008│chan & jiro

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where in jiro has to take care of baby chan

jiro¡ nineteen
chan¡ three

standing in the middle of his messed up room, jiro could feel his blood boiling and feeling like he could burst out any second from now but held it in just because he can't be mad of his boo.

he just woke up and this is already greeting him. ❝so it really be like this, huh?

a little boy peeked out of the thick covers after finally getting stuck under and clapped his hands in joy after finally making way out. ❝fun!

a good night's rest with his boyfriend, that's what he had. but then, morning came and he was greeted with a sight of a baby sitting on top of him, below his waist, and started poking the exposed toned packs he had. at first, he thought he was just dreaming, that closing his eyes and opening them a minute after would bring him back to seeing his boyfriend sleeping right next to him. but no, even closing his eyes for five minutes didn't work and he now had to deal with a baby.

his boyfriend turned to a baby. and to think he hadn't handled him way back then, they basically grew up together so he knows how much of a pain in the ass he can be.

jiro shook his head in disapproval. ❝it's not fun.❞ he then walked over to his bed and carried the little baby up. ❝how on earth did you turn to this boo?

the boy blinked his eyes innocently before laughing really loud and putting both his small hands on jiro's face, squishing them. ❝boo!

stop it.❞ jiro looked away but was only forced to look back at the baby with those small hands being placed on his jaw with force. the baby pouted and slapped male on the cheeks just because the male is frowning. of course, jiro was taken aback by it as he didn't expect for the baby to slap him. ❝boo!

bad shit.❞ baby chan huffed with his arms folded across his naked chest.

and was it mentioned that it was the day after they have done the deed last night? if no, then it will be mentioned and that's why not only was the baby naked but jiro was only in his boxers and he never expected to have his own boyfriend turned back to a baby as he wakes up after a tiring night like magic. not only will he be burdened in taking care of his baby boo, but he'll also get a beating from his parents once they would find out about him bringing his boyfriend here.

he is supposed to be grounded, no gadgets, and it was bolded and italicized by his papa that there'll be no chan.

but who is jiro if he doesn't break rules? upon knowing that his parents, along with his little brother, will be out for the day, he immediately took this chance to use an old phone and call his boyfriend over. today was supposed to be the day that he'd bring his boyfriend back home before his parents comes back.

unfortunately for him, his boo just had to turn to a baby.

let's go take a bath.❞ jiro is not even surprised to be in this situation despite of it being unexpected. chan in his adult body is still a baby for him so what could go wrong in taking care of chan in his baby form?

but he totally had forgotten what chan is like when he was still a baby. ❝i want ducky momo!

you dropped that favorite character of your years ago, you'll live without it.❞ jiro said, carrying the naked baby towards his own bathroom.

wash him up, take him home, get back here safe and sound, clean the place, and viola— he'd get to get away with his parents' nag, most especially from his papa who's quite strict with house rules.

his father once broke a house rule, probably stayed up late for video games, and he was met with a slipper on his face from his papa. that, he didn't want to happen to him.

the baby struggled to get out from jiro's hold but then had a perfect idea in mind. chan then let his body droop down from the male's arms till he slid down enough for his mouth to touch jiro's arm. taking this chance, he opened his mouth real wide, making an adorable sound while at it, and took this chance to bite the male's arm. the baby had his face scrunched, expecting it to be squishy but it was hard as heck. he felt like he was biting a bone.

it then earned a loud shriek from jiro, but what's important is that chan had finally got down from the male's arms with him smoothly landing on the baby blue carpet.

this baby.❞ jiro groaned in annoyance as he ran a hand through his messy locks, eyeing baby chan that's already waddling away from him. ❝i'm going to get you!

see what he meant by the pain in the ass? not literally, since that's his job to make his boyfriend feel that way, but dealing with his boo in his baby body is sure a handful.

chan turned around when he heard jiro raising his voice and then had a horror scream when he saw the tall male running towards his direction like an angry bull. with his small legs and not minding his dingdong dangling, baby chan ran as fast as he can just to be away from jiro who's now fuming.

scary shit!❞ the small, fluffy baby managed to say with his breaths getting uneven, not really knowing that he had just cursed.

then again, since when has he not cursed? his first word is probably a cuss word.

yeah,❞ jiro reached his hand forward for him to able to reach for chan who's running as if his life depends on it, which it does because getting caught might lead to him being forced to take a bath. taking a bath with lead to cold water, and cold water is a big no-no for baby chan. ❝and this scary shit will catch you!

all chan could do was scream his lungs out and run as fast as he can with jiro tailing from behind. although it may not look like it, chan was having the time of his life having fun while jiro was chasing him, still looking like an angry bull in the baby's perspective. the two of them ran to around and around everywhere inside the room, going up and under things, until it came to the point that jiro just had to slip to one of his shirts that's been thrown anywhere inside the room just to catch the baby that's now laughing uncontrollably.

being on the ground, with his stomach laid flat, jiro sighed in the most stressful way he can make out. dealing with his boyfriend is already hard as it is, what more if he's dealing his boyfriend in his baby form?

maybe he can use it in his boo's language, baby chan is bad shit.

baby chan saw jiro down on the ground and took this chan to go up to him without fear and sat on the male's naked back. ❝get up doggo!

i'm not a dog.❞ jiro groaned while propping his arms up and now looking like he's a horse with the fluffy baby sitting on his back.

the baby scooted closer to jiro's head and used his small hands to grab a fistful of it, not pulling to hard as he didn't want to hurt the male. after all, he is still his boyfriend and he still cares for him but of course, he isn't thinking of that in being a baby. ❝doggo, let us do the go!

getting up from the ground, chan slid down and had to put both his hands on jiro's shoulders for support just for him not to fall down on the ground. now, he's clinging to a frustrated park from behind and the male didn't even both getting worried of his baby boyfriend falling down and getting injured.

well, jiro knows how clingy he is.

also, it doesn't look like chan is scared of falling down. clinging from behind with his arms wrapped around his neck, he was laughing real loud as his small body was swaying side to side with jiro walking around trying to think of a modern solution with this modern problem before his parents arrive and catches him breaking a rule.

