Chapter Three

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I skipped out on the Ramen.

Big offense, I know. I suppose I just wasn't in the mood for it.

Currently, I was located within a tree, beyond the Gates of Konoha. Did I have reason to be here? No. Well, actually.. Is just wanting to be alone reason enough? I'd say so.

Like a cat, I would stretch out along the branch, a yawn forcing itself through my lips. My Mask was in place, obscuring the view of my face. My Hood was drawn, and the baggy-ness of my black robe made my feminine figure unidentifiable.

The sun was making the slow journey to the Horizon, where's it'd soon split, and vanish from view.

The sky was cast is pink, which faded into the blue above me. Scarlet and pearly clouds littered the mess of colours, blending skillfully.

Needless to say, it was amazing. I was almost tempted to set the forest aflame, and laugh as it made the scene go from lovely, to tragically beautiful.

But hence, that wouldn't be smart. Clearly.

Boredom soon came to dominate my mind, causing a scowl to drift over my features. I enjoyed doing nothing, but.. At the same time, I wanted to do something. Anything would be fine, honestly.

Rolling from my perch, the drop to the fern-clad earth below was a short one. I landed in a crouch, easily absorbing the minuscule impact I it induced.

Even pain would provide something to distract me from all the.. Nothingness.

With a drawn out sigh, I'd proceed onward, my arms falling limp at my sides beneath the billowing cloak.

The hem teased my ankles, brushing them every so often until a fairly strong breeze would toss it backward, seeming to appear like that of a cape for a few short moments, until it re-settled.





"What the fuck, man?" I growled, stalking around the forest like a wolf on the prowl. I was short, but the I carried myself.. I think it gave off a rather dominant affect. Although I didn't understand why.

Five foot nothing, clad in a red silk robe. With a black cloak. That fully hid my identity.

Maybe a little bit intimidating.

A little.

Although I trudged aimlessly through the forest, my foot-falls were silent. The only thing that'd alert oncomers of my approach, would be the nearly unaudible rustle of leaves and other plants that I brushed past.

And that'd when I heard it.

First, my ears picked up the general shift in the surrounding air current, alerting me of the fast approach of an unidentified being.

A sharp whistle from the opposite direction in which I faced immediately sent me into a well-practiced crouch.

This, of course, was followed by many more alike the first. I had quickly realized it was driving me in the general direction of a small clearing.

What a pain in the Ass. I was too far away from the village to quickly take refuge there.

Clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth in a disapproving manner, I would quickly proceed towards the forced destination.

Not long after I then stood in the centre, did the enemy appear.

Six mask-clad shinobi, all with slashes through their headbands.

Oh, you got to be shitting me.

The masks were that of ANBU. Was this a squad gone rogue, or had they killed a team of ANBU in order to get them?

Both options were equally dangerous, and I had no more time to think, before the first rushed forward.

[Brief note. Her ears work like the Sharingan. I lf that's how you spell it. Working a split second before the opponent attacks, they work to detect where the air changes, in which meaning the direction the enemy strikes.]

The other five remained where they stood, only shifting to form a large pentagon around me.

They were making sure I couldn't escape!

Upper lip curling back from triangle teeth, a wordless snarl built up in my throat.

Never corner a wild animal.

The first ANBU that rushed forward attempted in a panned arc, making a move to attempt a sideways slash across my chest.

Ears twitching to follow the whistle of the blade cutting through the air, my body automatically reacted.

Ducking into a brief crouch, my right leg would lash out, following in a strike to the opponents knee. Not waiting for his retaliation, I'd re-plant my foot, before the other one would flash out in a side-ways sweeping.

The man went down, one hand clutching his injured knee, the other now grasping a long-bladed Katana.

Where the fuck did he pull that from. His ass?

My thoughts cost me a few milo-seconds, in which his blade dug into the fabric of my cloak. Lurching backwards, I was quick enough to avoid a deep wound.

It scored a shallow gash, and the skin atop my nose wrinkled In a flash of agony.

"Did it hurt, Demon Trash?" He snarled, struggling into a standing position.

"Tis' but a scratch, you piece of Rogue Shit." I snapped back, before pulling out a Kunai, in which proceeded to kiss the edge of his blade.

Sparks shot into air, following by a loud screeching noise.

My ears didn't like that.

My brief distraction gave the enemy time to make a shallow cut across my arm, and I released a low hiss of pain.

He made a sweep at me again, but I met his Katana with my own Kunai.

Working to force my way into a closer range, I'd abruptly pivot my bodily structure, my elbow slamming into the centre of his mask.

He released a roar of agony after a sharp crack sounded, as if someone had broke a package of noodles in half.

Refraining from cringing, I'd waste no more time, before I would bend down, planting my hands on the ground as the heel of my right foot flashed upwards, striking his jaw.

The male stumbled backwards, dropping his Katana, and clutching his face. Pure, primal instincts screamed at me to kill, or else I'd be the one to pay.

Snatching up his blade, I'd force my chakra through the length of it, before attempting to plunge it through his body.

His arms came up to shield his frontal structure, until the Katana bit into the flesh of the twin appendages, severing the limbs from his body in a spray of crimson. The blade would then make a downward slash, from his chest, curving down to about mid-thigh.

A screech of pure agony tore from his throat, as he waved around his stubs. Comical, really.

Whirling around, my heel would connect with the side of his face again, and I thought I had snapped his neck, when his mask flew past me.

I was ready to decapitate him, when I froze.

A mess if blood-stained platinum blonde hair, and glazed onyx eyes met my own.

"I saved your life all those years ago, and you take mine." He spat, a wad of crimson spit hitting the ground near my foot.



"I didn't know!" I cried, dropping to his side as my fingers itched in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. "No, no.. You can't be the same person. You helped me escape!" My voice took on an uncharacteristic higher pitch, and I felt my mind begin to pound.

"That was long ago, you bloody Adomination. I was young and naïve. Now, I know what you are. Unworthy Demon scum." He released a harsh, final laugh before his body convulsed, blood bubbling from his wide open mouth, and then.. He just went still.

A quiet, nearly unaudible wail broke through my lips, as I crouched there, head in my hands.



[Unknown P.O.V]

Savage was one word to describe the beast that fought.

The child had gone feral after she had slain the first man, in which she apparently had known during a few years prior.

Her harsh fighting style interested me. Though the child accumulated injury upon injury, her retaliated attacks left nearly no room for the opponents to counter them.

They fell like flies to lightning, and soon, six lifeless bodies littered a dark field.

Surely, the child couldn't be completely sane after what she had just done?

My question was answered when a Feral Wail broke through the shroud of the fallen darkness, sharper then any blade.

After she removed their masks, It seemed she had known a few of the rogues.

And now, she stood in the center of the field, straight-backed, and head tilted towards the sky while she clutched it. Her cries were broken, and unanswered.

One word was distinguishable from the jumble that left her lips.


What an interesting girl indeed. I'd find use for her, soon enough.

I'll be back for you, my Child.


Boop. How'd you like it? Gorey? Just my style. 👌

Once again, ignore the remaining typos.


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