Undercover cops

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Gas station

Sam is looking all play taps in a white box while Chloe is sleeping. "Hey do you want breakfast." Dean said. "No thanks." Sam said. Dean go inside the impala, putting the food away. " I swear man you gonna update your tapes." Sam said.

"Why?" Dean said. "Well for one their tapes and for two." Sam is picking up each tape as he say. "Black Sabbath." He pick a another one. "Moterhead." And a another. "Metallica." Sam said. Dean grab the Metallica tape from Sam hand.

"It's the greatest it's of the mullet rock." Sam said. "House rules Sammy, driver pick the music and shotgun shut his cakehole." Dean said, putting the metallica tape back in the box and putting '' back in black'' by Ac/Dc on the radio and to make Chloe wake up. 

"You know sammy is a chubby 12 year old it's Sam." Sam said. "Sorry can't hear you right  the music is too loud." Dean said. And drive to the road.



The sign that they pass is '' Jericho 7'' and Sam, Dean and Chloe saw a crime scene and dean get a brown box full of fake ID to get his and Chloe. "Let's go." Dean said.

They come the crime scene and see the police officer, Jaffe, who is checking the empty car. "Who are you three." Jaffe said. "Marshals." Chloe said, holding her fake ID. 

"You three are a little too young for marshals." Jaffe said. "Well maybe almost expect my brother- Dean cut off when sam stomp his brother foot. "Nevermind." Dean ask. "Gentleman." Sam said. 

Sam, Dean and Chloe is walking away the crime scene and dean hit sam on the back of the head. "Ow what was it that for." Sam ask. "Why did you stomp my foot." Dean said. "Why did you talk to the police officer like that." Sam said. "Can you two shut up." Chloe said. 

"Can I help you three." A police officer said. "No we're just leaving agent Murry agent Skully."  Dean said.



A girl, Amy, is hanging posters that say '' MISSING TROY SQUARE'' 

"Hey there you must be Amy right."  Chloe said. "Yes." Amy said. "Will we're Troy aunt and uncles I'm Chloe this is Dean and this is Sammy." Chloe said and Sam glared at her. "We're here for a few questions."



Amy and her friend are in the diner while the winchesters is with them.

"I try to call troy back but he did not called back." Amy said. "Did he tell you something straight." Chloe said. "No but their a legend about a girl who hitch hikes and who ever pick her up their gone for good." Amy friend said.


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~ the Angel puppy

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