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I know it's not as cool as other os but plz spare me.. *puppy eyes *


Hey I'm Shiva Pandya, it's my love story related with chocolates of different flavors. Hey don't get me wrong let me explain u all...


I sat in the bus as boredom washed over me...
My only amusement was the lady sitting beside me... Well she is really a kid of 17 years.
I made a disgusting face coz, she is freaking crazy and obsessed all abt herself and her goddamn eatables well eatables only includes chocolates in her case...
She kept on eating one by one, her tongue changing colors of the chocolates she is having To all the way to my hate color. She was too involved in her own world and remained impassive to my feelings.

Goddd!! Why the heck she has to occupy a window seat💺 when she has her one and only amusement which is clearly not admiring the relative surroundings?

Is she a kid of 5 ?? I mean who loves chocolates like this? More importantly at this age!! Weird! Damn, my bad I have to bear her for a long way.

Then the bus took a troll over the hills and we people inside kept on pressing our body weight all to right side and to left , as it took sharp turns... Ufff! I am feeling dizzy 😵💫and nauseous🤢 too..

I looked at her and she remained calm 😌as ever, confused I looked around and I realized ppl were in worest conditions than me! Some ppl were swaying their head as of they are deep dwelling in hangover 😵from last night and some were nauseous n others puked out... Eww!!! Well it's normal anyway... I once again looked  at the one beside me..
She was busy enjoying and savouring the last remains of dark chocolate 🍫

Is she mad ? I mean is she HALLUCINATING?? I mean she is behaving as if she is whiling away her own sweet time on the most comfy chair in her house?

She looked at me for the first time in this morning...
She had dose big coffee brown doe eyes and pulpy lips painted with baby pink color and in between them held her choco bar...
Does she think I am going to steal her chocolates? I looked at the remaining chocolates which were tucked into her denim pockets...

"I ain't gonna steal them" I clarified that to her .

She looked at me accusingly.

Is she dumb? Or mentally retarded? Or....

"Who the hell said that I thought u to be stealing some? " Her melodious voice broke my trance.

What should I reply? Why the freak I'm acting like all shy 🙈😳? THE SHIVA PANDYA IS GOING INSANE!!!

She raised her eyebrows, actually she tried to but couldn't quite do it as she was eating chocolates.. I raised my eyebrow, as it was one of my killer look of my college and she pouted... Awww!! How adorable 😍😍.

My eyes went straight to her luscious cany floss lips... I SO WANT THEM..
What the heck? When did I start noticing her this closely?

"I'm Shiva" I forwarded my hand.
"Me, Raavi" She said softly and shaked  our hands.

"U love chocolates? " I asked
"Ya, they r tasty" She smiled

Freaking cute!!!!! God she is so childish, well I don't mind😏

"Hmm, but ur obsession over them is as if their is no tomorrow? " I asked.

"Oh... Ur getting me wrong, they help me to divert my mind during these tricky trips, hence I don't feel nauseous.. "She answered.

" Ohhhh " She is smart too! Impressive..

She offered me some and she was indeed right!
I now felt good👍.

Our bus stopped at a point.
We were frnds now, I must agree she proved to be a fabulous company...
As the bus took us back to the hotel we were staying, we bid good bye n moved to our respective rooms....

The whole tour proved to be splended with her, we spent our leisure tym exploring the countryside which was not covered by the tour package... We gelled up well and we exchanged our personal pins and moved back to where we came from....

We talked over phone every now and then... She is a killer yrr.. I mean she had solutions to my every problems.
But I got myself into this problem she didn't have solution to, but she atleast made me feel no pathetic over myself..

Next day back at my college, I stood near the deens office....
My mind was crawling over endless possibilities to get my self out of this shit. I have ended up! And my mind gave up on me and was hovered busy calculating the punishments I have to face for my fucking act....

I nodded my head in disapproval to myself n my creepy existing thoughts🤔💭.
Well the kaand I did is :- what I have got into is that I copied in CALCULASXM, I mean abt 20 marks n my professor had found it by comparing the paper with the other one n is all ready to punish me...
God plz save me..

I stood there, staring at my deen, as expected she lectured me and finally let me go without any punishment! I mean wow 😲!!! I had at least expected a suspension for a day..
Lucky me! May be her mood was good that she spared me...

Thank god!!

