Battle with the dogs

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You see two large dogs racing at your leader, Amberstar, who was on her last life. You turn to see two apprentices fighting desperately to fend off a huge dog.
What do you do?
Help Amberstar: Go to 2
Help the apprentices: Go to 3

You turn away from the apprentices and race to help Amberstar, who is pinned, the dogs yelping in glee. You leap on the bigger dog, freeing Amberstar. She shoots you a grateful glance before swiping at the smaller dogs neck. You unsheathe your claws and swipe at the larger dogs flank. It opened its large jaws and tried to bite your head, but you dodge. You leap at its neck, grabbing its shoulders with your claws you bite its neck. You leap off, hissing and spitting as it turns tail and flees.
What do you do?
See to the apprentices: Go to 4
Find another cat to help: Go to 5
Stay with Amberstar: Go to 6

You race to help the apprentices, Rainpaw and Wolfpaw, and slide between them, hitting the dogs nose with unsheathed claws. It yelps in pain swiping at you, it deals a large blow to your head. You hiss in pain, drawing back you try to think of your next move.
What do you do?
Hit its head back: Go to 7
Go for its throat: Go to 8
Slide under its belly: Go to 9

You turn to the apprentices and to your horror, Rainpaw, a light grey tabby she-cat, is laying dead on the ground. Wolfpaw, Rainpaws brother, a dark grey tortoise-shell Tom, is backing away, swiping at the growling dog. You race over, batting the dogs flank with your claws as hard as your aching bones allowed you. It growled, backing away it fled. You nod to Rainpaw, and the two of you run back to camp to get the medicine cat and some reinforcements.

You look around and see your mate, HeronFlower, batting at a small dog. She hissed in pain, falling she looked up as the drooling dog snapped at her, less then a whisker-length away from her neck. She shouldn't be fighting! You think. She's got her kits to worry about! You race over, clawing at the dogs neck as hard as you can. It turned, growling it clawed your flank. You wince in pain, leaping onto the dog you claw its muzzle and bite it's shoulder. It growls, angry and defeated it raced away. You nod to HeronFlower, and you two pad back to camp, your mate leaning on your shoulder, to get reinforcements.

You help Amberstar as she helps others and faces dogs. You are helping another cat that Amberstar was helping when you hear yowling. You turn, to see Amberstar standing in the path of a dog who was about to leap and kill. You race over, thinking about what you should do.
What do you do?
Save Amberstar: Go to 10
Let Amberstar die: Go to 11

You bring yourself up, and let your claw try to hit the dogs head, but it ducked down and leaped onto you. It snapped at your neck, and your body felt weak in a spasm of pain. Your vision begins to blur, the edges darkening by the second. You just manage to see Rainpaw and Wolfpaw racing to get help, and the Dog racing after her with its tongue lolling out. Your vision becomes black and your body goes limp, and you find yourself so weak you can't breath. You feel your blood spilling out, it's warm feeling on your fur as you go to join StarClan.

You bring yourself up, and let your claw slide across its throat. It yelps in pain, and you draw away, nodding to the apprentices they race away, and you leap into the dog, hitting its head with the power of Lionclan. It yelped again, and retreated. You turn back to the forest and race after the apprentices, charging into camp.

You slide under the dog, clawing it's belly as hard as you can. You appear on the other side, biting its tail you break it, leaping onto its back. It shakes you off, and you hit a tree. You shakily get up, and watch as the apprentices drive the dog off. They come over, thanking you they support you back to camp.

You leap in the way of the dog as it leaps, and feel its sharp teeth dig into your neck, snapping your neck. Your vision fades, and all you can hear is the faded yowling from Amberstar. A few heartbeats later you can hear a small whisper, " Thank you, Spiritheart. " Amberstar whispers in your ear.

You watch as it leaps at Amberstar, crunching her neck in its jaws. You leap onto the dog, biting its neck in fury. It lets out and ear-splitting yelp and fell limply to the ground. You pad iver to Amberstar, " We will honor yoy, Amberstar. " Amberstar smiled weakly, letting out a small meow, " Y-You w-Wi..ll w...well... S....Sp....spirit......heart... "

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