No broken hearts

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Max wakes up when Chloe open the closet door and Sam is behind her.

Max look around the closet and see what he had done last night, scratch marks on the wall but before say something to Chloe and Sam But both Sam and Chloe are gone.



"It's so sad and Jen don't know what going on." Dean said.

"What did you think of she turned then Killing Max." Chloe said.

"I don't know." Sam muttered.

Max see the winchesters and bend down to see them. "Hey guys and what are you guys still doing here?" Max said.

"We're...lurking" Sam said.

"Look Max, I know it's crazy- Chloe cut off by Max.

"I know it's really crazy and look it are we gotta wait it out so we will do it together." Max said.

"About everything, it's all real." Sam said.

"So your telling the truth a hole time." Max said.

"Yea." Chloe said.

"Ok and if all of us gotta wait until Moonrise, we had to go back to the apartment so come on." Max said.


Max apartment

The winchesters and Max go back to the apartment and talk more.

"So it's gotta be moonrise tonight." Max said.

"Yea." Chloe said.

"So if we are gotta wait until moonrise, so poker anyone?" Dean said.



The sun is finally sunset and Max is thinking that's the Cure works.

"Did it work?" Max question.

"Yea, I think." Chloe said

Max relief and give a big hug to Chloe. "Oh thank you, thank you so much Chloe, you too Sam, Dean."

"Oh don't thank me and Sammy but I hope you too have a fun time." Dean said as he and Sam leave the apartment.

"So what are we pose to do now?" Max said.

"I don't know but I'm sorry about the things to you." Chloe said.

"It's ok, Chloe." Max said.

Chloe go to Max and kiss him hard and Max kiss Chloe again.



Chloe wake up and see Max is not next to her and she look at the Window and see Max in werewolf form.

Max growls as Chloe tried to get Max but Max leave and Chloe had to tell Sam and Dean that Max is a werewolf again.



Chloe run to her brothers room and knocking at the door.

"Guys, guys bad news." Chloe said

"What is it." Sam said as he open the door.

"It's Max, he transform again." Chloe said.

"I don't understand, I thought the Cure works." Sam said.

"Me too but he turn into a werewolf, so guys get ready and help me to find Max." Chloe said.


Max Apartment

After the winchesters find Max they went back to the apartment and Max get Chloe's gun and tell her to kill him.

"No Max, I don't know if you want to." Chloe said.

"No Chloe, I'm a Monster and I am killing people but this is the only way." Max said.

"Ok and go to your bedroom and wait, ok." Chloe said and Max go to his bedroom.

Chloe try her best to not to cry that she had to kill Max and Sam tell Chloe that's he will do it but Chloe got its and tell her brothers to wait here.

Chloe go to the bedroom and Sam and Dean tried their best not to cry and we all hear is a single gunshot.


Hey guys and I hope you enjoy this, Bye

~the Angel puppy

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