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"Lights off, begin!"

Matt ran into the walk-in food closet in the kitchen and thought that maybe he'd be safe. He searched for a place to hide. Perhaps behind some of the food. He found a rack on which the family's rice stood and got behind that.

All settled in and relieved that he might be safe. He looked at the weird glowing knife Mr Aldin gave everyone. It's supposed to help kill the wandering demons.

He sat there, terrified. He wished that more than anything this game could end, and that he could win.

He joined three months ago when he saw one of the frozen kids flying past his bedroom window. He was studying and the kid flew by slowly.

Speechless, and with the air knocked out of his lungs, he wanted to know what and how. So he ran to his bedroom window and called the flying kid. A tween, about twelve years old.

The tween turned around when Matt called him, he just looked at Matt. Not sure if he should run away.

"How are you doing that?" Matt asked the frozen kid.

The kid remained floating around in mid-air. Then the kid remembered that if you convince someone to join The Family, then you level up. You receive more power.

The Kid floated towards Matt, his eyes were made of ice, and Matt was dumbfounded.

"Mr Aldin gives gifts to his children,"

"What do you mean?"

"Anything you want. All you have to do is sacrifice your soul to the book,"

"The book?"

The kid took Matt's hand and pulled him towards him. He pulled him out from the window and floated with the kid.

"You can fly too if you want."

That few seconds being in the air, floating, was enough to convince Matt. He didn't think that it could be harmless, because books weren't alive. He was wrong.

The closet illuminated as a demon entered the room. Matt was panicking. He didn't know what to do and was completely nervous.

The demon roamed around in the room and made its way over to Matt's side. Since the demon shone, it allowed him to see Matt trembling behind the rice. It slowly made its way over to Matt.

Matt's hands were shaking, he held his knife ready. Ready to attack, but on the inside, he was too afraid.

The demon reached out its long hands and penetrated its cold, death-like fingers into Matt's chest. Matt rose, the cold was too much for him to handle. His eyes grew.

The cold travelled through his body. He could feel his heart banging against his chest. The cold travelled to his arms and spread out through every inch of his body. Numbing him instantly.

It eventually travelled to his heart, and his heart stopped. He froze up completely. Becoming a real frozen kid.

"A freezing round is complete!"

The demon called it, the lights went on and everyone made their way to the entrance area.

Some were shocked, and some cried.

Mr Aldin didn't care, the more kids got killed, the quicker the book comes to life. When that happens, he and his ghostly demon workers will wreak havoc on earth. For that, he couldn't wait.

"Lights off, begin!"

He ordered, and again the lights went off and everyone ran to safety.

Austin decided to run to the lounge and hide behind a couch. It was very dark in there, he couldn't see anything. He heard though, as someone entered the area. This person dragged their feet and breathed heavily. He was so scared, he didn't know what to do.

So held his knife ready. If he had to attack, he'd attack.

The breathing got louder, closer to him and it stopped right on the couch he was hiding behind.

His heart beats uncontrollably and he was so scared.

His heart sunk in relief as the feet dragged themselves out from the lounge. He rested his head against the wall behind him, and started relaxing, catching his breath.

Then, he heard it again. That same heavy breathing, but this time it sounded right next to him.

He stopped breathing, he froze up in fear. His hands trembling as he took out his phone from his back pocket. Shaking wildly.

He retrieved his phone, and the screen's light broke the thick darkness surrounding him. With hands that couldn't be tamed, he shone the light to the side where the breathing came from and his eyes grew round with fear. He wanted to scream at what he saw. A woman with one tooth standing alone on her upper gum. Blood dripped from her mouth like a facet, and she had a baby green mamba for a tongue. The snake wanted to bite him, but couldn't reach him.

Her entire face was hanging. It looked like melting wax, and her eyes had worms crawling in them, around the eyeball and all crazy things.

He tried crawling away from her, but she jumped on top of him. The snake opened its mouth, and it grew ten times the size of Austin's head. It swallowed him whole.

He tried to call for help, but couldn't be heard since he was already swallowed.

The lights went on. And everyone gathered at the entrance area. A demon had killed another frozen kid.

Pamela looked around at all the survivors.

"Where is Austin?" She asked Mr Aldin who smiled.

"I don't know,"

"You don't know? Where is he?" She asked again.

Mr Aldin sighed.

"So I might have sent out more than just demons,"

"What do you mean?" Roger asked.

"To spice up the game. I added man-eating creatures too,"

Everyone moaned who heard that. They deemed it unfair.

"So what? My friend got eaten alive?" An angry Roger asked.

"I'm afraid so," said Mr Aldin. The kids moaned again. "Shut up! Just fight them off, we are continuing the game. With them in!"

Everyone looked at him. They hated this and hated being in this mess.

"Lights off, begin!"

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