Cho Hakkai~Part 1

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~Sorry if it isn't all that good. I am still training in the art of writing lemons. Thank you for your support.~

I was on my way to the market when out of nowhere these three men came behind me and tried to kidnapped me. That is until these four men who were traveling came to help me. The man that caught my eye was the one with a green shirt, tan pants, glasses with only one glass over one eye. I guess he saw me look at him, because he came over to me and asked, "Are you okay miss?" "Y-y-yes, th-thank you for saving me." Then he helped me up to my feet and said, "Well that's good, I wouldn't want a pretty girl like you harmed by an ugly thing like that." I then tried to hide my blushing face in my (h/l) (h/c) hair and said, "Thank you for saving me, but I don't know if I am what you call beautiful." "You are to beautiful, so don't think any different. And by the way I am Cho Hakkai. You are?" "I am (f/n) (l/n), and it is nice to meet you Cho Hakkai." Soon then all his friends were done beating those men up, they came over here to check on me. Hakkai then said, "I would like you to meet my companions. This is Sanzo," Hakkai then pointed to a man with blonde hair wearing a priests robe, "this is Gojyo," Hakkai said pointing to a man with reddish hair smoking a cigeritte, "and this is Goku," then Hakkai pointed to a man with brown hair. Then Gojyo came over to me and said, "Hey there sweety, want to have some fun with me tonight." Then Hakkai, Sanzo, and Goku said at the same time, "Stop flirting with every girl you meet." "Sorry but I don't think I can with this beauty." "Um... Thank you all for saving me, so to repay you would you like to stay at my house for the night. It is getting dark, and it would leave a bad taste in my mouth if I didn't help you for helping me." Then they all looked at Sanzo, and Sanzo said, "Fine but we will be on the road starting tomorrow. Got that everyone." After that they stayed with you until the morning. "Um... Could I go with you?" I asked. Sanzo looked a at me and said, "Sorry, but no you can't." "But, please let me go I can't stay in this town any more," I said while trying to hold back my tears and failing completely. And you explained what happened to me in the village when I was little. Then they told me about their pasts, and saw that we all went through almost the same ordeals. And then Sanzo, reluctantly agreed to let me go with them.

~Time Skip brought to you by the Moten Scripture. ~

So it has been a few months ago that I started traveling with the Sanzo group, fighting demons, and trying to save mankind. Soon we found an inn to stay at, but there were only three rooms so Gojyo and Sanzo shared with each other, Goku got a room to himself, and Hakkai and I shared another. When Hakkai and myself got to the room, Hakkai sat on the bed. I saw that he looked tired so I decided to rub his shoulders. When I was doing this I felt that he relaxed more to my touch. "(Y/n), why are you doing this?" Hakkai asked, moaning, feeling the pressure and stiffness go away at my touch. "I thought I would do this to help you relax, from a long hard day of demon slaying," I said while smiling, pleased that he was becoming even more relaxed. Soon he took my hands off of his shoulders, and turning himself around and sighed. "What is it Hakkai?" "I need to tell you something. Here it goes. Well you know about my sister and that I loved her more than a sister and wanted to marry her, and I can't forget her. But with you being here, I think you have healed my heart from all that has happened in the past. And what I think I am trying to say is I think I love you, (y/n)?" Hakkai looked up and saw a blush and smile on my face. "Hakkai, you helped me move on from my past and I know that I love you too." And with that myself and Hakkai started kissing, starting with a sweet and innocent kiss moving to a more passionate one.

~End of Part 1~

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