A/N; Tag

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Hey guys so first of all,


Y'all have to chill, like, 3k reads? DAYUM! I didn't even have time to thank you for 2k😂😂

And btw i will update later today.

Anyway i was recently tagged by annapaluch2000 so here's what we're going to do.

Imma answer the same questions she did but if you have any other questions, comment.

I know I usually don't have many "commenters" so don't be shy comment whatever question whenever.

I will answer your questions in the next chapter, or when i have enough questions ( you can comment more than 1 question btw.)

So yeah here are the questions:

1) Are you named after someone?
No i am not named after anyone because my name is a combination of many names.

2) When was the last time you cried?
I don't really cry often especially not in front of anyone so the last time i cried must have been like..... I think it was on my birthday, February 13th because all my friends were super sweet and i was really touched so my eyes watered.

3) Do you like your handwriting?
I don't really care about it... As long as i can read it it doesn't matter.

4) What's your favourite lunch meat?
Dafaq is '"lunch meat"?😂😂😂

5) If you were someone else would you be your friend?
I'm pretty sure i would because i kind of get along with everyone and i am often described as crazy, fun, relatable and social so I don't think that's to bad.

6)Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Sarcasm? Why would i? Everyone around me is so cultured and smart why would i possibly need to use sarcasm?

7) Do you still have your tonsils?
Yup! Don't see why anyone would care but yeah...

8)Would you bungee jump?
Hell yeah! I would probably shit myself but i would definitely do it.

9)Whats your favourite type of cereals?

10)Do you untie your shoelaces when you take your shoes off?
Nope. Ain't nobody got time for that!

11) Do you think you are a strong person?
Yes. I am definitely stronger than most people because i am taller and heavier, and i am pretty strongly built.
I Think i am aslo very mentally strong because I don't give a damn about how people perceive me, you like me or you don't. And that is usually how we describe 'strong'. I also think i am strong because i did go through a lot.
But who hasn't?

12) What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
Stracciatela ( no idea how you spell that.)

13)What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. I just recently started school and there were a lot of new students, i think the first thing i notice about people is their eyes, the color but also just their glance. I believe you can know a lot about someone just by staring a few seconds at their eyes, and from my experience, you usially get it right.

14)Red or pink?
Red. But i am pretty ok woth every color.

15) What is your least favourite physical thing about yourself?
When i look in the mirror it means i am sad.
I have this bad habit of shaming and insulting myself in front of the mirror when i am 'sad'. So I'll basically just point out every little part of my body and find it ugly. So in a sence, i hate everything about my body.
However when i am happy i dont give a shit about my body. So i am pretty weird because when i am in public i am okay with my body and accept myself, but when i am alone with myslef i almost despise myslef.

If you mean " do you find yourself beautiful?" Than i think it is not my thing to judge.Basically i think a smile and a positive attitude make beauty. And because i am inside me i cant really judge my personality and smile. Therefore i think the people around me find me beautiful because they stay around me ( and who woukd if i didnt smile and wasn't positive )

And you may find someone attractive on a picture but that is just you. I recently checked out pictures of 'the most beautiful woman in the world' and honestly, I didn't find her that beautiful. So that means that 'to me' the most beautiful woman in the world isn't beautiful. Then why wouldn't you be beautiful 'to me'?

16)What coloured pants and shoes are you wearing?
I am currently chilling bare foot in some light gray sweatpants.

17) what is tye last thing you ate?
A peach. It was great.

18) What music are you listening to?
I kind of laughed out loud because i was dancing to the harlem shake for fun, but you can usually find me jamming to Kpop and bobbing my head to some random remix.

19)What color is your shirt?
Its lemon yellow with a blue ' sorry for party rocking' print

20) If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Black. Cuz' it just sounds badass

21) Whats your favourite smell?
Food and dudes.

22)Who was the last person you talked to?
My felllow kpoper and otaku.

23) Favourite Sport?

24) Hair color?
I have naturally dark brown hair with naturally lighter highlits that sometimes reach blonde in summer.

So that was it people! I know the questions were super random but again if you have any of your own feel free to comment them.

I will update later today so don't forget to check the new chapters out.

And now i will tag:
Definitely tale the time to check them out!

Guys we should find a fandom name, comment what you would like me to call you.

An with that, bye bye!


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