006│minyoung & taehyun

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she thought that he is

minyoung¡ eighteen
taehyun¡ nineteen

minyoung stared up from the chopping board and saw taehyun casually sitting by the sofa while having a bowl of popcorn on his lap. she didn't want this and she guessed that it goes the same for taehyun. they were being arranged to be together and their parents decided that it would be best if they get to live in a house alone so that they could get to know each other. it didn't go well as planned. all the two did was quarrel and argue every second of the day. the only days that she gets to be sane is when the male's brothers comes to pay a visit or when both jie and rin decides to barge inside the house.

even with that, minyoung just can't help but get too attached to taehyun to the point that she has feelings for him. she hated how this stupid plan of their parents is starting to work. they'd ask her a question about her life with the male and she'd always say that it's awful, though they could tell that it's a lie. taehyun may have a hard time showing it but he does care for the girl and would protect her from anything or anyone.

picking up the phone as it rang just in time after minyoung finished setting up the table, she answered the call and was greeted by her papa's lovely voice.

"how is my angel doing?"

i'm fine papa.❞ she then made hand gestures to get taehyun's attention.

the male by the sofa did dart his eyes at the girl who's looking crazy with her hands thrown at every direction, but cared less and just went back to staring at the flat screen that's showing a kids' movie which he doesn't even know why he's watching it in the first place. probably just to annoy the hell out of minyoung?

"ever since your daddy-"

kicked me out of the house.❞ she then cut her own papa off while still trying to get stubborn male's attention.

a gasp was then heard from the other line. "he didn't kick you out. he just wants you to get closer to your future husband."

right.❞ once minyoung got to make taehyun look at her again, she gave him a stern look while pointing at the kitchen, saying that their breakfast is ready. she's actually holding herself back from cursing while being in a phone call with her papa, not wanting to be scolded at, but the male sure is provoking her. ❝i must say, this future husband is a pain in the ass.

taehyun saw and understood what minyoung meant with those hand gestures but he thought that it would be fun if he ignores her. after all, it became his habit to hear her scold him everytime he ignores her. he mayhaps already grown to love her voice whenever she shouts. though, he wondered how it'll sound he gets her under him and- hah, he scoffed at how hopeless he is and just lets his imaginations run wild. there's no way he can get little min that easily, he knows that very well. that girl is playing hard to even when it's already obvious that she's fancying him. minyoung then got offended, letting out a gasp, when the male just looked away and continued to shove down the popcorn inside his mouth.

but her papa got to understand what she just said in a different way, which is why another loud gasp was heard from the other line. "what do you mean!? did he go rough or-"

no!❞ stressfully rubbing the palm of her hand on her face, minyoung went to glance up at the time and noticed how the both of them can possibly late if they still dally time. ❝look, i still have classes to attend so i'm ending this call right here.

her papa on the other line then let out a chuckle, feeling the stress from the other side of the household. well, his husband can also be a pain in the ass sometimes too. "okay then. we miss you angel."

i miss you too papa.

"well- how about me princess?" but when she was about to end the call, someone just had to butt in and thought that it would be a great idea to remind their daughter about him.

hearing her other father's voice immediately made her roll her eyes. ❝you kicked me out.

"i did not-"

bye, i love you both and i also miss you!❞ she didn't even get to let her father finish his explanation and ended the call instantly before he says a speech to defend himself.

she might hate at the situation she is right now, arrange marriages sucks, but she didn't agree to this in the first place. both parties respected their children's decision. if their kids doesn't want to be in this mess, then they won't do it. but having a discussion with taehyun and having the male to convince her, the both of them got to agree with the whole thing here they are right now, having to live with each other alone. basically, it's not completely their parents fault so they can't blame them.

heaving out a sigh, minyoung placed her phone somewhere down the counter top before walking up to taehyun and blocking his view from the flat screen his eyes were focused at, not like he was focused on the kids' movie he is watching anyways. she then had her arms on her hips and brows raised at the male who still had no plans on getting up to eat breakfast which she prepared for them.

move, you're blocking my view.❞ that statement he said almost made him scoff, what is he saying? she is the view.

but you don't hear that from him, neither will he ever say that to her. her irritated expressions are priceless, it's enjoyable watching her fume like this. she tends to puff her cheeks, have her brows adorably furrowed, and not to mention her plums lips being puckered.

are you not going to eat?❞ why does she have to deal with this everyday? forcing taehyun to take his breakfast before going to school. it's not like the boy is a kid.

instead of having to feel like he's living with a husband, it's like she's babysitting a child.

