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When I finally awoke, I was met with the bright white light of a hospital. I don't remember what happened for a while. All I remember is that, once my head cleared, the nurses informed me that I'd been violently thrashing and screaming incoherently. Apparently my wounds weren't terribly severe, but my psyche was damaged. When asked what had happened, I wasn't even able to describe it. Who would even believe me?

My mother, being an emergency contact, was called. After things were cleared up, she and James took me back home. I couldn't even describe to them what had happened. All I could tell them was that there was an accident, and Kyle was gone. Then I simply broke down, the weight of everything falling down upon my shoulders. Its weight held me down continually, gradually crushing me underneath it.

I was back where I had been all those years ago. Once again, I was just a traumatized boy. A boy who'd lost his dearest family, and was left with nothing but therapy sessions and bad memories. Maybe I didn't learn my lesson. Yeah, maybe that was it.

I should never have gone back there. Maybe I was too stuck in the past to keep moving. Or maybe I was weak for letting Kyle push me into it. But I still agreed of my own free will. What did that say about me? I don't know. I still don't. All I really know is that, in the end, I still blame myself for all of it, just like before.

For a while, I thought that my revenge on that thing would satisfy me. But in the end, it did little more than leave me bitter. What good was that revenge? Sure, it felt good, but my siblings were still gone. My family.

The sister who had lit up my early childhood and the brother who had consoled me even as my parents split apart and broke down. Both were gone. The only damn thing that I have is the memory of that place and the satisfaction of knowing that I'm responsible for the monsters that now roam that old town.

I hope they tear it apart, too. I hope they burn that whole town to the ground, like I almost did. I hope that lab collapses, if it hasn't already. I hope whoever did this burns in hell, and I hope that they never see the fruit of their labor. The only bit of true hope that I have comes from knowing that, somehow, June is still alive.

She's my one good hope. I hope she's somehow able to live. And I hope that, someday, somehow, by some miracle, she finds her way back to me. Maybe then I can redeem myself. Only then can I rid myself of this burden. I don't care how many people tell me it wasn't my fault. It was, and that's that.

June, if you ever happen to read this, I'm sorry. Please, come back to me. Otherwise, I don't think I can go on like this. Come back soon, okay?

You're all I have left.

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