It's A Lip

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So as a kid growing up in the beautiful eastern shore of Maryland (Only the east is a Mary Land, the West has the action) my mom would drive me and my brothers to one of the ONLY decent sledding hills on the eastern shore when it snowed. See, the Eastern Shore was a lot of flat land and farming, the Western Shore was where all the skyscrapers and hills were, I think curious George takes place in Maryland and... Sorry for squalling, where was I? Oh yeah!

So as I was saying before I went off-topic, my mom drove me and my brothers to this hill when it snowed, but we were never the only ones here. Kids would always come there when it snowed, they'd try tricks, roll down, and even make ramps out of snow.

So one time, as my middle brother sat down in the front of one of our sleds, we had the bright idea (I say "we", but really it was me) that I would push the sled then hop on behind him. He was all for it, I mean, of course he was. That hard-headed human would have head-butted the Chesapeake Bay Bridge if I told him to (back then).

So I pushed, then knees first leaped into the back of the sled, and we were sledding down the hill.  NOTHING COULD STOP US N-


We were completely unaware that at the bottom of the hill was a ramp made of snow. We met with it and flew about a foot or two into the air, but when we hit the bottom I learned how hard my brother's head really was...

My chin bashed into the center top area of my brother's head, causing my front bottom teeth to dig into my lower lip. I was bleeding all over the place, I rushed to my mom's van and she took me and my brothers home so she could clean it and see how bad it is. I honestly should have gotten stitches, but I was afraid of needles like almost every other kid. As it turned out Zach never felt a thing (as I said, hard-headed) and to this day I still have a scar where my teeth entered my bottom lip.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and just so I know you all like this book and if you want me to keep doing this (Not busting my lip, writing this book) then please vote on it and maybe even leave a comment. Anyway, that's the end of this chapter, so may the force be with you, live long and prosper, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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