Chapter 37

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"What is this Areesha?" He asked her again in a deadly calm voice and Areesha gulped. She had wanted to hide her ugly part from him in fear that he would stop loving her then so she always kept her arms covered but he had seen those scars by chance. 

She cursed herself for not covering her arms properly. The scars that represented how weak she was as a person and as a muslim. Even though she knew how much she meant to him the insecurities always managed to creep in.

"Areesha why would you harm yourself? This is haram." He said softly searching her face for any expression but she was expressionless.

"Its none of your business." She replied coldly not meeting his eye.

"None of my business, huh? Everything that's related to you is my business. Why would you hurt yourself?"

Her answer was silence and she was determined to look away from his hurt expression.

"Its fine if you don't want to share but please don't do this again." He said his voice breaking at the end. Areesha's eyes flicked to his face and his hurt expression made her blurt it all out.

"You will hate me Fawad." She said in a small voice.

"I could never have you. You are my life. I am incomplete without you." He said trying to reassure her.

"I-I harmed myself when I wanted to give up on life because there were so many things that had gone wrong and I am a weak person. I didn't have the courage to stand like a women and face it all. I hate myself for who I am and you will too one day-" She said.

"Areesha you are my life. Why do you always belittle yourself so much?" He said exasperately.

"Because I am not worthy of anything Fawad. Trust me I am not. I know myself better than anyone and I know one day you are going to regret loving. " She said not meeting his eye.

"Just shut up will you? Stop being so self opinionated. What do I do to make you believe in our relationship? I have given my best to you and you still don't seem to get over the past. Just tell me what to do!" He said exasperated. 

"One day you will get tired of me and leave. I know that very well and I am trying to prepare myself for-"

"Why don't you trust me? I love you dammit!" He said running his hand in his hair.

As much as she tired to be happy with him that fear always haunted her. And now that he was talking to her like that it just intensified. She knew that would happen. Even if he didn't leave her on his own will, fate would snatch him away from her. She had tried not to love him so much but loving him came naturally. There was no one who could not love him. He was so caring and she even loved his flaws. He was perfect in her mind.

"Stop making up things in your brain." He snapped at her and lifted her chin to look at her face.

"Don't touch me." She said flinching away from his touch.

"Fine. I am leaving." He said and stormed out of the room. Areesha followed him outside to serve him the breakfast but he headed straight to the door and went to his car.

"Fawad! Wait, take your breakfast." She yelled after him.

"You can eat that." He snapped at her and motioned the guard to open the gate. Areesha kept quiet not wanting to make a scene in front of the guard

 Fawad roughly reversed the car out of the house and drove out. 

She knew he was mad at her and hoped that he would drive carefully. She recited duas under her breath for his safety.

After ten minutes she was pacing up and down the room. He should be there by now she thought. She called him on his phone but he didn't pick it up. Where was he?

When he didn't call back she called his office number. His PA picked up and informed her that he wasn't there yet.

After another five minutes that seemed like an hour she decided to go to his office herself. She quickly changed from her night clothes into the first dress she saw and wrapped a dupatta around her head.

She grabbed Fawad's other car's keys from the dressing table and rushed out of the room. She didn't bother to even write a note for Ammi in case she woke up.

The guard opened the gate for her and she steered the car out of the house. She kept on trying his office and personal number alternatively but no one was picking up. Her office phone was busy and she just hoped that he was okay.

She had broken into a sweat and her heart was thudding very loudlt. She wiped the beads of pesperation from her forehead and tried to reassure herself that he would be fine. 

She honked repeatedly at the traffic. The morning traffic was even more than usual. She decided to take the longer way to his office to avoid all the usual traffic.

After twenty minutes of stressful driving and breaking a few signals she had reached his office. She parked the car on the first available spot and rushed inside. She quickly took the elevator to his office ignoring the curious gazes of the people.

She impatiently tapped her foot in the elevator willing it to go faster. When she got to his office floor she didn't see his secretary there so she just rushed inside his office.

When she went inside she found it empty. Her heart started bearing extraordinarily faster. Where was he?

She dropped down on the chair and took out her phone with shaking hands and tried his number again. He didn't pick up.

