004│yanna & jin

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jin helps yanna in moving on from twenty

yanna¡ seventeen
jin¡ seventeen

jun¡ seventeen

go ahead, four eyes!❞ jun had his tongue clicked and pushed his twin that's just peaking by the corridors.

fuck off, dimwit!❞ yanking his arm away from his twin's hold, jin turned around just to glare and the other who had his eyes rolled.

being a good brother he is, jun actually volunteered to help his brother in trying to help this brokenhearted girl that his twin has been eyeing on. once he heard from his classmates that his twin is going out there making a move, the rebel twin quickly caught to the bookworm that's hiding by the corridors, behind a large plant. the catch is, jin never wanted help from this one heck of a playboy. he wanted to deal with this on his own and try to man up, finally seizing the opportunity now that the girl he has been liking is now single.

but no, his twin just decided that it was a great idea to ruin it by being there.

folding his arms across his chest, jun stood there with his disheveled uniform and untucked polo as he raised a brow at his brother. ❝are you just going to stand there and do nothing? your girl is wanting some comfort.

i know, okay?❞ and jin is the opposite, looking like a goody two shoes with his uniform ironed well, hair well groomed, spectacles shining, and basically an epitome of a teacher's pet.

you know but you're not doing anything!❞ having his voice raised, the students passing by then flinched and started staring at the twins that are once again quarreling in open space

mind your own business.❞ the bookworm then snapped at him. ❝i can do this on my own.

mocking a scoff, ❝last time you said that, you backed out from giving a whole ass lunch that you made for her.❞ jun then said, stating a fact.

that's because twenty had already treated her for lunch!❞ and not mention also having it at some fancy restaurant.

four eyes, that was like months ago!❞ jun told him.

the twin that's being teased for having glasses then gasped, pointing an finger of accusation to his brother. ❝you're the one who brought that up in the first place!

i just wanted to remind you how much of a chicken you are-

having her ears twitch at the muffled voices she's hearing, yanna glanced to the side and couldn't help but groan after seeing familiar figures from her peripheral view that is trying to hide by the corridors, behind that large plant. if it weren't for students loitering by the corridors then yanna would have pounced on that person without hesitation. but because of the people around, she wanted to keep her good girl image and decided to ignore that person, turning to a corner where there's finally no one around.

peeking his head by the large plant after silencing his brother, a relieving sigh escaped from jin's mouth in thought of him getting away from being caught. he then got himself away from the plant and and even heard his twin shouting for his name and still continued to argue with him, which he is ignoring. although, that didn't stop jun from trailing behind his twin that's now making his way to a corner where he had seen yanna walked to.

but standing there, both the twin's eyes widened when they saw no one. not even students walking around the hallways.

four eyes,❞ jun nudged the male beside him. ❝are you sure she passed by here?

clicking his tongue for the nth time of the day just because of his nosy brother, jin turned to his side just to motion his hand and threaten to hit his brother with it. ❝you dare insult my vision-

so, tell me.

ahh!❞ both of them jumped from their places when a voice from behind was suddenly heard, jumping from their places and hugging each other for security, as if either of them knows how to fight. well, jun does.

and maybe also jin if you provoke him.

the girl that stood right behind them seconds ago before scaring the two of them then had her arms crossed and a brow raised as she gave them a look. the twins then glance at each other for a short while before pulling away from their tight embrace, coughing at the awkward moment between them. the girl, though, still stood there patiently as she waited for their explanation as to why they were following her, especially at the bookworm whom she noticed that has been caring for her from afar.

and just when this was the moment that jin needed his twin badly, jun just decided to drop the brother title and ditch him.

will you look at that?❞ he laughed nervously while checking his wrist when he's not even wearing a watch. blinking his eyes twice at the mistake, jun quickly took his brother's arm since he was wearing a wrist watch. ❝the time called, it said that i have to flower my flowers.

if his brother wants to handle this alone, then might as well leave the scene.

looking at the rebel, the female had her brows furrowed while the other twin groaned in disbelief as he removed his spectacles and buried his head down on to the palm of his hands, rubbing his face stressfully. jun continued to let out fake laughs while slowly walking away from the two of them.

by the way, ari, that clip looks good on you.❞ jun complimented, as expected from someone who's a flirt. but remembering the girlfriend he currently has, it made him clasp his hands real quick as if he's praying. ❝don't tell dahyun that i called you pretty, she'll burn me alive!

yanna got so confused for a moment. ❝but-

anyways, gotta go!❞ and with that, jun immediately zoomed away from with his hands waved up in the air. ❝see you later yanna!

watching him run away and disappear in just a blink of an eye, yanna got his attention back to the male that's now standing right in front of her with a sheepish smile. she then placed both her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the side, asking for some answers as to why he has been following her for quite a while now. she'd honestly feel scared to have a stalker but jin is far from that, he sometimes even leave some sticky notes and cookies inside her locker. he might not know it but she caught him doing that.

