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Please don't hate me I've had a really rough past few months lol. I've got a chapter coming I really do but for the mean time here's how each of the brothers would deal with baby Charlie's tears at different points in her life. A bit of fluff to keep you going.

Charlie -5 years old

Charlie held her big brother's hand in her tiny one as they walked down the corridor of the little girl's apartment building.

"Oh! Damien, did I tell you? Did I tell you? I must've forgotten, silly me. How could I have forgotten? Me and Paul were talking 'bout it yesterday!" Charlie ranted swinging Damien's hand rapidly.

"Woah, slow your roll baby. Your tongues gonna fall out if you don't slow down." Damien joked with his little sister not realising that Charlie couldn't quite distinguish the difference between jest and seriousness.

"What!" The toddler reached up to hold onto her tongue making her words slur.

"I don't wan'my tongue to fall out!"

Damien could only just catch what she was saying as he reassured his baby sister that her tongue was not going to fall out.

Charlie was not amused at the joke.

Forgiving him for his silly humour Charlie continued to tell her story much to Damiens's amusement.

"Me and August watched a movie yesterday and it was really scary. S'a big girl film called Harry potted and-and the wizard Harry Potted runs into a wall and goes to the magic world! Watch, I show you. Like this!"

Before Damien could so much as take a breath his clumsy baby sister bolted straight into the direction of the wall with no intention of stopping.

Within a flash, the toddler is on the floor having run head first into the apartment wall, now in a puddle of tears.

"Ouch." Charlie sobbed sadly looking down in embarrassment making Damien's heart crack into a million pieces.

"I'm s-sorry, jus'wanted t-to show you like H-Harry Potted but it didn't work." Charlie sniffled, her nose feeling extremely sore.

If the baby wasn't in the situation she was in Damien would be teasing her lightly on her pronunciation of Harry Potter but that would have to wait, there were more serious matters at hand.

Damien was at the toddler's side in an instant scooping her up and holding her against his waist while guiding her head into the crook of his neck 'shhing' the little one.

"Are you okay? Lemme see your face baby, show big brother your face." Damien cooed inspecting his baby sister's face for any injuries, only finding a little red mark on her nose to which he gently kissed.

The tears only intensified as Charlie found herself becoming more and more upset and disappointed that she couldn't show Damien her cool trick.

"C'mere you little monkey, y'know big brother hates seeing these tears being wasted." He began to kiss away the individual tear drops running down her cheeks making a game of it in hopes of brightening her mood just a little and distracting her.

"Oh no, another one!" Damien cried in feign kissing the damp salty skin of Charlie's cheek as a fresh batch of tears start to make their way down.

He had hoped the cries would of at least slowed down by what was probably the fiftieth kiss

"I know you're upset baby bear, but you gotta help big brother out, the taste of tears is becoming far too familiar for my liking, a tad too salty for my palette." The older brothers jokes with a teasing smile in hopes of calming the toddler down.

Charlie sniffled using her little fist to rub her red eyes, smiling a little as the kisses felt a little ticklish on her chubby cheek.

"I'm a brave girl." She declared as the crying slowly came to a halt, just leaving her with too few sniffles and hiccups.

"You are, you're my brave little girl. The bravest girl in the world." Damien agreed bouncing his baby sister in his arms as they made their way up to the apartment.

Damien promised to watch 'Harry Potted' with Charlie as soon as they got in so he could take in the magic scene himself without any injury's this time.

Charlie- 2 years old

A teenage Atlas leant against his headboard watching one of his favourite movies 'A quiet place' finally getting some time to himself as a little Charlie DeLuca had decided to follow him around all day.

Not that he really minded.

Atlas let out a sigh of relaxation as he took in the scene of the terrifying creatures terrorising the characters in the movie.

'Sucks to be them' Atlas thought.

Before he could properly concentrate on what was going on a loud scream made him practically jump out of his skin.

Recovering slightly Atlas looked over to see who the scream belonged to only to see a two year old Charlie standing by his door with tears running down her chubby cheeks.

Atlas immediately turned the tv off before opening his arms.

"C'mere you little gremlin."

Charlie didn't need any more persuasion as she ran over to Atlas's bed, being lifted to cuddle into his chest for protection.

"You are meant to be having a nap, it's sleepy time for you." Atlas attempted to gently scold but it was useless as Charlie's cries intensified.

