Chapter One

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Pamela grunted as she packed her belongings, her mother is the type who keeps on moving after a hard breakup, and she hates being the new kid.

"Pack faster, Pam, I want us to be on the road tomorrow." her mother said peeking into her room, eyes red and swollen from all the crying.

"Mom... I don't want to go. Please, you know that all I want is to settle down and have a place to call my own."

She frowned and sat down on the bed looking at all the boxes occupying her bedroom floor.

Her mother sighed heavily and joined her on the bed. She didn't speak at first, she just held Pam's hand and stared blankly at the wall. "I know my child, but I promise you that this is our last move."

Pamela's frown intensified, "how!" She snapped, "You said that the last three times and you just never keep your promises."

Her mother gazed into her daughter's large eyes, "I know... this time I'm moving to someone that will always love me, always be there be there for me."

Pam's eyebrows relaxed. Has her mother moved on to a new man so soon? "Who?"

Her mother tried fighting her grin, "My sister. So pack dear, happiness is a few hours away."


Pamela looked at the mesmerizing empty fields as they drove off to their new home. She hardly knows her aunt, but her mother speaks on the phone all the time with her sister. She knows her aunt has two children around her age, a boy and a girl, she reckons that she already has friends. And family at that too. The idea of moving kind of excites her. She gets to start anew and reinvent herself and finally be surrounded by family, that's something her mother stole from her.

Grace, Pamela's mother, glared over at her teenage daughter and gave her a small smile. It warmed Pamela to see her mother smile, she rarely does. So this move has to be the one? Right? Sure she hates being taken out of her comfort zone, away from her friends, just as she begins to settle in. But she figures that just like before, she'll make a handful of new ones.

The ride to her aunt was long, and she fell asleep now and then.
"We're here!" Grace said waking Pam. She lifted her sleepy head and saw a lovely crème double-storey home with a few flower pots, and a little garden on each side of the front yard.
Aunt Felicity came out of the house with a huge smile "Oh, welcome to my castle." she said happily, and they got out of the car.

Pamela was surprised to see that Aunt Fiona also had orange-reddish hair like herself, her mom was a natural blonde. Grace hugged Felicity, and they admired each other for a while before they noticed that Pam was standing awkwardly on the side.

"Pamela! You are so much prettier in person, come here." said Felicity and went over to her and wrapped her welcoming arms around her and hugged her tightly, she instantly felt welcomed and home.

"Hi, Aunt Felicity."

"She looks like mom doesn't she Grace?"

"You two sure do."

"Come let me help you guys with your bags, Lacey!" She called out and not long after, a girl about Pam's age come out of the house. She had dyed her hair pitch black and had a couple of facial piercings and wore all black.


"Help Pamela with her bags, and show her to your room."

"Great, 'cause it's so fun to give up your private space and share it with a stranger," Lacey slurred in a sultry deep voice and made Pam feel bad, and then she started laughing.

"Relax redhead, I'm teasing," she assured and gave her cousin an unexpected hug, she took a few bags and took them upstairs.

Their new room was huge, the walls were red and she had posters of either rock legends or creepy supernatural creatures, one of a dark shadowed man with glowing red eyes, it freaked her out a bit.

"Well, this is our space, that's the joint bathroom, it connects to my brother Todd's room, the bed at the window side is for you. Normally it's for friends who sleep over, but I guess it's yours now." the room spooked Pam out, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

She placed her luggage on the bed and went through them, she was looking for sleepwear and retrieved a pink night dress. She showered and jumped straight into bed.

It took her about fifteen minutes before she fell asleep, as she was really tired...
She had a weird dream because it was unlike any other dream, it felt so real...
She woke up floating in complete darkness, the air was chilly and the cold settled deep within her aching bones...

Then before her, she saw the biggest, scariest red eyes, her heart rate jumped, she tried screaming out but it took her voice...
It had no face, and its eyes illuminated the dark room, slowly it started to grin, it had yellow pointy teeth that sent shivers down Pamela's spine...

It began to laugh, a raw, hoarse laugh that didn't sound humane at all...

She started to cry, started sweating, and trying to call out to anyone willing to hear her calls.

"Trapped, frozen and YOU'RE the one chosen..." it said, its voice sounded like millions of tortured souls trapped and she woke up instantly...

She sat upright in her bed and wiped the sweat from her forehead, panting heavily. It was dark outside. That dream was very weird, what did it even mean?

The door swung open and Lacey entered, "So like there's this open field at an old and abandoned mansion. Some of us hang out there together and get drunk. Rumour has it that a physco used to live there, something about being obsessed with live art."

"Live art? What's that?"

"Beats me, wanna join? Meet new people? Possibly make friends before you go to school on Monday?" She asked. Pam knew that she didn't want to fall asleep again, and besides it couldn't be bad.

"Sure, lemme get changed."

"No! It's okay, really cool people do what they want, and don't care what others have to say,"

Pam grinned and got out of bed.


It took them about twenty minutes to reach the mansion, it was large and alive.
A few teenagers were gathered inside of it and partied there, some were dancing, others were drinking while others made out. Being new she instantly felt like she didn't belong, and got nervous.

"Don't be nervous, relax and mingle," said Kim before she disappeared into the crowd.

"So you're part of The Family too? Cool." said a male voice behind her, she turned around and saw an average-height guy with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes.


"Oh... I've said too much then, oh god I could get in trouble."

"What is the 'The Family' ?" She asked him, but he appeared skittish, constantly looking around. Afraid someone might eavesdrop on their conversation Pam presumed.

He leaned closer to her and spoke just above a whisper, "I can't tell. I might even die,"

She didn't understand a thing he said, so she laughed nervously and took a step back.

"Who are you?" She asked instead, seeing that this whole thing was uncomfortable for them both.

"I'm Philip," he said and held out his hand, she took it and as they shook hands he drew her into a hug and whispered into her ears "You must save us, and set us free." somehow his statement turned her blood cold, she gently withdrew from the hug to look at him.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"The eyes of an outsider see clearer, do you know what I mean?" He asked her and gave her a wink.

"What! No, make me understand," she pleaded, he opened his mouth to say something but something behind her caught his attention. His face grew pale, his eyes large. She turned around to get a glimpse of whatever was scaring him, her heart skipped a beat. She saw an image of a blurred man floating in mid-air, he looked like a spirit and was there for like two seconds before he disappeared.

"What was that? What is happening?" She asked, freaking out.

"I can't tell you, my life and soul don't belong to me anymore. You're gonna have to find it out by yourself. Please!" He pleaded and just looked dead into her huge green eyes.

"Set them free, set us free."

She heard Philip say, but only his lips didn't move and he sounded rather inside of her head, he turned and went deeper into the party.

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