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All the kids scattered around, trying to find a decent place to hide. Some hid behind stuff, others under, some just hid in the darkest corners, and others inside of stuff.

No one wanted to die, wanted to get caught, and hiding was crucial for survival, not getting caught, was very important.

Mr Aldin's demons floated all around, searching for their next victims.
They shone a bright neon-like blue light in the dark, making it easier for them to spot someone.

Amber, a frozen kid that has been bullied and abused ever since she can remember, joined Mr Aldin after he promised to give her popularity that would stop the bullying and promised that she'd be unlovable, which would stop the abuse at home.

Receiving his gift was wonderful at first, she was happy, something she's never been before. It was great when she entered a room; everyone noticed, and everyone respected her. Then everything changed, and Mr Aldin forced them to lead others to the book; to kill and to destroy, and there was no way out; until now.

Sure it would mean leaving everything she's ever dreamed of, but if it meant that the torture and the killing ends, then yes; she'd be willing to give that up.

She ran into a bedroom, into a closet, and hid behind clothes. To her, that was the safest place to be, until the bedroom door went open and the neon blue light, lit up the place.
The demon searched, but he didn't search for too long when we decided to open the closet door.

Her heart stopped as they made contact. His eyes were so cold, and he stretched out its claw to freeze her. She couldn't move, she was paralysed and knew that it was the end for her, and the end it was. He touched her shoulder, its hand was so cold that it froze her shoulder, and the cold spread out to her entire body, killing her instantly as the ice got hold of her heart.


The ice demon yelled, and soon everyone met down below at the entrance area.
Amber's body was laying on the ground there, lifeless. Some of the frozen kids became very sad, she was their friend after all.

"Next round," Mr Aldin said and smiled warmly at the scared, angry and sad kids before him.

"Lights off, begin!" He instructed and once again, the mansion got abnormally dark.

Again, everyone ran to hide, seeing Amber laying there, dead, was terrifying, this was happening and it was real.

Again like before, they gathered at the entrance area and Mr Aldin gave them their orders, and once he did, they were off.

Taylor, a fourteen-year-old girl, joined the team just a few months ago. Mr Aldin promised to make sure her mother got money for the operations. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and they had no idea how they were going to pay the hospital debts, but Mr Aldin came, and he gave her his word. But instead, he froze her up and kept her in his art room, now she was running for her life.

She ran to the dining room, and he was underneath the table, thinking she was alone.
She felt roots, like snakes, wrapping around her legs but she tried not to scream because she didn't want to be heard.

So she sat there trembling, she then felt hands settle on her shoulders, but there was no one behind her. Even though she couldn't see the thing, she knew it was there, she could feel its presence, she could feel its breath against her neck and she could smell it, it had a strong mouldy smell, and its tentacles wrapped tightly around her little body, and nearly squeezed the life out of her.

She wanted to scream, she was scared and she wished that someone she could trust was near her now, to help her.
The invisible beast dug its sharp teeth into her flesh, deeply penetrating her shoulder and biting her.
She screamed one alarming scream that caused those who heard it to tremble.

The thing ate her bones, she sobbed quietly as she heard it chewing her bones, as they crunched between its teeth. She was losing blood too and getting rather weak.

He then took his hand and placed it deep into her stomach, eating her alive. She cried, she screamed, yet no one came to rescue her. Her breaths grew heavier until she couldn't anymore.


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