Act 3

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Claire's P.O.V.

It was lunch break at school and I was hanging out with Max when a girl came over to our table and sat with us.

"Claire, meet my friend Serenity. Serenity, meet Claire." Max introduced. I smiled at the girl.

"Hello there Claire. I've heard about you. I'm hoping we can become the best of friends."

"You girls wanna go to the arcade?" Max asked.

"Yeah!" Serenity and I replied in unison. We went to the arcade and had a lot of fun playing the games. We headed back to school ten minutes before class started. The school bell then rang and everyone hurried to their seats.

After school...

The final school bell rang and I was hanging out with Max. Serenity had to go to cram school.

"Sooo... what do you wanna do?" Max asked. I thought about it for a few seconds and then an idea popped into my head.

"Wanna come over to my house?" I asked.

"Sure!" Max replied. We walked over to my house. I let Max knock on the door and my mother answered.

"Oh, hello! You must be Max. Claire has mentioned you to us before." My mother told Max as we entered.

"I just fixed up dinner." My mother told Max and me. We entered the kitchen and mother pulled up two chairs at each of the two table. Max and I sat down on the same table while mother and father sat together on the other table.

"So Claire, this is your friend Max?" My father asked as he ate.

"Yeah!" I replied.

Once we were all finished with dinner I brought Max to my room.

"This is a big room for one person! I wish my room was this big." Max said in amazement. His eyes then drifted to the locket I had on my nightstand.

"Where did you get that?" He asked.

"It was just here in my room. I don't know where it came from. Why do you ask?"

"I've just seen something like it before. Oh! The time! I need to get going. Bye!" He then left and a few minutes later I heard screaming. Not again! I thought I only had to do it that one time! I threw the sand stuff on myself. I jumped out the window and landed perfectly. I jumped onto a rooftop and jumped from rooftop to rooftop until I reached the monster.

"Hey, you. It is unforgivable to hurt innocent citizens for no reason! For that you will be punished!" I yelled. I was hidden in the shadows so the monster couldn't see me.

"Who said that?" The monster asked. I then came out into the moonlight and started my catchphrase.

"The child who stands for purity! The star Mizar!" I exclaimed as I jumped down from the rooftop. We then started in combat.

"You can't beat me, child. I am the great Kage!" I was dodging its attacks left and right! It then hit me in the stomach and slammed me into the ground. I was hurt so I decided to pull out my weapon. I tried to strike the monster but it jumped over me and I tripped. I felt it grab me but I was too weak to struggle. Then someone kicked the monster.

"The child who stands for justice! The star Megrez!" I heard the girl exclaim.

"So cool! Another star child! Go Megrez!" I shouted. I then noticed she had a locket just like mine. She opened the locket and threw some of the sand stuff over the monster. It then became dust. I landed and brushed off the dust from my outfit.

"Hello there, Claire Mizar." She said.

"WHAT?!?! You know who I am?" I asked.

"I recognized you. I'm Serenity. Do you remember me?"

"Yeah, I do." I wanted to ask her something but I would probably sound like a fool if I did ask.

"Do you want to say something?" She asked.

"Actually, I do. What is this stuff inside our lockets?"

"It's stardust."

"Oh. I thought it was sand. Hehe."

"I really must go now. Bye!" She then left. I transformed back into my regular self and went to my house. I then collapsed in bed and slept.

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