he sat there as he waited for the girl to blow up and lash out on her, just wanted to set her off her limits. with a smirk on his face, taehyun leaned back with his arms folded and a brow raised at her as he is testing her patience and how far she can go. although, if push comes to show, the two actually can't control their tempers. it's like a warzone inside their house if the both of them are in a bad mood. ❝eat by yourself.

you are not going to school without eating breakfast-❞ pausing midway, the girl's stern expression changed with a frown now forming on her lips.

she had enough.

confused at the sudden change of mood, taehyun held himself back from asking as to why minyoung stepped away from the flat screen she's blocking. normally, she'd snatch the remote control from him and turn the tv off, or unplug it directly if she does get impatient. but this time, it's different. instead of saying dozens of curse words and calling him out for being an annoying asshole, she just heaved a sigh, a tired one.

it's as if she's holding herself back from shouting at him, which never happens. if one is mad at the other, they never fail to show it and rub it on the person's face. that's how they are with each other, which others still finds it confusing as to how they still are going strong without one giving up and having enough of everything.

but seems like that's minyoung right now.

fine,❞ she turned to the side and started walking away, leaving the clueless male still down in the sofa with a bowl of popcorn on his lap. ❝be it your way then.

strange, very strange. taehyun knows very well that she hated his guts but deep inside, she actually cares. her way of caring is just to shout at him and scold him for not taking care of himself until he snaps back to his senses and actually do the things she wants him to do for the sake of being healthy and alive. but right now, she's not doing that. she's not caring at all, or that's what he thinks so. she just walked away and let him do what he wants, not forcing him to eat nor to get ready for college.

what happened?

now being at the dining area for a couple of minutes now, minyoung went on wuth eating the breakfast she made alone since one just has to be a lazy bean. she was having a peaceful ambiance there, if it weren't for the male that stood up from the sofa and turned the tv off just to make his way to the kitchen. standing across the upset girl, both of them locked gazes with taehyun's hands down the table as he leaned towards her and minyoung continue shoving her mouth with food for breakfast.

i thought you're skipping breakfast?❞ she said while breaking eye contact with the male.

what's wrong?

there's nothing wrong.❞ not bothering to look up at taehyun and give him the attention he wants, minyoung continued to eat her breakfast.

look at me,❞ the male then grabbed hold of the girl's wrist and stopped her from eating, making her widen her eyes from the sudden contact. she was supposed to be upset, not have her heartbeat skip twice just because they touched. ❝and tell me what's wrong.

how about you tell to our parents and admit that you're a rainbow?❞ she snapped, standing up and tried to get out from taehyun's tight hold. ❝if you just told them about it in the first place then we wouldn't have been arranged in the first place.

he was taken aback by how she actually snapped, her calm voice being more scarier than her shouts. was this what the girl is upset about, that made her so mad that she got to compose herself from lashing at him? but what caught the taller's attention though was the term she used. ❝rainbow?

seeing how clueless taehyun is made minyoung scoff. ❝you don't have to hide it from me any longer, i found out already.

he had no clue what on earth she was talking about, neither what she was referring to. he's still stuck at wondering the term she used on him. ❝rainbow?❞ and she sounded like he's hiding something from her, which he himself doesn't know what. ❝found out about.. what?

but it somehow made him nervous. has she found the box of pizza with one slice still being untouched that he hid under the bed? or, fuck, he mentally cursed at another possibility.

the boxers he left inside the bathroom rack.

with brows furrowed, taehyun wonder how underwears has something to do with rainbows. seeing his clueless expression only then made the girl groan loudly, having a hand brush her hair in an irritated manner. it's either he really hasn't done anything wrong or he is just acting dumb thinking that she wouldn't find out.

she didn't want to have this conversation but taehyun is making her get the words out from her mouth. once she successfully yanked her wrist away from his grip, she walked around the table till she got to be standing right next to the taller who's following his eyes on her and faced her.

he was then taken by surprise when minyoung had a finger putting pressure on his chest, poking him harshly. ❝i saw you with jie hanging out behind the school building. you two were laughing, being so close to each other as if social distancing never existed, and you even held his hand!

it actually took taehyun a while to finally understand what rainbow meant, should have remembered that both his fathers are also like that. ❝wait, i'm gay?

groaning for the nth time in the morning, minyoung started speaking gibberish as she was that frustrated at how dumbfounded the male is right now. ❝you could have told me that you liked my friend, i would have helped you!

even though she knows that this guy's brother clearly has an eye for her chinese dumpling of a friend, she'd actually would help him if he just told her about it. it might not be a great idea to steal his brother's dumpling, and it would also hurt her badly for sure, but she'd do it just for him to be happy.

if, that is, it would make him happy.

