugged. Now, I had nothing to do but waste time and relax.

'You could always practice with the Summoning Scroll.'

The small, naturally quiet voice surprised me, resulting in my semi-panicked look around the area. However, it was then I recognized the voice, easily matching it to the Feminine Fox.

"Guess so." I muttered. Honestly, I had forgotten that I even carried it. The scroll, I soon found, was within a small bag attached to my hip. Did I just.. Bite my thumb like I've seen other Ninja do?

All in experience, I guess.

This, friends, was how I ended up in the middle of an old training field, my thumb aching, a good half or more of my Chakra storage depleted, and still no results. The last few times, steam rose from the scroll, which offered some sort of assurance that I was making at least some sort of progress. Even a little.

The voice didn't return later that day, either. I hadn't realized that there was absolutely nothing to do without other people around.

After bandaging my thumb, and re-applying new bandages to my semi-healed injuries, I was totally up for just crashing. Instead, I forced myself to get back up, and return to the clearing to practice my Wind-Based Jutsu's. Water needed work, too, but I could always switch it up next time.

"Wind Release: Twin Claws!" Concentrating on gathering Chakra around the outside of my fingers and hands, I'd proceed to force it into a slow rotation, In which would slowly pick up speed as it took shape.

Within a matter of seconds, the Chakra had moulded around my Hands, forming sharp-appearing points where the nails would be. Think of it as a large cat paw, with the claws unsheathed.

I practiced that particular Jutsu for a while, mauling the surrounding trees, until the outer layers of Bark were generally shredded, and I was forced to stop, so I didn't risk Chakra Exhaustion.

Yep, today was boring. I returned home soon after training, covered in a thin sheen of unattractive sweat. (Cloak and Mask didn't help that fact.)

Removing my previously mentioned articles of clothing, I decided on briefly rewarding myself with a lengthy bath, one in which would benefit my injuries greatly. Only thing I rued, was having to constantly remove and re-apply the cloth bandages.

Finally, once I was settled upon my Bed, I released another sigh. The start of the day felt rushed, and the end was exhausting. All in all, it was one of the days that, by the end, all you wanted to do was sleep.

And, that's pretty much what I did.


Yes, this chapter sucks. And it's a bit shorter then others. But, it was more so something to kick together, celebrating the fact that I don't have Writers block for once.

It's rushed, yeah. Boring, yeah. But the general story gets better. :')

Hope it's alright in general terms!

And until next time.~


- Duckie.

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