First Blow

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Clarity's POV

The sun is bleeding red as we reach the altar. She knows we're here. She just hasn't shown her face. I feel prepared for this battle, but there's one thing worrying me. Luke & Kyle haven't shown up. I've been trying to call them, but they have not appeared.

Now the little paper is covered in writing, most of it now unlegible. I sigh and drop the paper defeatedly. If they haven't come yet, I doubt they'll arrive in time. What's holding them up?

"You ok?" I hear a familiar voice say, and I turn around to see Rin with a worried expression. I nod causing my blonde curls to fall in my face. He wipes them out of my eyes carefully, and I smile.

"Just a little frazzled," I whisper, and lean against him. "She could be here any minute..."

That's when it happens. The altar suddenly bursts out into blue flames, and the flames spread. They trail off the altar in an almost perfect line, then divide in ways. Whenever they meet again, there is a large circle about as far across as an 18 wheeler. Then the circle seems to implode on itself, and a few people scream(it was all guys).

It's now a swirling portal. She's here.

"STAND YOUR GUARD!!!" I yell, and light up my hands. I try to shake away the nerves, but they just keep coming like a flood. 'She's here, she's here she's-'

Suddenly the portal erupts, and a giant figure bursts out of it. Oh crap. She's here.
Luke's POV

"Jump in THERE?!?!?" I exclaim, staring at the swirling blue flames in front of me, "ARE YOU INSANE?!?!"

Kyle just glares at me. "No, but thanks for the compliment," he growls sarcastically, "Katy jumped in, and I doubt she was suicidal,"

I stick my tongue out at him, but I know he's right. But there's no way in heck I'm going first.

I suddenly feel a shove from behind, and I yelp with surprise as I whirl around. "What the frick man?!?!" I snarl at my brother.

"I'm getting you in the portal," he says simply and continues shoving me forward despite my protests. And with that I disappear into the swirling blue space.
Atlantis's POV

The Demon Lord Katy has arrived. And I'm ready to kill her.

I tried to study her closer, but all I can see is a shadow with glowing blue eyes. Maybe that's all she is. A shadow.

The Demon Lord steps forward, and I can see she has solid form. Once she steps closer, I can see actual features on her. She is a giant, towering at what must be at least twelve feet, and long dark hair that ends at the bottom of her torso. She wears a pair of Night(ROSE, PUNS!!!)black leggings and the same color tee, with earthy combat boots.

But her eyes. They're not right. They have no iris, only orbs of nothingness. That's odd, because Clarity had said they were blue. And her mouth is curved into a creepy smile, and her teeth are like a shark's. She's frigging scary.

"Hello young ones," she smirks, then lets off an awful laugh, "care to dance?" At that moment waves of darkness roll off her. The air around her becomes thick and muggy, as if ink was spreading. Crap. Some sort of dark magic thing.

I look over to Clarity, who is trying to form a sphere of pure light. It's not growing very fast though. She won't have enough time for it to reach maximum strength before she's hit. Dang.

I glance back over to the Demon Lord, but she's not there. Crap, she's a lot more threatening when she's out of sight. That's when I see her right behind an unsuspecting Shima. My eyes widen in fear. He'll never know what hit him.

I begin running at a dead sprint, yelling, "SHIMA DUCK!!!" He just looks at me cluelessly, and I swear under my breath.

"Water make SHEILD!!!" I scream, and the liquid begins flowing from my hands.(FAIRYTAIL) It floats over to Shima, and begins to form a barrier around him, almost like a force field. But I don't know how long it will hold out.

I just pray long enough. Then she strikes.

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