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Nikita had closed her eyes when she saw the smoke coming at her and when she opened her eyes, she was lost in consuming darkness.


No one returned her calls. Standing alone made her feel uncomfortable, she felt like eyes were watching her.  There was nowhere to go and all she wanted to do was find her way out so she walked. Not sure where to but she kept on moving forward on the black road.

The air around her lost its pitch-blackness. She looked around her and saw black clouds behind a dark purple canvas, all around her. The purple helped cut through the deep darkness shedding little light. It started drizzling which she seemed to enjoy because it distracted her from the fact that she doesn't know where she is and that everything around her is abnormal. But not the soft tears emerging from the sky, it reminded her of the outside world. Soft thunder could be heard, she couldn't stop her hands from balling into a tight fists the thunder made her hesitate before she took the next step.

Thunder roared, and lightning struck.

She screamed. The flashes of light shone in her mind as she closed her eyes to avoid seeing what happened. The uncontrollable sound of thunder beating in her ears. Her heart beat against her chest, quickening her breathing. Her hands were in tight fists, she slowly opened her eyes once it stopped and walked faster.

More thunder. More lightning.

She screamed, sparks of lightning striking right next to her feet had her jumping to her side and falling to the ground. The thunder screamed at her, causing her to crouch in a ball on the floor and had her taste her salty tears. She screamed, and she called out for anyone to hear but there was no one there to help her.

Lightening struck all around her, nearing her arms, legs and face. She saw a bright spark touching the black floor she lay on and closed her eyes out of reflex. The image of the light danced in her mind. Taunting her.

"What if it catches you?"

"What if it kills you?"

"What if it deafens you?"

Questions ran through her mind. Sweat beating down her brows, she had enough of crying. Her throat hurt because of all the screaming, she was weak and wanted all this to stop. It numbed her. She opened her eyes and let out the loudest scream ever when she heard thunder roaring and a lightning bolt coming directly for her. She raised her hands to try and block it and it got her hand.

Fire burned through her whole body. It felt like she could melt as she felt the bolt travelling through her entire body. Vibrations heating through her had her body shaking in shock and fear. She lay right there for a minute while her body shivered. Once she felt that enough is enough she rolled over and pushed herself up.

"I am not afraid!"

She let whoever hears. She knows this is fake and she felt dumb for letting it fool her. She looked behind her to see if the quiet black smoke was still there but she was surrounded by lightning and thunder. The only way out is forward. She clutched her hand in two hard balls and forward as fast as she could, not paying attention to the bolts nearing her. Then, just like that, it stopped. She looked around her and saw that there was no more thunder or lightning. Like that scene never happened.


She called again. Her voice echoed through the walls she felt against her arms. The walls seemed to be moving closer to her but she pushed through. The deeper she walked, it felt like her chest was closing. She had to breathe like she was underwater. She hates tight spaces and tried turning around but walked right into a wall. The pathway disappeared. She turned and walked right into another wall when she walked forward. All four walls seemed to move in closer to her.

"Hello," she called out softly. Her words were silenced by her tears. She banged her trembling clammy hands against the black window-type wall and cried louder. She felt her heart rate jump, as the air that she breathed got sucked out of her.

"Pamela! Becca! Austin! Anyone!"

Shivers went down her spine ad the realisation that she was never getting out of here dawned on her. She's stuck and no one can hear that. She wasn't seeing much but her vision blurred. Her heart rate went back to normal but wouldn't stop dropping. She breathed harder, her knees knocked against each other. She trembled. She opened her mouth to scream again but couldn't. She was paralysed and the only thing that moved was the stream of tears running from her eyes.

"Mr Aldin... please," she begged softly. Everything around her felt like it was turning, making her nauseous. "Mr... Aldi..."

Wasn't long until she felt that her head was getting too heavy for her body. It pulled her back trying to pull her down and she tried to keep it up but it was getting harder to do so. She took in deep breaths to try and get some air but it felt like she was drowning in the darkness until she passed out.

Her eyelids felt heavy as she attempted to open in. There was a bright light stinging her eyes which made her close her eyes again until her eyes grew accustomed to the light. She slowly opened them again and lay there in a wet puddle. She blinked and lifted herself so that she could sit upright.

She wore a white dress, she can't remember getting in a dress. She doesn't even like dresses, they make her feel bare. The second she saw herself sitting in a puddle of blood she started hyperventilating. The strong metallic scent crawled into her nostrils causing her to pinch her nose to avoid the rotten stench of blood. She quickly jumped up and slipped, she fell face down into the puddle causing her to scream. She carefully got to her feet and wiped tears with the end of her dress, she tried wiping the blood from her face and her arms. She looked around, blood lay all over the white floor. She gulped. She didn't dare to continue but she has to get moving. How else would she get out?

She continued moving, it was a downward-sloping floor, which meant that the blood got more and more with each step she took. She inhaled slowly to try and calm her nerves. She shivered as she stepped in a clot of blood and squirmed.

The blood rose. Knee-high, she hated the feel of the cold thick liquid against her skin. It had her thinking what makes this different from water? Why is she afraid of blood? How is she afraid of blood? Where does fear even come from? It's irrational to fear blood, many people in this world think it's silly to be afraid of blood. In the same way, she thinks fearing spiders and snakes are silly.

It's in her mind. Fear comes from within and feeding fear gives it power. She closed her eyes and cleared her mind.

"I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid..."

She opened her eyes the same second she couldn't feel the blood against her anymore and once her eyes opened she was back in the mansion. Back in her skinny jeans and tank top. Back with Mr Aldin who was standing outside of the black smoke and watching into it. She walked over to him and saw Becca and Pamela inside the smoke from a small screen. Locked and trapped in their biggest fears.

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