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Once upon a time, there was a little girl in the woods.

Blonde mane as wild as the wind coursing through the forest, eyes as wide open as the embrace of the unknown, the little girl in the woods ran, ran and ran, to a destination she did not know.

Barefoot and adorning only a white dress, the little girl in the woods ran, as agile as a feline, as quick as a fleeing mouse, she trailed the goat in front of her, chasing it with all she had.

The sudden sound of tree branches snapping and a black blur tackling the goat in front of her brought her dream to a stop.
Red eyes shot wide open as the undead woman woke up from her slumber. She looked around, familiarizing herself to her surroundings. Same room as usual, same bed as ever.

She sighed, turning over in her bed and lifting the blankets up to her nose, trying to go back to sleep. No doubts her sister would come upstairs soon to "wake her up", but until then, she relished in the comfort of her bed. If not for it's warmth, which it unfortunately lacked, the piece of furniture had the comfortable mattress and soft blankets to make up for it, along with the pillows. Anything to make these old bones feel young again..

The sound of footsteps hurrying down the hallway echoing through her room had her sigh. Here came the morning wagon. And there she hoped she would be able to get more sleep in, it seemed like that plan was never to be seen through.

" Maxime ! Get up, we've got a busy night ! "

With a groan, the vampire turned over in her bed, stretching her centuries-old muscles before sitting up, draping her blanket around her shoulders. She stood up, then walked over to the windows of her bedroom, then paused.

Every morning it was the same fear. What if she reached out to open the curtains, and that day, the sun shone bright ? What if her fingers burned to a crisp by a simple miscalculation ? So many catastrophic possibilities ran through her mind. Moving to the side, and lifting the blankets to cover her entire body and head, like a scared child hiding from the monster in it's closet, she cautiously pried the curtains ever so slightly open, peeking to see if a ray of sunshine made it's way in.

To her delight, it did not, and as she dropped the heavy blanket from her shoulders, she dragged the curtains away, exposing the night just beyond her windows.

What a beautiful evening.

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