I'm in love with a Monster

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''I will called 911.'' Sam said as he get his phone to called 911.

''Wow and its look likes our werewolf love eating people hearts when they kill them.'' Chloe said.

''We need to go back to Max's.'' Dean said.


Max's apartment

The winchesters came back to Max apartment and knocking at Max door.

''What is going on.'' Jen said.

''Police work, girl.'' Dean said.

''Yes.'' Max said as he open the door.

''Max we need to talk.'' Sam said.

''Sure, come in.'' Max said.



Max give the winchesters some coffee and talk.

''Hey Max but I know it's important but is it ok can we have your address.'' Chloe said.

''Sure thing.'' Max said and leave the kitchen.

''Ok how about you two get the werewolf while I'm gonna hang out this awesome guy.'' Dean said.

'' Hold on  dude, why do you always hang out cool people.'' Chloe said.

''Because I'm older.'' Dean answer.

The winchesters put their mugs down and do the old way, Rock, paper, scissors.

Sam and Chloe get rock and dean get scissors. ''Dean always get the scissors.'' Sam said.

''Be quiet, two out of three.'' Dean said

This time Sam and Dean get paper and Chloe get scissors and Chloe wins and dean give Chloe a glared.

''Hey sam.'' Chloe said before Sam and Dean leave the apartment.

''Yes Chloe.'' Sam said.

''Be careful ok, be safe.'' Chloe said.

''Ok.'' Sam said and he and Dean leave the apartment.



Chloe is sitting at the tables while Max put his clothes on the table to fold them.

''You can sit in the couch too you know.'' Max said.

''Oh I'm fine but thanks.''  Chloe said.

Chloe cell phone ringing and she answer it and it was Dean.

''Hey.'' Chloe said.

 ''Hey.'' Dean said

''Did you find where Kelly work at.'' Chloe said.

''No but me and Sammy are still working on it.'' Dean said.

''Ok bye.'' Chloe said and hang up the phone.


Living room

Chloe sit next to Max, who is watching Tv.

''That's your favorite tv show?'' Chloe said.

''Yep and by the way my apartment, my tv ok so suck it up buttercup.'' Max said.


A little later

''So Kendall married Eithen father to back from him?'' Chloe question.

"Yep that's right." Max answered.

''What a jerk.'' Chloe said and she and Max laugh.

''I had to say it but your hooked.'' Max said.

"What, no I'm not hooked.'' Chloe said.

''By the way Chloe I had to say is that you are one nice and funny girl.'' Max said

''Thanks Max.''Chloe said.

Chloe phone is ringing again and this time it's Sam who's calling Chloe.

''Hello.'' Chloe said

''Hey Chloe we find Kelly.'' Sam said.

''Ok what is she doing.'' Chloe said.

''Just sitting down.'' Sam said.

''Keep a eye of her ok bye.'' Chloe said and hang up her phone.



Chloe look at the full moon and Max tell Chloe that she can go to sleep at the living room tonight and Chloe tell Max goodnight.



Sam and Dean are outside of Kelly apartment and then Sam hear a noise and its from Kelly apartment.

''What the-" Sam said and tell Dean that they need to go to Kelly apartment.


Kelly apartment

The Brothers look around and saw Kelly dead body all bloody and a hand is on the body.

They saw who's the werewolf is, it's was Max but he's still in human form but he had blue eyes and had bloody fungs.

Max throw Dean to a wall, knocking him out. Sam use his pocket knife to cut Max on the arm as Max is in pain and throw sam to a wall, knocking him out too before escape the apartment.


Hey guys I hope you enjoy this, vote and comments and happy Labor day.

~ the Angel puppy

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