Chapter Eight

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Pamela was asleep when Lacey came home, she woke her cousin. Pamela scratched out and yawned.

"Hey," Pamela greeted sleepily and sat upright.

"I have something to tell you,"

"This sounds serious. What is it?"

Lacey climbed up the top bed and sat in front of Pamela. "Todd and I are a part of The Family. He joined first, he's the first Frozen kid. A couple of months ago he found a book at the library, Mr Aldin popped out from the book. He closed the book, but not before he promised to grant Todd a wish in exchange for his freedom,"

"What did, Todd wish for?"

"At that time we were struggling pretty bad. Mom lost her job and we barely had clothes, let alone food. We were about to lose the house, so he asked for financial freedom. He didn't believe Mr Aldin could do it, so he closed the book and put it back,"

Pamela sat there, attentively listening to Lacey who began sniffing. "Within the week, mom got a job," her voice cracked, "and he rescued someone's cat and was rewarded greatly. Mom could pay off her debt and things were going great, so we freed him,"

"Soon Mr Aldin demanded he turn others into frozen kids. And here we are,"

Pamela scratched her head, "why are you telling me this?"

Lacey slouched, "we've entered the second phase of whatever is happening," she bobbed her head, "and he has a Queen. A vessel,"

Pamela furrowed her brows, "why are you telling me this?"

Lacey shrugged. "Because I can... for now anyway, he's not listening or watching through my eyes,"

Pamela leaned forward, "how do we stop him? Where did he come from?"

Lacey shrugged, "a book. He needs to be pushed into the book I guess, but how?"

Pamela sighed and looked around the room and looked back at Lacey.

"Anyway," Lacey said, "I have to attack you and dragged you to school,"


"Mr Aldin wants to force everyone to play his game... but I can't just take you,"

"Hit me against the head and take me,"

Lacey's eyes grew, "what? No!"

Pamela jumped out of bed, "Hit me hard because I want to be knocked out cold. I don't want you hitting me twice or anything,"


"... now! Before I change my mind,"

Lacey groaned and grabbed Pamela's head, she is slightly stronger than the average girl and with one attempt, she banged Pamela against the wall.


When Pam woke up, she had one hell of a headache. The room she was in, was completely dark. She doesn't know where she is and how she got there.
The sound of someone shifting behind her froze her entire body. Fear crept over her body, and she was in a state where she was too afraid to move.

"Psst, you're not a frozen kid, right?"

She heard a soft, scared young girl whispering behind her, and without turning around to face the person she replied in a whisper.

"No, what's a frozen kid?"

She could hear the girl move closer to her and wrap her arm around her shoulder. The girl placed her mouth inside Pamela's ear.

"They're the ones holding us captive, they're moving around telling us to hide and if they find us they freeze us and we become one of them,"

She replied. They sat there in complete silence.


They heard teenagers yell out.

"We need to gather in the cafeteria," said the girl.

"What? Why?" Pam asked, but the girl already opened the door and left. The light fell on Pamela and she could see the wounds on her body she could still feel blood dripping from her head every so now and then.
She got up and walked out into the hallway, and saw that she was at school.

She wondered how she winded up in the closet. Perhaps Lacey went the extra mile to keep her safe. She made her way to the cafeteria. She saw that the entire students were gathered and they knew what went for what.

Pam saw Becca, and behind her were teenagers who got turned into ice sculptures, their eyes held horror and their hands looked as if they tried defending themselves. Becca smiled when she saw Pam.

"Welcome to our fun little game all newcomers, it's called Frozen," said Becca looking at Pam.

"I am Mr Aldin, and by freezing you I'm helping you," Becca said.

Mr Aldin?

Pam asked herself, Becca walked around very smug and looked at the students as if she were studying them

"To those of you who had just gained consciousness, this game goes as follows. My minions, standing behind me will touch you, and once they do you'll become frozen and become mine. You will participate in this game or else it's instant death for you, you hide we seek and the winner is the last man standing. Make sure you don't get caught because that would be too awful," said Becca. Pam and the rest of the students have been dragged into a dangerous game of life and death, and there can only be one winner. This was awful to them all. Pam looked at the minions, amongst them were Roger, Todd, Blair, Philip, and Lacey, along with other students. They didn't look like themselves, and they looked like they were completely under Becca/Mr. Aldin's control.

"Make sure that you're good at hiding," said Becca.

"Lights off, begin."

The lights instantly shut off, and all the kids scattered around, running for their lives. Pam didn't know which way to run, and where to go, she often ran into a few students and at one point got thrown to the ground.

She looked around, the entire school got dark, and she soon felt all alone.
She didn't want to make too much of a sound so she took off her shoes and tiptoed around the hallways. The ground was very cold, but she didn't care. She entered the cyber lab and hid underneath the table. She took a few bags that were laying around and placed them before her, hiding behind them.

She silently wept, how the hell did things get to this? And how will this ever end? And what's worse was that she was still in a massive amount of pain.

Lights off, begin.

She thought about Becca's words, Becca and Mr Aldin needed to be stopped, this wasn't normal at all.

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