"Stop that," Atlas demanded as the baby's bottom lip continued to quiver, her cheeks now damp from the salty tears.

"Stop it right now monkey, I'm serious I don't like it," Atlas spoke a little louder this time making Charlie burst out again into a fresh batch of tears.

"Oh no, I'm sorry I'm sorry. I didn't mean it stop crying now." The elder brother cooed in panic bringing the toddler into his chest and rocking her.

"Stop crying, please baby." He whispered into her blonde locks.

"Monsta s'cary. S'bad monsta." Charlie explained through sniffles, "Monsta g-goes raw an-d s'jus not nice Atty"

"I know monkey, what a rude monster. I'll be sure to tell him off next time I see him."

"Yeah?" Charlie looked up to her big brother with her big doe eyes.


"Yeah baby, I promise." Atlas leant down to bop his nose against Charlie's little one giving her a butterfly kiss.

"Now you have to promise me to stop these tears otherwise I will have to call another certain monster."

In response to this threat, Charlie gasped bringing her chubby little hands up to her mouth not recognising the humour in her big brother's words.

With that the baby shrieked out a loud 'NO!' and the tears started again this time even more hysterical, throwing herself against Atlas's chest.

"For fuck sake," Atlas muttered running out of patience before chucking his little sister onto the bed in front of him instantly confusing the upset toddler.

"You have given me no choice, you little stinker. No more crying!" He growled leaning down to blow a loud raspberry into Charlie's chubby little tummy.

With the ticklish action, Charlie's tears instantly stopped being replaced with loud squeals and giggles .

Atlas's favourite sound in the world.

"I told you the tickle monster would pay a visit but did you listen? No. No one ever listens to poor old Atlas." He ranted as his fingers tickled up and down her ribs.

"You know I wouldn't have had to do this if you just listened to big brother and stopped crying. If anything I'm the victim here!" Atlas teased meanly leaning down to blow yet another raspberry onto the toddler's tummy.

"M-meany!" Charlie giggled out attempting to wiggle onto her belly and crawl away shrieking when Atlas caught her little feet and dragged her back to him.

"Hey!" Atlas grinned feigning offence, "It's not my fault you're so ticklish now is it?"

"Hmm, Is it?" He kept repeated pinching her little toes before stopping.

Charlie laid on the bed her little belly rising and falling as she caught her breath from her mean brother's tickle attack.

"You've got drool here." Atlas chuckled pointing to the toddler's mouth but frowning as the little girl attempted to bite his hand.

"Heyyy!" He dragged his baby sister onto his lap, "No biting big brother, it's mean."

"No m'not meany, s'you meany monsta!" Charlie babbled out letting a smile slip as Atlas nuzzled his nose into her cheek.

"Yeah but you love me anyway, little monster."

Charlie- 5 years old

"Another one please." Charlie smiles sweetly up to Oscar in hopes of conning him out of yet another ice lolly.

It was a hot New York summer's day and Charlie needed to keep herself refreshed! Another ice lolly would be great for her health.

"Hmm I don't think so baby girl, how about some fruit instead. Your sugar levels are already considerably high. Plus you know you don't need any more sugar, you're sweet enough." Oscar cheesed pretending to munch on Charlie's cheek making her giggle.

Charlie quickly snapped out of it as she realised Oscar was trying to distract her from consuming more sugary treats.

"No stop Oscar. Another ice lolly, please. It's too hotttt." Charlie gently pushed his face away and gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

Oscar narrowed his eyes at the toddler not falling for her sneaky tricks.

"I'm sorry Bubba but no. If I give you any more sugar Leo's gonna kill me. You want Leo to kill me? Actually don't answer that." He took in the angry glare she was giving him cautiously.

Charlie was devastated! How could her puppy dog eyes not work on such a juvenile task?

Her bottom lip quivered as she realised this was most likely going to be the beginning of the end for the oh so useful puppy dog eyes.

Then suddenly Charlie had an idea.

Oscar may have been able to say no to her adorable eyes but he could not say no to her tears.

Channelling her saddest thought, that being Paul getting kidnapped by a pigeon again, Charlie let the waterworks fall.

"Hey." Oscar was taken back by his baby sister's cries, "Why are you crying baby, what's wrong?"

He took the toddler up into his arms bouncing her slightly whilst using his free hand to soothingly rub her back.

Charlie dug her face into Oscars' neck hiding her cheeky little smile as she could slowly feel her plan begin to work.

