Chapter Eleven

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Pam made her way to Mr Aldin's mansion, she wanted to be ready to play this game so badly, but she wasn't. She didn't know how this will work and if she'll even make it, and that worried her.
Austin saw the stress in her eyes and placed his hand on her shoulder.

“It'll be fine, we'll be fine, Pamela. We just need to win,”

“Say we don't?”

“Try not to think about that,” he said, and with that, they rang the bell and Becca opened the door. She smiled warmly at Pam and Austin, just thinking about the plan she and Mr Aldin came up with. Pam won't know what hit her.

“Welcome, to my lovely home,” said Becca, Mr Aldin speaking through Rebecca freaked Pam out a bit. It was weird.

“Hey,” they greeted in union

“Please, come in,” she said, and they did just that. They walked around a bit and saw a huge empty canvas.

“What's that?” Asked Austin, as this was an abnormally large canvas.

“Ever hear the term, life is a canvas? Well, that's just what's going to happen,” said Becca and laughed.

“Can we just please play the game?” Asked Pam, getting freaked out by the laugh.

“Okay… Let's start, are you even ready?” Asked Becca, Pam, and Austin looked at each other to try to confirm that they were both ready and nodded their heads, saying yes.

“Well, okay then,” said Becca and clapped her hands thrice, and immediately the frozen kids stood before them.

“Here are the rules, no talking during the game, for those on my team, you must freeze the first person you find. Anyone frozen during the game is mine forever, with no do-over. You may fight off the frozen kids, I don't care if you even kill them. The frozen kids will freeze one person at a time, the first frozen one to find a victim should shout out 'The freezing round is complete' That's when the lights will go back on, and we come back here. Any questions?” Asked Becca.

“None,” said Austin

“Good. Lights off, begin,” she ordered, and the lights went off, leaving the mansion unbelievably dark.

Everyone made their way around the mansion, trying to hide from the frozen kids.

Pam is good at hiding and seeking, so this was going to be easy.
She made her way upstairs and saw a girl's bedroom. The bed was neatly made up, so she quickly messed the bed's covers up. Pilling them high up, and hid in the laundry basket, throwing some clothes on top of her, and leaving a small hole for her to peek through.

She prayed in her heart that all go well, that she doesn't get caught so that she could help them.
She heard someone entering the room, her heart stopped beating and yet beat quickly at the same time.
Furthermore, she tried not to move suddenly, and not to breathe. Which was weird because she needed oxygen, but she was too afraid that the person would hear her breathing.

What entered was a frozen kid, he walked around and searched in the obvious places, like in the closet, under the bed, and behind the curtains.
But when she saw him walking towards the basket, her heart beat out of her chest. A loud thudding in her ears and she was sure he could hear it too.
He opened the lid of the basket that she was hiding in and started searching around in the basket.
Although her heart was beating out of control, she tried her best not to breathe, she couldn't help but feel caught and was surprised to feel the lid replaced and see him leave. She sighed in relief, he's a lazy seeker.

“The frozen round is complete!”

They all heard someone yell out, she waited until there was no movement at all before she got out of her hiding place. She might just use it again.

When she went down, she saw they were all gathered and Blair was the one who had to be frozen.
She was thankful that it wasn't her two cousins or her two friends, but at the same time felt bad that Blair was out, and might forever be a child of Mr Aldin.

“Well, that's that, next round. Lights off, begin” said Becca, and soon the lights were off, and she heard feet scattering around to find safety.

She was still busy running upstairs when she felt a masculine hand grip her wrist and pulled her into a dark room.
The hand covered her mouth and shone a light on her with his phone. It was Todd.

He slowly took his hand from her mouth.

“I have to show you something, it's how you end this all. If you do it before the round's over, the game would stop and everything would go back to how it was,” he said, just above a whisper.

“Okay… Show me,” she said, and he nodded agreeing and grabbed hold of her wrist again.
He stuck his head out of the door and saw that all was clear.
He then gently pulled Pam along with him, and they went to the top floor.

They entered a dark room, it stunk horribly, and they took out their cell phones to shed some light.
Pamela was disgusted by what she saw, human bodies lying around and gross art.
It looked like the artist was using real skin, real hair, and real human parts to make art with it. Disgusting.

The lights suddenly went on, and Todd disappeared into thin air. He wasn't the real Todd, only an illusion.
Becca came into the room, and since the lights were on, Pam could see several humans tied up and laying on the ground.

She took a better look at these humans and saw that they were the frozen kids. The real ones, anyway.

“The real frozen kids? It wasn't just a term you used to call your kids, huh, Mr Aldin? You froze them up,”

“Yes, they were all too weak and human, if that's a word. I needed people who could do what I wanted them to do, without having the side effects that come with being a human. I needed heartless, and all they gave me was emotion,”

“You promised them everything, only to freeze them and not let them enjoy their gifts. You're sick,” she spat.

“Thank you for noticing,” she said

“You won't get away with this, Mr Aldin, I swear. I'll set them free, I'll unfreeze them,”

“How can you unfreeze them when you're not here?”

“What?” Pam asked, that giant canvas appeared behind her and was illuminating. A strong wind-like force pulled her into the canvas, and she fought hard not to enter it, but her struggles were useless.

Becca watched with pure excitement, as she saw long bony claws coming from the canvas that looked like a door now, wrapping their claws around Pam's body and just as that pulling her into the portrait.

Becca clapped her hands, she was so happy.

“Live art. We did it, Mr Aldin, we caught Pamela, and now she's ours forever,” Becca said excitedly!

“Oh yes, now who will save those pathetic frozen kids? No one,” she said and left the art room.

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