Chapter Sixteen.

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Picture is Akarui.

A notice: Their lines will NOT be spot on. I have no time to go and watch the Chunin Exams ark again, so I'll be writing their lines, actions, etc down by memory.


[General PoV.]

The Cloaked girl stood off to the side, leaning against a wall. She was an oddity amongst the gathered Genin, and had received her fair share of odd stares when she arrived.

Her mask, in which was Literally the color of a drop of blood, glinted faintly when the light hit it. None of the other Genin approached her, and vice versa.

The aura she gave off was Cold and Uninterested. However, her gaze never ceased roaming from participant to participant, generally attempting to memorize their appearances, how they held themselves, and if they'd prove a challenge or not.

The only time she showed any interest, was when three Mist-nin walked through the door, the short brunette having tripped and fallen on the way in.

"Akarui, not even five minutes in, and you've managed to embarrass us." Muttered the Black-haired boy, pale eyes roaming the sea of people. The shards of ice fell upon his friend, familiar in her attire that consisted of her darkly tinted mask, and black cloak that concealed her total identity.

Akarui quickly stood, a grin breaking over her features. "Kuro! There's-" Said male covered his companions mouth, a sigh leaving his lips.

"Not so loud, Akarui. We've already gained enough unwanted attention. Let's go," The girl pouted, but a smiled non the less, before skipping over to the Cloaked figure.

"Told you we'd be quick!" She giggled, wrapping her arms around the now ridged female.

"Uh, Akar-" Kuro started, only to be interrupted

"But this place is packed! There's so many people!" She breathed, finally releasing her friend, only to twirl around with a delighted grin.


"SUGOOOI!" She suddenly cried, racing over to a boy with purple markings painted on his face. He eyed the four through semi-irritated, semi-amused eyes.

She clasped his hands in her own, her own eyes twinkling with awe. "How do you do your Make-up so well?! Mine never turns out good, so I don't wear any!"

"It's not Make-up.." He trailed off, blinking down at the hyper-active girl. His face flushed, and he sent her a forced scowl. "Back off, brat. I don't have time for this." He grunted, snatching his hands back.

Akarui's eyes watered, and she released a small sniffle, in which made the Boy freeze. A blonde haired girl beside him snickered softly. "Now look at what you've done, Kankuro." She nudged the said guy, who was staring at the brunette through narrowed eyes.

"As I said, I don't have time for annoying brats-"

"WAAAAH!" Akarui bellowed, spinning away and tearing off into the crowd.

"Ah, shit! Hang on." Kankuro muttered to his amused sibling, before racing off to consolidate the girl.

Kuro sighed, before running a hand down his face.

"Should we go after them, Aisu?" He asked his brother, whom had a mess of long-ish black hair, similar to Kuro's, aside from the color.

Aisu shrugged, before jamming his hands into his pockets. "She always comes back. Nowhere she can go unless she wants us to fail the Exams, anyways." He muttered.

Akuma remained silent, glaring at those who dared to glance over. In intimidation was something she had picked up as she grew, in which was quite useful.

Honestly, she was still anxious, and was inwardly shaken by the events that happened no less then twenty four hours prior.

However, within the presence of Kuro, she was as calm as she could be in the current situation. For, if it wasn't for him, she wasn't sure what would have gone down last night.

Her Bracelet remained intact, and still refused to be removed. An uncountable amount of webbed cracks ran beneath the surface, in which made the Genin uneasy.

Nothing good would happen if it were to shatter, That was immensely obvious.

A commotion near the entrance drew her attention away from her thoughts, and the moment Team Seven came through the doorway, a small frown had formed it's way onto her features.

That particular team had never been a favourite. Naruto, too loud. Sasuke, too Cocky and egotistical. And Sakura, too whiney.

All in all, She would be surprised if they even came out of this thing alive. She had heard the Exams are brutal.

Turning away from them once the grey-haired kid confronted the trio, She glanced at Kuro.

He was examining the participants, azure eyes narrow to calculating slits. The black hair that drifted over his pale reflective was irritating, even to the extent her hands itched to swipe it away.

With a barely audible snort, She glanced away. Her frown deepened when her eyes met Kiba's. The boy dared to try and smile at her, in which nearly earned him a low snarl.

Everyone here seemed to piss her off. It seemed that her temper was much shorter, like an angry Snake. Generally, she ignored those who stood around her, but oddly, each individual noise irked her.

Kuro seemed to notice her irritation, and gently bumped her hip with his own. She jolted, her gaze snapping to him instantly. He offered a smile, in which made her sigh.

Why was she so paranoid?

Smoothly ignoring the commotion the idiot trio was causing, she turned back to stare at the wall, Silver eyes narrowed in thought.

The competition didn't seem too friendly, that was for sure.

She was tired, both mentally, and physically. She didn't have the patience to deal with the glares that the more hostile Nin were tossing around.

A sudden cloud of smoke at the front of the room caught her attention.

There stood one man that made her freeze.

Ibiki Morino.

Would he recognize her Chakra Signiture?

She doubted it. He wouldn't single her out, from the dozens of Teams that were in the room.

"Listen up, you baby-faced degenerates!" He bellowed, back straight, face crinkled in an irritated glare.

The room was silenced, and when his eyes showed a glint of approval, he continued.

"I am your Proctor for this part! This section of the Chunin Exams will be on paper." He spoke calm and evenly, despite the chorus of groans that sounded throughout the room.

"Paper?" She heard Naruto yell, his tone somewhere between confused and surprised.

"Yes, Paper." Ibiki responded, his glare shifting to the blonde-haired boy. His eyes didn't remain locked long, and they soon shifted away.

"You will choose a number from the basket, and that is where you will be seated. Got it? Good."

People began to file towards the Basket, picking their number and moving on.

17, was what she got.

Settling down, She Immediately hunched over her paper, eyes narrowing on the questions.

Ibiki said something about if you were caught cheating Five times, you were out.

She zoned out after that.

The questions were confusing, but about twenty minutes to half an hour, she was finished the ninth question.

Although her IQ wasn't at the genius level, she could fair we'll when it came to things like this.

She was about to flip her page, when she noticed something shifting near her arm.

Glancing towards it, she noticed the surface of her desk beginning to twist, and seemed to melt. From the small freshly formed hole, slowly came a hand.

It clutched a pencil, and it quickly, uneasily scribbled a name;


Blinking, she tilted her head, before an idea came to her.

Taking a spare piece of parchment from one of the many pockets within her Robes, she began writing down her answers upon it.

When she finished, she folded it, before shoving it towards the still hand. It quickly snatched up the answer sheet, before disappearing.

The surface of her desk reformed, as if nothing had ever been there.

She'd need to question him later.

She made the mistake of zoning out again, because when she snapped back to attention, one of the Windows near her shattered into uncountable pieces.

There, stood a Woman clad in a rather.. Revealing outfit.

Honestly, she didn't care what she had to say. Lectures were so boring

Propping her chin up on her palm, she stated out the now broken window, while listening to the Woman now identified as Anko go on about how the next section would be much harder.


As the Genin began to stand and file out, her gaze was instantly drawn towards finding Kuro.

He stood beside Aisu and Akarui. When our gaze met, he nodded, and mouthed a quick: 'Thank you,' In which She nodded to in response.

Suppose it's time to see what the second Exam was all about.



I know, sorry. ;-;

Better then nothing, right? Aye.

See y'all in the next chapter.~

*Thank you for voting!*


- Duckie.

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