Welcome to the Pokemon World

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I remember you. You were the one my grandson would always rant about, in a bad way. You we're his rival. But, you were the one who succeeded out of all the kids who wanted to be trainer in this world. You chose Charmander was it? 

Your still traveling, not as the champion anymore, but as a father to three children. Working tirelessly in the office all day, and then coming home, exhausted from your job, to your wife and kids. 

Your don't have any time for us anymore. We were forgotten. Stowed away like all the other toys from your childhood. 

But one day...one fateful day....you found us again. You were looking for us. We were looking for for you. 

You turn on the Gameboy. The same one you played the first Pokemon games on, lazing the summer away while trying to get past the Elite Four. You hear the sound that it makes when it turns on. You smile to yourself as you hear the opening to Pokemon Red. Nostalgia and memories of the summer of 1996. You were in fifth grade then.




 You smile again, a memory flooding your mind of your Pokemon team. Charizard, Tauros, Nidoking, Pinsir, Cloyster, and Fearow. All of them were special. And then you frown. You never beat the Elite Four. 

And then you think for a moment.

You look up, then back down at the screen



"Welcome to the Pokemon world! I'm Professor Oak, but everyone calls me the Pokemon Professor."

Those words. They took you back to a time when it was simpler. 

"What was your name again?"

You think again.





Welcome to the Pokemon world

Go get em, Red. 

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