Stranger danger

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"Wait here." Oscar had said.

"I just need to run down August his phone, I'll be one sec." He said.

Well it had been a whopping 7 whole minutes and Charlie Rosaline DeLuca was not pleased.

Some would even say she was fuming.

Maybe he had gotten lost on the way down...

Or maybe he had been kidnapped by aliens?

Charlie's weird and bizarre thoughts were soon interrupted by a gentle knock at the door.

"Finally," Charlie muttered looking down at Paul, "I would make him stay outside but m'hungry and a girls gotta eat."

Waddling over to the large oak door Charlie gripped the handle and slowly opened it, having a little trouble due to her slightly miniature size.

When she finally had the door opened Charlie looked up in hopes of seeing her big brother on his knees practically begging for her forgiveness.

But it was definitely not her big brother.

There stood an old frail man gripping onto a dark wooden stick. Despite his older age his eyes were soft and kind.

If Charlie was being honest she though he looked like Santa.

"Hello?" Charlie greeted though it was more like a question.

The old man seemed confused to why a five year old was answering the door and interacting with him but he went on to speak anyway.

"Hello dear, are your parents around by any chance?" His voice came out staggered and croaky.

It almost sounded pained.

If only he knew the real pain his question had just caused the small child.

Charlie simply shook her head no, not wanting to force to words of "They're gone." out from her lips.

The old man some how understood from the pained expression that had suddenly made its way onto her baby face.

"That's alright. Have you got any carers around? You seem to be very little and I hate to be the strange one here but I am in-fact a stranger."

"Well," Charlie started with an agitated sigh, "Oscar was only meant to go out for a second because August forgot his phone! Can you believe that? August is really forgetful after all, once he forgot his keys at the park and tore up Oscar whole ro-"

"The toilet."

"What?" Charlie scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion.

That was very weird.

"I'm so sorry but I desperately need to use your toilet. I seemed to have locked my self out, see I live just below you in 65a and it seems I too have forgot my keys."

"Just like August?" Charlie gasped to herself.

"Yes." The old man laughed softly, "Just like August.
I'm so very sorry but would I be able to use you Bathroom? My daughters on her way with the spare keys but she'll be twenty more minutes and if I'm being honest that's a long wait for an old man like me."

Charlie was conflicted.

She was a smart little girl and new inviting a stranger in to use their bathroom was definitely not a good idea.

But on the other hand this guy looked like Santa! Plus he seemed super nice.

She didn't want Cole in her stocking after all...

"What's your name first?"


"Well Gabe it's your lucky day! You look like Santa and y'seem nice so m'gonna say yes." Charlie grinned stepping aside to let the old man in.

"There's a bathroom just there." The five year old informed pointing to the small bathroom in the corridor.

"The soaps fancy and smells like unicorns. Me and Paul love it." She called as Gabe slowly made his way over to one of the many bathrooms, wobbling a little with his walking stick.

Once he was out of sight Charlie turned to Paul and smiled, "Do you think if I ask he'll sign my stocking?"

"Who's gonna sign your stocking?"

Charlie almost jumped a feet in the air as Oscar snuck up behind her and scooped her little body up into his arms, proceeding to pepper her chubby cheeks with kisses.

"I'm sorry I was so long baby, I got caught up in a little argument with the door man after I forgot my key."

Why was everyone forgetting their keys?

Oscar however was soon to furrow his eyebrows when he heard the toilet flush.

"Did any of the boys get home?" The older brother questioned moving her little body onto his hip.

"Um, sort of" Charlie spoke, elongating the "of."

"Wow you have a lovely bathroom." Oscar practically jumped out of skin as he heard the voice of random stranger approach.

"Who the hell are you?" He practically boomed as he held his little sister tighter to his chest.

"That's Gabe." Charlie's little voice came out muffled.

"Why do you know that? You shouldn't know that!"

