Ice and fire

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You have been sleeping.
But now you finally wake up
You must be confused. You must think you're in a dream. In a way your right, but dreams can be more than just images, they can be visions of the future. This is one of those dreams. I rule over a world. One you might be familiar with. A world you will be born into, but before that, I will help you.
I have seven friends, four of them will guide you, the other three will bless you.

You begin with three blessings, how you use them is up to you.

Five kingdoms

Ruling house for one blessing, you will receive a higher quality education.

Kingdom of the north:
You are born into a snowy holdfast in the north. The population is small, but tightly knit. You will make a few fast friends. It's harder to live, but it will be worth it. Manuel laborers- farmers, smiths, and soldiers- are respected, while politicians, priests, and such are looked down upon.
If you choose a ruling house, you will receive excellent swordsmanship training.

Kingdom of the west:
This place is in a desert. Rather wealthy. Smiths are respected and so are the taught politicians, priests, merchants, and people of science.
If you choose a ruling house, you will be wealthier, but you will also be scorned by the common people.

Kingdom of the east:
This place is In a jungle. It's relatively small, but it's easier to live in because of the fertile soil, and there is more water.
Priests, farmers, assassins, and smiths are highly respected. Everyone is treated as equals, so there isn't really a monarchy. This kingdom has a great deal of assassins as apolulation, so you will most likely be one.
If you choose a ruling house, you will receive excellent cunning stealth training.

Kingdom of the south:
Really warm, jungle climate. This jungle is almost inhospitable, if it weren't for the lake in the middle of it. They are very similar to the east kingdom in terms of culture.
Ruling families get more water than common people. Since the lack of water is the reason the land is considered inhospitable.

Central kingdom:
A land in the mountains, there are no houses, just really luxurious caves, well depending on what cave you live in, some are better than others. Believe it or not there is actually fertile soil there. Librarians are highly respected, for they hold more knowledge of the other four kingdoms. Anyone with knowledge of outside the kingdom is greatly respected.
Ruling families will get a better education.

Seven professions

For one blessing, you can learn up to two things at once

-better education

-better stealth

-better handy work

-fed better

-better strength

-make slightly more money

-more knowledge

Six gifts

For one blessing, you can choose two gifts

-you will have an animal friend
-they will be immortal

Touched by magic:
-you become a Mage of:
Fire, water, light, dark, ice, nature, psychic, and cosmic

-you can have three features of a single animal of your choice
-you can also ShapeShift into the animal you chose

-a little like the half blood
- can ShapeShift into multiple different animals

-eternal youth

Time freeze:
-freeze time for as long as three minuets
-everyone but you will go blind and deaf for the three minutes, then return to normal as if nothing ever happened.

Thank you for having the patience of going through this. This was the longest one so far because of the story.

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