Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

       While I was leaving my diner to head home, I saw my ex-girlfriend walking by while pushing our daughter in a stroller. And I, of course, couldn't help but walk over to say hi to our four month old.

       Anastasia started smiling and kicked her feet once she saw me. I really loved this little girl. She definitely made my life a lot better.

       "You're still going to be watching her tonight, right?" Destiny asked.

       I looked over at her. "Wait, I'm supposed to watch her tonight?"

       "Yeah," Destiny said. "Don't tell me you forgot."

       I sighed. "Yeah. Sorry."

       "And let me guess, you already have plans so you're going to need me to watch her tonight," Destiny said. "Yet again."


       "Dan, this is the fourth time you cancelled on watching your own daughter because you made other plans," Destiny said. "When are you actually going to take the time to put your daughter first?"

       "Okay, that's not fair," I said. "I do."

       "Yeah, when you want to," Destiny said. "Not when I need you to. I really needed a night off and I was supposed to hang out with Calvin and Ariella tonight. But I guess I'm going to have to cancel because I know you're not going to."

       I sighed as Destiny walked away. I knew she was right, but it was so hard trying to balance the two separate lives that I had. I had to please so many people at the same time and no matter what I did, someone would end up disappointed.

       I went back to my house and as soon as I got there, I flopped onto the couch. I knew if I cancelled on Vanessa, she was only going to get angry with me, even if it was for my daughter.

       But if I didn't cancel, Destiny would be angry with and she was the mother of my kid. We did have joint custody but if I didn't show my dedication as a father, that could change.

       It took a while to make my decision but when I did, I reached for my cell phone and called Vanessa. It didn't take long for her to answer and when she did, she said, "Hey, Dan. So, what time are we leaving tonight?"

       "About that..." I said slowly, not sure how I should break the news to her.

       Apparently, I didn't have to.

       "Don't tell me you're cancelling," Vanessa said. "I was so excited for tonight."

       I sighed. "I know, I know, but I already promised Destiny I would watch Tasie tonight and it completely slipped my mind."

       "And when did you promise this?" Vanessa asked.

       "I don't know," I said. "Sometime last week, that's for sure."

       "Can't you cancel?" Vanessa asked.

       "Yeah, I can," I said. "But Tasie is my daughter and I already bailed on watching her three other times. I can't keep doing it. We can go out some other night, right? It's not like it had to be tonight only."

       "Fine, whatever," Vanessa said and I could already hear the anger in her voice.

       "Vanessa..." I began, but she didn't even let me finish as she hung up.

       See? No matter what choice I made, someone was going to end up angry at me.

       Why couldn't things be a lot easier for me?

       I got up from the couch and put my phone in my pocket before going to the front door and putting my shoes and jacked on. After leaving my house and locking it behind me, I headed over to Destiny's house hoping that she was there.

       And that she would actually open the door and would want to talk to me.

       She did, thankfully. She wasn't happy, but she opened the door anyway. "What do you want?" she asked.

       "You're right," I said. "One hundred percent. You need a night off and I really need to start putting my daughter ahead of my relationship. I wouldn't be a great father if she came second in my life. I'll watch her tonight."

       "Really?" Destiny asked. "You're willing to cancel your plans?"

       "Yeah," I said. "I already cancelled. I need to keep my promise, so you go out and have fun and I'll watch Tasie tonight."

       Destiny smiled softly. "Thank you, Dan. Do you mind taking her now so I can get ready?"

       "Yeah, of course," I said.

       Destiny led me into her house and I got Anastasia ready to head over to my place. I placed her in the stroller, making sure that she had her favourite blanket with her. After placing the diaper bag in the basket of the stroller, I left the house. Destiny thanked me again for keeping my promise, but I told her she shouldn't have to thank me.

       Because I should be keeping my promises when it came to Anastasia.

       When I was walking to my house, someone walked up to me and judging by her angry expression, I knew she was only going to get mad at me for bailing on her friend.

       And I really didn't want to listen to her whine.

       "How could you bail on Vanessa?" Courtney asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "She was so excited for tonight."

       "Yeah, I know, but I didn't have a choice," I said. "I promise Destiny long before Vanessa and I made plans tonight that I would watch Anastasia tonight."

       "You couldn't tell Destiny that you couldn't watch Anastasia?" Courtney asked.

       "Like I told Vanessa, I could have but Tasie is my daughter," I said. "I'm her father and I can't keep bailing on her. She needs both her parents in her life, not just her mother."

       "You know, you're only going to ruin things between you and Vanessa," Courtney said. "So I suggest you step up and start being a better boyfriend."

       I snorted a laugh. "Sorry Courtney, but I don't think you of all people are suited to be giving me relationship advice."

       I didn't bother listening to anything else Courtney wanted to say as I continued walking to my house. 


yes my sassy dan is back. i missed dan. too bad this will only be about five chapters. :(

BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN. I love you a lot and I miss youuuuuu. I need to start giving you better roles in the rest of the Spruceworth series. 

TOO BAD HE'S 27 IN THE CURRENT AND THE MAIN CHARACTER RIGHT NOW IS 18 AHAHAHA. (and 24 if you count shaw)(i kind of wish i didn't skip ahead five years ahahaha)

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