Act 1

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Claire's P.O.V.

"Claire, It's time for school." My mother quietly said as she shook me gently. I got up out of bed, quickly changed into my school uniform, fixed my hair, and ran down the stairs. I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag, and I was about to head out the door when my mother reminded me,

"School is in forty minutes and you haven't even had breakfast!" My mother said, surprised. I ate my breakfast and then went out the door 10 minutes later. I arrived at school twenty minutes early. When I arrived there was a lot of commotion. I looked and saw my name was the top on the list for yesterday's exam. I got a 100%! Something then pulled on my hair and dragged me away.

??? P.O.V.

I went through the crowd to see the scores on the exam yesterday when I saw a girl about my age getting dragged to the back of the crowd. I followed and saw her getting backed into the corner of a wall by a girl who looked the same age but taller and stronger.

 "If you think you can take my place as top student in the class, then you're wrong." She whispered into the shorter girl's ear. I watched as two other girls came up next to the shorter one. They each grabbed one of her arms and held her still while the taller girl prepared to attack.

 "Get away from her!" I yelled. I grabbed the short girl's hand, flipped, and bounced off the wall a few feet away from the other girls. The short girl was forced to hold on really tightly to my arm that in the end she was hugging my arm as we were running.

 "Wh-Who are you?" The girl asked as we were running.

 "Call me Max." I replied.

 "I-I'm C-Claire." The girl said. She seemed pretty shy. I recognized her from my class. We got away from those girls and I brought her to our class. I sat in my seat in the front of the class while she walked over to the back of the class. The school bell then rang and everyone hurried to their seats(Including those girls) as the teacher came in.

After school...

Claire's P.O.V.

The final school bell rang and I gathered up my things and was about to head home when I heard something, or more like someone. I turned around and saw Max.

"You wanna walk home together?" He asked.

"S-Sure." I replied. My heart was pounding and I kept on stuttering. I've heard of this before. It's when you like somebody. So this is what it's like to have a friend. We walked to my house and I said goodbye. I walked into my room and collapsed in bed. I then saw something on my nightstand. A... locket? I opened the locket and saw something that looked like sand.

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