the male chuckled while rubbing his nape. ❝hey yanna. y-you wanna listen to 'welcome next'? i heard that it's a good song.

dude, just tell me what you're up to.❞ she said, not falling for any of his excuses.

he pouted, wanting to tell her the truth but his pride won't let him. and again, he tried to say a lie. ❝it just so happens that we were going the same way-

don't give me that bullshit jin.❞ yanna cuts him off, not really afraid of her papa scolding her for cursing. not like she's a kid anymore and he's also not here to hear. also, she blames it on her dad who always curse whenever he wants.

oh, you know,❞ the male whistled, trying to look as innocent as he could. hiding the fact that he's following here. looking away, he then started to find another lie that she would possibly believe. ❝my next class is here.

your next class is that janitor's closet?❞ the girl pointed out, finding the only room at that specific corner, which is a janitor's closet. ❝class ended minutes ago, tell me your next lie.

he, again, let out a nervous chuckle. ❝so there's this evil witch that turned my sandwich to a white cat and it ran over here-

she groaned, causing for the boy to stop speaking and look down, debating whether he should just expose his real reason or continue lying to her face. she looked irritated though, it wasn't his purpose to annoy her more and bring her mood down. ❝i don't have all day.

not wanting to call himself a stalker but jin knows that yanna is just going to lock herself inside her room the moment she arrives home, not wanting to meet a sight of her brother making out with his boyfriend or just simply being together with twenty.

there are also a lot of things that drastically changed after she and twenty broke up that jin noticed, feeling bad for her. he once argued with twenty once about this issue but ended up having to give in since he can't also handle watching his friend cry and take all the blame to himself as if he's forced to. all he wanted was to make yanna happy again, bring her back to her bubbly and energetic self.

maybe he can do it now.

stop it.❞ jin finally spoke, not having anything in mind and just letting his mouth speak whatever words is there inside his head. ❝stop your feelings.

she clicked her tongue and turned around. ❝i don't know what you are talking about.

for twenty.❞ if you ask jin, he also doesn't know what on earth he is talking about. ❝i know you still have feelings for him.

she paused her tracks from walking away and looked up only to get a glimpse of her older brother and a familiar short male clinging next to him, strolling down the hallways and slowly disappearing from her sight. a small smile was then shown on her lips upon seeing how happy they looked being together. she might get into fights with her brother and tease him a lot for being boring but she actually cares for him and she wants to him to be happy, and it just so happens that twenty is his happiness. if that's the case then yanna can't do nothing but accept it.

and she did accept them being together.

gosh, i thought you have been updated about me.❞ she chuckled, turning around only to see a confused jin. ❝i guess you really aren't following me that much.

jin gasped, disagreeing with that. he didn't want to be called a stalker, it's more like an intense observation of one individual. it's just that, after knowing about twenty and jeffrey being officially together, she has been down lately and jin didn't even know that it has already become his goal to make her smile ever since that day, not wanting to always see her frowning. he didn't want for yanna to know that he was the person behind everything that made her smile during the past days.

but what he had no idea though is that she already knows. it's not that hard to guess anyways, he just sucks at hiding.

you.. k-know?❞ jin then stuttered, already thinking of possibilities of her hating him for being creepy.

she shrugged with a smile. ❝you're just too large to hide anywhere.

hey, i try.❞ he said with a pout, making yanna chuckle. he actually looks cute if you ask her. after all, he's twins with someone who's quite popular in their batch. ❝i didn't ask to have this body built.

come on, you're not as large as jiro and jeffrey so don't complain.❞ she said. the twins may not be as built as the two oldest boys in their so called chogiverse family tree but she couldn't deny the fact that the twins were also well built. ❝anyways, i'm leaving.

the boy's eyes then widened and he quickly ran in front of yanna to stop her, earning a look from the girl. ❝i told you to forget your feelings about him.

she had done than long ago after knowing that her older brother also feels the same for the cute looking half thai crush of hers. ❝you don't tell me what to do, you're not my mom.

go out with me.

she then shot her head up and caught a sight of jin being a blushing mess. ❝what?

go out with me.❞ he repeated, gathering all the courage to do so.

finding this amusing, she crossed her arms and held back the urge to show a playful smile. ❝and why would i do that?

he clenched his fists, ❝i want to help you forget about your feelings for twenty.❞ not only did he want for her to be happy but he also wanted her to be his.

damn it, he cursed inside his head. why can't confessing be as easy as one, two, three? his twin always gets this right, having girls wrap around his fingers easily. why is he struggling to even get the girl he has feelings for?

she took a step forward, causing for jin to take a step back. ❝if i tell you that i have already successfully done that,❞ confidence started to build up once she saw him gulping nervously. ❝would you still want to ask me out?

he panicked and all that came out of his mouth was, ❝eh?

he didn't even know that all this time, yanna had moved on from twenty already.

and mayhaps found someone new.


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