what?❞ flashbacks to the one time which the girl referred to then made taehyun let out an audible sound of realization. upon remembering it, he couldn't hold back the urge to snort. but the girl is too busy getting frustrated and upset to even see how the male is now smiling widely, clearly enjoying her reaction.

i hate the fact that despite of us fighting all the time, teasing each other with no end, i still get to feel something from you.❞ she uttered while looking down as she lost the courage to stare straight at the male. she looked away the moment she could feel the tears welling up from her eyes. it was too early to get so emotional but god damn it, she's just hurt at how she just got to know this now when she has grown a liking towards him. ❝i hate it how i'm wishing that you aren't a rainbow because that lessens my chance of being with you.

she's actually confessing right on the spot and taehyun just can't hide that smile on his face, also coo at how she actually used rainbow as the term. he wasn't offended by being accused by it though, not when she's the one accusing him. honestly, he just finds it cute how she's being jealous and is stressing out about him being a rainbow and liking someone else rather than her.

when we all know how whipped he is for her, just showing it in a different way.

fuck, what am i saying?❞ she clicked her tongue and suddenly lost the appetite to eat. looking up the ceiling, she managed to prevent herself from crying and now turned her back on him before he continues on exposing herself. ❝do what you want to do. this feelings will just disappear after this.

she started to walk away and could feel her heart break to pieces when taehyun didn't even try stopping her. he just stood there on the same spot and having that smile still plastered on his face as if he finds the situation funny. she hasn't gotten that far which made him fold his arms across his chest as he knows of something that can make her stop from leaving without hearing his explanation.

i was with jie because he wanted help in surprising taeho.❞ he said, making the girl stop her tracks before she gets to step out of the kitchen. ❝i never knew you were there, watching us.

and right at that moment, her faced got all flushed and red. she just assumed the reason as to why there were alone behind the school building, thinking that they were there to hide their relationship from people, thus bothering her to no stop because of it. in the end, it's just nothing but jie asking help from taehyun. she actually thought that the two had something and that taehyun preferred guys than gals.

what she also don't know is how taehyun prefers minyoung more than anyone.

w-whatever.❞ she stuttered, cursing at herself inside her head for stuttering and showing that she was relieved hearing that.

taehyun chuckled an finally turned around to face minyoung who's back is still facing at him. ❝minyoung?

the girl stayed silent, calming herself down from the embarrassment she felt. she was so ready to move on and forget the feelings she felt for taehyun but seems like it's impossible to do so now. and frankly speaking, it's make her smile like crazy upon knowing that he isn't a rainbow. not like she has any problem of it, it just relieved her more that he's not yet taken and that maybe she still has a chance on him.

jung minyoung?❞ taehyun called her out again. this time, getting closer towards her.

that snapped minyoung out from her thoughts and turned around to correct the male. ❝i'm a kim!❞ but turning around to face taehyun was the worst decision she made.

they were now dangerously close and her heart won't stop beating like crazy. taehyun leaned down to match her height and had that annoying smile on his face, actually amused at how she was acting. this isn't the minyoung he knows but he's not complaining, this side of hers is actually cute as heck.

he badly just wants to keep her inside his pocket.

i like you too.

she pushed him away with her shaking cold hands. ❝i never said i liked you!

he placed his hands inside his pockets and shrugged. ❝sure.

still denying the fact that she just indirectly confessed to him, she huffed and said the opposite.❝i hate you!


i really do!

and i like you too.❞ he repeated again, already aware that the girl had this glued inside her head. it was the second time saying it, reassuring her, but surely it won't be his last.

right.❞ she puffed her cheeks, not believing his words.

placing a finger under her chin and leaning close till he got to place a soft kiss on top of her forehead, startling her, he had their foreheads pressed with that wide grin on his face. if it relieved her knowing that he really isn't having an eye on his friend, how much for taehyun to know that this girl right likes him back despite of his flaws. ❝i really do.

minyoung usually isn't the type to get flustered in situations but having the male's face this close and hearing his confession back just made him feel like those teenage girls receiving a text message from their crush.

and you're right, i am a rainbow.❞ blinking her eyes twice, the girl furrowed her brows at that statement. it kind of took her aback which taehyun could only laugh as it was his intention to do so. ❝i am a rainbow whenever i'm with you.

having something to question about that, minyoung didn't get to do so when she was pulled closer by an arm that's now wrapped tightly around his waist. making her yelp real loud, she covered her mouth as she didn't mean to make a sound. it only then made taehyun chuckle deeply.

because when i'm with you,❞ he neared close just to boop their noses. ❝i get to show you all my true colors.

minyoung's lips was pressed to a thin line, ❝that's cute and all but can you stop groping my peaches?


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