He better be fine she thought grudgingly. 

Before she could think of anything else the door to the office swung open.

"Excuse me?" A voice said and she turned around.

It was that idiot of a secretary.

"Is Fawad here yet?" She asked her hoping for the best.

"Um Ma'am, sir is in a meeting right now. He will be free in half an hour." She said to her and Areesha sighed in relief. She could even hug this idiot of a girl. She was so relieved.

"Oh Okay. Just tell him that I'm here." She said to her and she nodded. Fawad had probably told her about her so she was being cautious around her. Good.

She collected his laptop from the desk and hurried out of the room.

She had been so worried for no reason at all. And that idiot of a husband she had didn't bother to pick up her call.

She cursed him in her mind and thought of ways to kill him. She had been so much worried for no reason. She had hurried to his office like a retarded person. He could have at least attended her call even if he didn't want to talk to her.

Her stomach grumbled. She was so hungry. But then Fawad was probably hungry too she thought guiltily.

Before she could wallow anymore in the guilt the door to the office opened and she turned around to see him.

He was holding his laptop under his arm and looked at her without any expression.

 A smile was trying to break through on her face but she replaced it with a murderous expression. He had to be taught a lesson.

He raised an eyebrow at her but she didn't say anything. He went straight to his table and took of his coat and hung it on the coat hanger. He sat at his table and turned on his laptop.

She was furious now. He didn't even bother asking her why she was here and that idiot had the audacity to ignore her. She got up from the sofa and slammed his laptop shut.

"What?" He snapped at her.

"Why the hell weren't you answering your phone?" She asked and before he could even open his mouth to say anything the list of curses began.

"You bastard! Where were you all this time? I was so worried. I drove at a speed of 140 just to come here and find out that you were busy enjoying your meeting. Who does that? I know you are mad at me but you idiot you could have at least answered my calls instead of ignoring me. " She snapped at him fuming.

"My phone was on silent." He muttered before she could say anything. "You knew I had a meeting."

"Fuck you Fawad." She snapped at him as she realized that it wasn't his fault.

"You already have." He said cheekily.

"Shut up." She retorted.

Her conscience meanwhile scolded her as she remembered why they had had a fight in the first place. Because of her.

"I'm sorry by the way. I just got carried away." She said guiltily as she realized that it had been her mistake all along and here she was arguig with him again,

He didn't say anything. He could have at least told her that it was okay.

But she knew that it wasn't really okay.

"Fawad I am really sorry. I know what I did was wrong and trust me I regret it a lot. I wish I could change the past."

"But you can't." He said softly and she looked at his face  with her teary eyes. "You can't change whatever is happening but at least you can face it, instead of finding ways out of the situation and running away like a weak person."

"I know. You're right. I just used to think that I was alone. No one was there for me and I just kept on blaming myself."

"Areesha I'm always here for you and we will face anything that fate throws at us together."

She nodded her head relieved to know that he didn't hate her for who she was.

"To me you are my present and future. Your past doesn't matter. All we can do is amend it by becoming better people and learning from our mistakes." He said as if he knew what he was thinking.

"I don't know how I deserve a person like you." She said as she looked at his face. He was beautiful. Inside out.

"I know I'm amazing like that." He said with a wink.

"So arrogant."

"We were made for each other."

"You didn't even have any breakfast because of me." She said as she felt a pang of hunger herself.

"You didn't either." He said knowingly.

"Lets go out and eat something first." She suggested.

"Ok. Come on then." He said rolling his sleeves up.

"You do know how sorry I am right?" She said as they headed out of the office after he told his secretary.

"I do. And I admire you for the strong person you are today. Those scars show how depressed you had become but you still managed to survive out of it." He said with a smile.

"Not everyone would think that way." She said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"How did your meeting go by the way?" She asked looking up at him.

"At first I wanted to yell in there faces and tell them the deal was off but then I came to know that you were here so I felt better."

"I have such an effect on you." She smirked.

"You do." He admitted shamelessly and kissed her cheek.


Did I ever tell u that u guys are AWESOME!! 😀😁😃😄😆😉😊😘😙😚☺

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Till next time (U know when) ;)


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