"M'sad Oscar, m'really sad." Charlie sighed in despair peering over Oscar's shoulder to look into a visible mirror to make sure her face was in check.

"Why are you, sad sweetheart? What's gonna make you feel better? You know I hate it when you cry." Oscar cooed oblivious to Charlie's tricks.

That was until he caught her reflection in the mirror smiling to herself and like that the brat's act was revealed.

The little sneak.

Oscar was not about to let her know that he knew though, two could play at that game.

Taking a deep breath Oscar let out his fake sob and sniffle ducking his head down alarming Charlie immediately.

He may have not been as good of an actor as his little sister but luckily for him, she was just as gullible as he was.

"I-It makes me really sad that you're sad Charlie." Oscar sniffled between cries making Charlie frown deeply, and suddenly feel a huge amount of guilt.

She didn't want to make him sad! All the toddler wanted was another ice lolly but her plan had completed backfired and now she felt awful. This wasn't good for her conscious.

It was time to come clean.

Charlie placed her chubby little hands on Oscar's cheek before looking at him directly in the eyes.

"Oscar stop crying, please! I just joking, m'sorry please stop crying. You don't look pretty when you cry." She told him honestly making him frown before he broke out into laughter.

"Ha! I got you, you cheeky little brat!" The elder brother taunted before he flipped his baby sister upside down and tickled her tummy.

"And what do you mean I don't look pretty when I cry, hm? I am a beautiful crier and an even better actor!" He boasted not stopping his torture.

"S-sorry I'm s-sorry!" Charlie giggled out loudly before Oscar stopped, returning her to her upright position.

"These," he pointed out the tears of laughter on her cheeks kissing her loudly, "these are the only tears I ever wanna see on that pretty little face! No more tricking big brother." He smiled fondly at his little best friend before putting her down on the ground.

Charlie gave Oscar's legs a big hug before quickly reaching up to grab an ice lolly and running away with Oscar hot on her trail.

Mission completed.

Charlie - 9 months

Soft cry's filled the nursery of one Charlie DeLuca instantly catching the attention of the baby's bubby Leo.

"Good morning bean," Leo whispered entering the Winnie the Pooh decorated room catching the sight of the sniffly little 9-month-old bug.

"Why are we so upset today, Hmm?" The eldest brother cooed as took a few steps forward reaching the crib to take in his baby sister's state.

The baby was sporting an adorable pair of spotty pyjamas that only just covered her pudgy little tummy as she sat leaning against the side of her cot.

Her sweat chubby cheeks were tinted red as was her nose as she hiccuped through the tears.

Waking up was not fun.

"Oh baby, C'mere." Leo reached his arms down hooking his hands under Charlie's armpits and smushing her close to his chest. Charlie instantly grabbed the colour of his grey sweatshirt for support .

"I know bean, waking up his hard." Leo soothed as the baby babbled incoherent words through her tears, trying to tell Leo how upset she was to be awake at that very moment and not dreaming of monkeys.

"Nuhhh" Charlie whined digging her snotty nose into Leo's shoulder to wipe to snot away making the young man groan.

"Ugh, Charlie you're a cheeky snotty little baby aren't you!" Amusement laced his voice as he dramatically frowned into her cheek earning a little giggle from the girl.

"Was that a giggle I just heard, hmm?" Leo teased using the same exaggerated voice to encourage the reaction again out of the upset baby.

This time Charlie hid her face again keeping the sniffly cries to a minimum but not stopping them just yet.

"Oh no no no, we can't have that." Leo tutted walking over to the spare bed on the side of her nursery and laying her down.

"Give me a smile bean," Leo demanded rubbing his nose against Charlie's little one whilst sporting his best cheesy grin.

He didn't miss the little smile appearing on Charlie's face as she kicked her little legs up against Leo's chest as he leaned over her, grabbing her little feet with her hands.

"You." Kiss "Are." Kiss "So." Kiss "Stinking." Kiss "Cute." He repeated smothering kisses all over the wriggly baby.

"Why are you so cute? Hmm? Answer me?" Leo playfully growled making funny face after face at his little sister evoking giggles and shrieks from the girl.

Charlie was long past her sad girl phase now.

I hope you liked it! Again I'm really sorry for completely disappearing, I've just had a lot going on. Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon. I hope you missed reading Charlie as much as I missed writing her!

Lots of love xx

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