013│chan & jiro

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baby chan wants his ducky momo— markhyuck just wants him to take a bath.

chan¡ three
jiro¡ four

mark¡ twenty four
donghyuck¡ twenty three

baby, don't cry.❞ donghyuck crouched down as he ran his hand through the child's hair to comfort him. ❝let's go take a bath, shall we?

but i want ducky momo!❞ chan then wailed out loud, getting attention from his daddy who's laying down the bed and just watching the scene unfold.

giving his lazy husband a glare, mark was then forced to get up from the bed and went to help his lover in silencing their adorable but whiny child down. ❝chan, listen, ducky momo is left at home.

upon knowing that the park's are spending their vacation at the beach house that the zhong family had owned, the lee's also decided to tag along. to say that chan got excited was an understatement, he was very much thrilled to meet his bestfriend, park jiro. the other families were too busy spending their holidays outside the country and some just wanted to spend together with their grandparents— so, it's just the lee's and park's that are left there. chenle didn't force his friends to join them and respected their time. the wong's, however, are planning to catch up the next day so that the kids can play together.

however, among all of the things that had to be forgotten and left at home, it just had to be chan's favorite rubber ducky.

ducky momo,❞ chan continued to cry out, not listening to either of his parents' explanation. ❝no ducky momo, no bath!

donghyuck looked up to mark and saw his husband running a hand through his hair stressfully. chuckling, the tanned male stood up and placed a peck on his lover's lips to calm him down. even at the cute sight, and chan's favorite sight, which is his papa and daddy showing love and affection towards each other, the baby still continued to cry and he isn't planning on stopping soon.

because, again, for the nth time, he wants his ducky momo.

i'll call yukhei and ask him if he can stop by to our house.❞ donghyuck said as he placed chan's clothes down the bed before making his way to the door. ❝you stay here with chan.

can't i come with you?❞ mark sprinted towards donghyuck and gave him a back hug, a not so tight one, before his lover can step out of the room. ❝i need to accompany my pregnant lover.

donghyuck could then feel mark's chicken hands caressing his stomach and rubbing it so softly, making him smile at the older's actions. ❝who's going to look out for chan?

mark wiggled his brows at his lover, telling him to watch whatever he was about to do. walking to the crying boy, he the crouched down in front of him and cupped his child's face. he cooed at how chan's head looked so small in his hand, but of course he snapped back to his senses as he reminded himself that he still needs to accompany his husband down to get his phone from the living room. ❝baby, look at me.

sniffling with tears still streaming down, chan looked up to his father and saw him having a wide smile. ❝hm, mister daddy?

who's the baddest shit?❞ using a cute tone despite of curing, mark then asked to a child.

he could then hear donghyuck coughing to get his attention and as he diverted his eyes to the doorway, there stood his husband with his brows raised and hands on the hips. oh, mark was so threatened seeing that look. not only was it telling him that he was facing a scolding later for cursing in front of their child, but it's also telling him that he's going to be sleeping at the sofa tonight.

which is why, he was quick to take back what he said. he let out a nervous chuckle upon clearing his throat, turning back to give their crying baby some attention. ❝i mean, good boy. who's the good boy?

m-me..❞ the child used his small hands to wipe the tears that still kept on falling down from his eyes. ❝chan is b-bad shit.

donghyuck gasped after hearing their son curse, right after he was taught to. ❝mark lee!

damn, it's the full government name card being pulled. this was enough to warn the man that he was, indeed, doomed. he didn't want his lover to nag at him for more than an hour and teaching him what to do and what words to say in front of a child. ❝no, baby, again, you are a good shi— boy!

chan then nodded, ❝chan is good shit.

not having the guts to look at his now furious husband, mark had already given up and just went to whatever the baby said. ❝since chan is a good shit, i want baby to stay here while papa and daddy will get ducky momo, okay?

ducky momo come?❞ the baby sniffled, still having the urge to cry at the fact that he left his one and only rubber duckie at home.

kissing the child's forehead, mark reassured him with a nod and a smile. ❝ducky momo will come and will take a bath together with baby chan.

and with that, mark and donghyuck went out of the room. chan was left there, alone, and he couldn't help but cry hard. not because his parents left him alone in the room, but because of his ducky momo being forgotten at home. poor ducky momo, must be lonely at home. chan couldn't stand the thought of ducky momo being alone inside the bathroom, baby doesn't like ducky momo to be alone

with his cries being heard outside, a curious baby, named no other than park jiro, followed to where the cries were directed at and pushed the door open. mark and donghyuck didn't even close the door properly. peeking inside the room, the little dude then saw the baby sun with only an underwear on, crying on his spot.

chan?❞ as much as jiro hated the younger as of the moment for stealing a piece of his macaroons, something inside him just pushed the boy to make an effort in putting a smile on sad kid's face. ❝why is chan crying?

chan removed his hand from his face and hugged the boy who's standing in front of him. ❝ducky momo not here.

you want ducky momo to take a bath together with you?❞ jiro knew about chan and his obsession on ducky momo, so it's not a surprise into why he's crying over a rubber ducky that's not here.

chan nodded his head, still crying on the boy's chest. ❝baby chan is sad.

the four-year-old, that's dealing with chan crying, looked up and saw something yellow on top of the bed. it was chan's clothes and he saw a yellow shirt with ducky momo's figure printed on it. carefully removing the younger's arms around him, jiro marched his way to the bed and took the shirt. the little dude then gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it up. without the younger boy looking, jiro wore chan's yellow ducky momo shirt that went up to his knees. jiro then removed the shorts he is wearing, leaving only an underwear on, and went to the crying boy.

hello!❞ jiro threw his hands up in the air with a bright smile on his face. ❝i am ducky momo!

chan looked up while sniffling and saw jiro wearing only his shirt. it may not be his rubber ducky, but ducky momo was there. the baby sun then threw his body towards jiro and hug him tight, ❝ducky momo!

so, will chan take a bath with ducky momo?❞ jiro asked softly, holding the younger's small hands.

the latter nodded his head aggressively, almost making it look like he'll break his neck. ❝chan take a bath because ducky momo here.

dragging the boy to the open bathroom, jiro made sure that they won't slip and can't help but have his lips curved up after seeing chan's bright smile. ❝let's go take a bath!

after making a phone call, donghyuck was thankful that lucas can stop by their house to get the rubber ducky that's left inside the bathroom. with mark helping him walk up to the stairs, the married couple heard some laughs and screams inside their shared family room. they quickly then went to their room and saw that chan wasn't there, same goes for his yellow ducky momo shirt.

"ducky momo will get you!"

"chan is not scared! i will give ducky momo a hug!"

getting inside the bathroom, smiles made its way to both mark's and donghyuck's face after seeing chan playing with jiro inside the bathtub filled with warm water. and not to mention jiro still wearing chan's yellow ducky momo shirt as they were playing with water.

caught you!❞ jiro then engulfed him in a tight hug.

chan just let out a cute giggle as he wrapped his arms around the older boy, snuggling to the boy's chest. ❝i love you, ducky momo.

it was such an adorable sight that the parents can't help but take a video of it.

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