8- Are You?

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I lay in the dorm bunk bed I share with Atlantis. I'm trying to study the algebra book they provided me, but Rin stays on my mind. I really don't think he's the demon they're looking for. He didn't appear to possess any of the typical demon characteristics, such as red eyes, human hunger or odd body parts. He did have sharp teeth though, and that's bugging me. That is the only 'odd' feature on him. I like him though, even though I've only just met him. I can tell somebody's true heart, and his is not evil. There is something different about it, though, but I just can't put my finger on it. I sigh in exasperation. Suddenly Atlantis swings down from above, her long watery hair suspending her.
"Tough algebra?" She says with a mocking tone of voice. She knows just as well as I do that algebra isn't what's bothering me. "Really, though. What's up?" She inquires, now serious.
"Nothing," I lie, trying to keep an innocent look on her face. Atlantis wasn't fooled, though. She knew me too well. She gave a girly giggle and that kiddish smile she wore well.
"I know what it is. It's a guy, isn't it!" I must've blushed, because she continued with," I knew it! Who is it, Who?"
"Ummm..." I stuttered stupidly, not sure if I should tell her about Rin. It's almost as if I want to protect him. "His name is Rin, and uh, he's really cute." I continue, trying to lie, but I end up convincing myself it's true.
She suddenly looks at a gadget on her wrist, and hurriedly jumps up. "Study time! Gotta go!" She chirps and rushes out the door leaving me in silence.🔶
🔷10 minutes later
I stare blankly at my math, not reading or comprehending it at all. I stare at the clock, willing him to walk through the door. I'm not sure why, but I kind of crave his presence, just like I want sunlight. I begin to grow bored and my eyes slowly drift shut, until I can't open them any longer.🔶
🔷I wake up and see someone standing next to my bed. I leap up, and on instinct, hit it with a pillow.
"Ow!" he says, "no fair!" I open up my eyes and see Rin standing there, and my cheeks go hot.
"Sorry-" I begin to say, then stop."Wait a sec, how long have you been standing there?" Now it's his turn to blush. "Uh... Not long maybe five, ten minutes..." He stumbles over my 'organized' books and falls on his face. Awkwardly, his rear is up in the air, and I see a long, black tail peek out of his shirt. I gasp. I think a tail would count as an 'odd' body part. He straightens him selves and sees I've found his tail.
"Ah, I guess there's no point in hiding this any more. I've had this since I was little, not sure why." I stare at him hard, and I can tell he's lying. Why would he lie to me though? He suddenly starts stripping of his shirt, and I screech. "Oh my god! What are you doing!" I just met him earlier today, and I'm not ready to see him halfway nude. He looks down at his bare chest, and crosses his hands over it, covering it from sight. He blushes and let's out an embarrassed laugh. "Oh, sorry. People tent to freak out if they see my tail, so I tie it up," he says casually, swirling it around his torso. He puts his shirt back on and smiles.
"So uh, do you know how to write?" He questioned, pointing to a piece of scratch paper. I'm about to say of course, but I realize I can't. I know how to speak & read, but not how to write.
"No, but um, could you teach me?" I ask, putting on a big smile.
"Of course I can!" He grins back. "It's actually against the rules for me to teach you instead of an actual teacher, but crap the rules!" He laughs, which makes me smile as well. He can't be the demon, there's no way.🔶
🔷That night, I sigh as my eyes slowly close, I think of Rin and all the new letters he's taught me. That night for the first time in a while, I sleep happily.

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