I saw a small crowed gathered below my floor, some girls fight I thought seeing the no. quite out powering boys in the crowd and as I climbed down the stairs  I heard girls giggling...
"God! Jez for a chocolate! " I heard a girl.

I suddenly turned around chocolates!!
The only thing that my mind thought about was RAAVI..

I moved towards the crowd, as I moved further passing ny ppl, I saw her...
There she was in her aggressive mood, something I had never knew existed in her...

Soon she spotted me and winked at me!
What is she in her mind! She soon wrapped up her fight and hugged me...

"Hey shiva... How's all going ? " She asked me
"Pretty good raavi, what was that all abt? And u here? " I asked her as she broke the hug 🤗.

"Me? I have joined here... My first day and that fight! Some careless girl collided with me and that freak with all guts purposely stamped on my chocolates and smirked at me! U know one of those non likeable girlies on the first impression? So she was one of them... So I just gave her my peace of mind " She smiled at me...

I couldn't hold smiling back at her!!
She is one of a kind..

As we started walking down through the corridors she said

"And yay! U owe me a thanks " She blurted

I looked at her confused.

"Well u were going to have a meet with deen, how it went? " She Introgatted pulling her bagpack in front from her back.

"It was too good, I mean she lectured me a while but didn't gave me any punishment. Can u believe it? " I sequeled in excitement...

"That's great , I had expected that anyway " She smiled...

Once again shot her a confused look raising my eyebrows...

"Well I misplaced ur test papers along with some random students papers too, and before u ask how I did that, as the new deen u just met is my aunt so when I landed yesterday here I saw ur papers in aunts room with ur photo tagged along to the booklet, which had come over to her from the professor concerned, before she could look into it I misplaced them and hence u escaped.... " She blurted in a single breathe.....

I gasped up at her... This girl is no ordinary!!! I mean she's cool.... She's a darling... I gave her a tight hug and pecked her cheeks...

"And I owe u a party my choco lover, ur the  best" I screamed

Soon we became best friends from frnds, and she became my chipkali from raavi and I became her bhootnath from shiva.... We used to hangout more than we did in initial days... And soon I developed feeling for her.

I had to tell her soon, I can't afford for any prince Charming to come around and take her along with him... Even if that's gonna happen then that prince will be ME !! No other freaking living other that SHIVA PANDYA.

I searched for her and soon spotted her as we had a ball dance to perform as our college is having a program and she saw me and waved at me... She smiled and came near me...

"Gimme me some more time I will dress up " She said hugging me

I had made sure I came here before the performance so that I get time with her.

"Well come with me " I said n dragged her along with me telling her to be patient to find out herself...

I took her to the barren canteen since it was closed for the evening and the din light spread on the ground we stood...

I closed her eyes n stood behind her, went near to her left ear and spoke huskily

"Ur r my doll Chipkali! From now n forever , u r one and such girl I opened up completely and wanna savour every moment with up...
Be it our combined studies where we did everything eles other than studing Or those hangouts and ur love towards the chocolates, I cherish all those moments....
I love our chocolate hangouts and fights over them.... I love them as much as I love you.... I truly do... I swear on the chocos.

I heard her giggle... I slowly removed my hands over her eyes and heard her gasping😲 in happiness looking at the loads of chocolates before her placed to form "I LOVE YOU"

She turned back to see me and I held her by her waist and could see her smiling..

Our eyes directed the love we hold for each other . ..

Soon our lips fussed ans I sucked her lower lip and she slightly winced in pain as I bit her lover lip. She gave me the access and my tongue played in her mouth testing the flavor of honey  as she may had one chocolate of honey before coming here oopps! Before I dragged her with me.. ...

We soon pulled apart...

" I love you " She whispered

Minutes later we sat there holding hands. I was busy snuggling in her hair as always she smelled awesome..she kept on tilting her head giving me the access.

We could hear loud cheers... DAMN  !!!
We forgot about our performance and I looked at my watch shit! We were too late to go.

" We missed it " She said snuggling more into me.

"Ya completely" I agreed.

"And we need to come up with a reasonable excuse for it and u need to answer to ur aunt personally too " I added to her

"Ya , right!! I will think about something by then " She said with a smirk and the next moment she captured my lips with hers... Ohhh it will definitely take us whole night to show our chocolate love to each other 😏😏...



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