"jiro we are back!"

and just when he's thinking about his family, the first thing he had to hear from downstairs is his papa. he could also hear a sound of keys and his little brother's loud pitchy laugh.

"ge, we bought macaroons for you!"

hearing that word caused for baby chan to gasp. ❝maroons!

hearing his little brother's voice now made jiro malfunction and just do whatever comes up to his mind. he then let chan fall back softly back in the fluffy, messy mattress and took his shirt that he had slipped on. approaching the obedient baby that's sitting down on the bed, jiro made him wear his large shirt that now served as an oversized dress for baby chan.

you stay here, be quiet, and don't do anything stupid.❞ jiro said, kissing the top of his boyfriend's forehead before leaving his room without even realizing that he's wearing nothing but his boxers on.

but,❞ with quivering lips, the little sized human being looked up at the panicked male with his glossy eyes. ❝baby chan wants to play with boo!

having their call sign being said by the little one almost made jiro smile, if it weren't just for him having his mind in a tornado as his family has arrived and his boyfriend is still here. ❝boo will come back here and play with you. that is, if you promise me to behave.

doggo will come back,❞ with his voice that came out as a whine, chan lifted his hand up and had his pinky finger in display. ❝promise?

sighing, the male had no choice but to give in. ❝doggo will come back.

if it weren't just for how adorable his boyfriend is then he wouldn't have melted and gave in tht easily. still, it doesn't change the fact that he is a handful.

surely, his parents won't get suspicious of it, right? as long as his baby boo will just stay inside his room and not come out, none of them will know that he had broken a rule.

plus, he only realized that he's almost in full percent naked the moment he got down from the stairs and feeling the cold air hitting his body, but it was too late to go back up and pick a shirt. his papa, along with dad and his little dumpling of a brother, came out of the kitchen and had their brows furrowed upon seeing jiro being almost naked. fortunately for the doomed park, that sight was was already normal for them as it's always how he wakes up and presents himself.

sometimes, that's also how jisung shows up early in the morning and chenle has to scold him for it.

did you just wake up?❞ actually, chenle should have already expected seeing his oldest son growing up being an exact copy of his husband.

not finding any reasonable thing to say, jiro nodded his head slowly with a nervous smile on. ❝y-yeah, didn't know y-you guys would come this early.

so much for being stealthy enough, his stutters says otherwise.

the taller father's brow then twitched at not only how the way he speaks sound suspicious, but also the way he looked. it showed that he was hiding something, but he wanted to leave all the scolding to his husband. and so, he only let out a chuckle before dragging the youngest of the family to the sofa and turned the flat screen tv on. ❝it seems like you've been obedient while we were gone.

the male that's left alone at home for a day with a set of rules to follow then gulped after earning a look from from his dad that's by the sofa. though he had to look like everything is alright, he can't help but sweat buckets. ❝of course! i always listen to papa's words.

and it only worsened when he heard a loud thud coming from his room.

sure.❞ jisung squinted his eyes at his eldest son, not believing that he did follow papa's rules while they go out for a day leave him alone in the house. also, the oldest park of the two son's then heaved out a relieving sigh when he saw how his father just shrugged the loud thud off, thinking that it's some cat that got inside his room.

and their most feared papa even believed the reason, was somewhat proud that he can trust jiro with the task of leaving the house to him. ❝you're starting to be a responsible boy. maybe i'll take considerations of buying a unit for you—

there goes jiro's dream in living alone at a unit.

the papa's sentence was then stopped when someone suddenly appeared on top of the stairs. that certain someone had caught everyone's eyes, not noticing it since he was in the middle of yawning as if he had woken up from a deep sleep, he's also rubbing his eyes as he just stood there thinking that it's only his boyfriends present in the living room.

silence filled the living room with only the variety show in the flat screen being heard. jisung had a knowing smirk thrown at his oldest son, the young dumpling looked up at his brother's boyfriend then at his own brother while looking clueless, and chenle took back his words in saying that he had found his son being responsible enough to follow the rules he had given to him.

boo, why am i wearing your shirt?❞ chan then said, still yawning and groaning at the pain he felt from behind. it just hit him like a truck at how his boyfriend did all out on him last night, showing no mercy. not like he even asked for it last night, rough jiro is the best jiro for him. ❝and how dare you leave me alone in your room? my peaches still hurts from—

the lee that is surprisingly invited to their house then paused from his sentence when he had just caught the sight of his boyfriend's family present in the living room. his father had his brows wiggling in a teasing way at him, the little and innocent dumpling waved at him with a bright smile, jiro buried his face down to the palm of his hand as he knew he was screwed, and last but definitely never the least, his boo's papa is standing there with his eyes scanning his body.

chenle scanned chan from top to bottom and didn't miss out those marks on the male's exposed thighs, turning to jiro after with a very sweet smile that everyone in the family would shiver as they know what that smile meant.

how many times do i have to tell you not to do it in this house of mine?

looks like that's a whole month of no gadgets, and no chan.

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