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"Well now if the actors would like to come in we will be starting the premier soon." Said Lila and Nathaniel.

The actors gathered before making their way to the entrance, never forgetting to pose for the fancams and paparazzis.

At the end of the line of actors, Marinette and Adrien were still posing for the cameras.

Marinette looked at Adrien who was still showing his best look before elbowing his side gently.

"Come on pretty boy, let's go." She joked in a smile.

He turned to her and laughed as well. They both snickered before making funny faces to the cameras together.

"We are so extra." Adrien said between laughs as Marinette crossed her eyes.

"Tell me about it." She laughed as well.

They both calmed down their laughter before walking to the entrance as well, still slightly smiling.

As they went inside, they were met with a huge theatre.

"Talk about fancy." Scoffed Marinette.

"I know right." Laughed Adrien before grabbing her hand and walking to the theatre.

She smiled as her gaze lowered to their hands before hooking their fingers together.

Adrien looked back to her. They were now at the very top of the theatre, nobody seemed to notice them as all the actors took place.

Adrien spared a few glances right and left before pinning Marinette against the wall. Squeezing both of her wrists against the wall, just next to her face.

Just as he did the lights started to go off.

The taller man looked down at his gorgeous girlfriend that looked ip to him with her blue eyes. Her chest rose as she breathed from her parted red lips.

Adrien sighed, his hot breath fanning her face, and lowered her wrists to her sides, his hands slipping form her wrists to come and hold hers, his gaze never leaving her eyes.

"You do realise the trouble we could get in if someone catches us right?" She whispered gently, still not pushing him away.

"Worth it." He simply whispered, his eyes looking from her eyes to her lips.

He slowly inched closer, his eyes dropping to her lips again.

He looked back to her eyes one last time, stopping his motion as he waited for her permission.

She looked up to him and smiled whilst squeezing his hand.

He smiled at her gesture before softly
pressing a peck on her lips.

He pulled away right after the contact but felt her lips on his again as she eagerly closed the gap between them.

He smiled against her lips before slowly letting go of one of her hands. His fingers brushing against the bare skin of her arm and tracing the curve of her shoulder. His thumb hovering over her collar bone up to her jaw as his palm rested on her neck.

He slowly started to caress her jaw with his thumb, feeling her soft and hot skin against his touch. He softly pushed her jaw up for a better angle to deepen the kiss as he tilted his head to the side.

She immediately respond, her hand traveling for his belt all the way to his chest.

He groaned quietly at her touch before gripping her waist with his other hand, pushing her further against the wall as her pressed his body against hers.

Their eyes both closed as they both concentrated on the feeling of the others lips on theirs, and their hands roaming around each others bodies.

Adrien slowly pulled away, but was pulled back a few seconds later when Marinette slid her hand to his neck and pulled him back yet again.

They kissed for moments before they both pulled away, eyes still closed as their hot breaths mixed on their faces.

Marinette's eyes fluttered open just after her lovers. They looked at each  other for a few moments, still only a few centimetres apart as his chest pressed against hers. Her hands were still on his neck, his on her waist and the other on her nape.

He chuckled before licking his lips.

"So this is what lipstick tastes like." He grinned, his gaze travelling to her kiss swollen lips.

"Kinky." She mocked jokingly.

"You've gotten better at kissing." He smirked.

She playfully hit his chest before gently pushing off her.

"Oh stop acting like you are more experienced."

"Touché" he laughed before they both hurried to their seats in front.

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