"He lives a floor down and forgot his keys and needed to use the bathroom so I let him in." Charlie casually explained.

"What the hell Charlie!" Oscar practically screeched, not believing what he was hearing.

"Hey!" Charlie poked his nose with her little finger, "we all forget our keys sometimes mister, you're not one to talk."

Before Oscar could fight back Gabe Awkwardly cleared his throat gaining both the siblings attention.

"I'm going to get out of your hair since you both seen a little occupied. Thank you very much Dear, you've done a lonely old man such a lovely favour."

Charlie smiled giving Gabe a wave as he slowly vacated the apartment leaving her alone with a angry Oscar.

How the tables had turned...

"You know what you just did was very dangerous little girl." The older brother spoke sternly, putting her down and kneeling in front of her.

"But I was alone, I didn't know what to do!" Charlie pouted.

Oscar sighed and ran his hand through his dirty blond hair not wanting to argue, "Just go up to your room please. When Leo gets back we're going to have a talk about this."

Charlie was about to argue back but it was useless. Oscar was using his 'I know best' voice even through he was just as much in the wrong as she was.

"Fine, but I don't think this is very fair." The five year old sniffled, grabbing Paul and grumpily making her way upstairs.

After a few hours of moping around in her room Charlie heard multiple footsteps approach along with the mumbling of incoherent words.

Not wanting to deal with any kind of confrontation the five year old rushed onto her bed and buried herself deep under the covers.

"Charlie?" Leo's gentle voice filled the little ones bedroom.

"Oh look a little Charlie sized bump on the bed. How bizarre!" The next teasing voice came from Oscar.

Both brothers sat either side of the little bump, Leo comfortingly putting his hand on what he though was her back.

"Bubba, come out please."

"No thank you." Charlie's tiny muffled voice spoke.

"C'mon baby, we're just gonna have a little chat. No ones mad at you." Leo whispered down next to the bump whilst gently reaching under and lifting her out onto his lap.

"That's not true, Oscars mad at me." Charlie mumbled quietly.

"Hey," Oscar cooed with a pout, "I'm not mad at you little mouse. You just had me scared for a minute. That was completely my fault and I should of never left you alone, that was very very stupid of me."

"But," Leo interjected whilst leaning his head down a little so it was by her shoulder, "you must promise us you will never let a stranger in again, even if he does say he lives in the building. You don't have to worry about that though as you'll never be left alone again." Leo concluded making sure to give Oscar a pointed stare.

"We all good now?" Oscar questioned with a cheeky grin, reaching over to poke her tummy.

Charlie shyly nodded looking down to avoid eye contact with her brothers.

"It doesn't seem like we're all good." Oscar muttered to himself before smirking.

"Leo would you do me the hugest favour and lift up the little monkeys arms for me?" The older brother grinned mischievously.

Leo chuckled and played along, gently lifting up Charlie's arms.

"Now I'm very sorry to do this little mouse but you're just a little to sad for my liking." Oscar spoke before bringing his hands up to Charlie's underarms and tickling them gently.

Charlie immediately burst into a loud fit of laughter making both her older brothers chuckle themselves.

"What's so funny, huh?" Oscar teased while tickling the living daylights out of his baby sister.

"I think she's laughing at you." Leo suggested placing a loud kiss to his sisters rosy cheek.

"Are you laughing at me?" Oscar gasped in mock offence grabbing his little sister and pulling up her jumper before blowing a loud raspberry onto her tummy.

"A-Atlas a-and D-Damien a-are n-now my f-favourites." The toddler spoke daringly before being attacked by them both.

After a few more seconds the two older brothers stopped not actually wanting to tickle their sister to death.

Though now she was threatening the deadly wrath of Paul upon the two for the torture she had just been put through, both boys didn't care.

They had their happy Charlie back.


This ones for immaguuurrl

Sorry it's a bit rubish, I just wanted to get something out for you guys tonight.

These will just be little fluffy chapters

Lots of love xxx

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