Choose your Fighter!

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I turn on my 3DS. I fire up Super Smash Bros. As the game starts, I become giddy with anticipation, anxious to begin. Finally, the main menu appears. I choose Smash and set the rules; 3 stocks, random stage. Now I need to choose a character.

I scroll my token over the selection of fighters. Trying to choose from over 50 fighters is difficult. I look at all the characters, amazed to see all my favorites present and accounted for. Mario, Link, Kirby, Marth... I cannot begin to comprehend how Sakurai did it.

Now it's decision time. I look at the average characters: Mario, Luigi, Link, Marth. They're OK in everything, but they don't have a strength. I could go with a fast character, such as Toon Link, Sonic or Meta Knight, but they don't hit very hard. There's the heavyweights; Bowser, Ganondorf, DK, and King Dedede, but they're slow. Little Mac is fast and powerful, but has less than amazing recovery. I could use a swordsman like Ike, Marth or Lucina, but they attack slower. Those with projectiles are good, like Samus, Link and Mega Man, but I don't like that kind of style much. I could also use a Mii Fighter, but if I want to play online, I can't use Miis...

So many thoughts going through my head at once! This is making it so hard to decide! Then I realize... I have lots of skill. I can train with each character as I play. I will become a great Smash player. I finally decide who I want to use. I place my token on their portrait and press Start. I have chosen...

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