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Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim dtb As Single

Dim ng As Integer

Dim tp As Single

dtb = (Val(Text2) + Val(Text3) * 2 + Val(Text4) * 2) / 5

ng = Round(dtb, 0)

'Text6.Text = ng

tp = dtb - ng

If (tp > 0.2 And tp <= 0.5) Then       'de viet nhieu else trong if can phai suong hang sau then

Text5.Text = ng + 0.5


If (tp > 0.5 And tp < 0.75) Then

Text5.Text = ng + 0.5


If tp >= 0.75 Then

Text5.Text = ng + 1


Text5.Text = ng

End If

End If

End If

If Val(Text5.Text) >= 9 And Val(Text2.Text) >= 5 And Val(Text3.Text) >= 5 And Val(Text4.Text) >= 5 Then

Text6.Text = "Xuaát Saéc"


If Val(Text5.Text) >= 8 And Val(Text2.Text) >= 5 And Val(Text3.Text) >= 5 And Val(Text4.Text) >= 5 Then

Text6.Text = "Gioûi"


If Val(Text5.Text) >= 7 And Val(Text2.Text) >= 4 And Val(Text3.Text) >= 4 And Val(Text4.Text) >= 4 Then

Text6.Text = "Khaù"


If Val(Text5.Text) >= 5 And Val(Text2.Text) >= 3 And Val(Text3.Text) >= 3 And Val(Text4.Text) >= 3 Then

Text6.Text = "Trung Bình"


Text6.Text = "Hoûng"

End If

End If

End If

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1 = ""

Text2 = ""

Text3 = ""

Text4 = ""

Text5 = ""

Text6 = ""


End Sub


Private Sub Command3_Click()


End Sub

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