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Sophie's POV

Work is boring these days. When I was still young, Katy would make it fun. Now that I'm 14, she doesn't give a crap about me. There are literally HUNDREDS of papers I'm supposed to fill out, and I'm expected to like it.

"Release me," I hear my flames whisper. I glance over at my hands and see them beginning to glow. I try to relax, but the flames keep calling me.

"God d*****!!!" I scream and pound my fists on the table. I hate swearing, but the flames call my evil side. I wish I could rid of them forever. They killed my parents and so many others, and it's honestly killing me to keep them in. It's not like I can be Elsa and start singing 'Let It Go' and spew my flames everywhere. Unlike her stupid ice that's 'oh so dangerous', my fire kills anything it touches.

I sigh and look back at the black paper in my hands. It's the twentieth I've burnt this morning. I sit back down in the desk and return to work. This is going to be the most boring day of my life.
Clarity's POV

"Nice job!" I exclaim and high five Atlantis. We had completed the hard training with barely a scratch. There hadn't been a Titan though, so it was a lot easier than last time. I guess that was a one time thing.

Atlantis giggles, but then her face turns serious. "Clarity, I have something to tell you," she says plainly, and motions for me to follow her out of the crowd.

Now I'm nervous. What does she have to tell me that's so secret?

She stops and turns to me, her eyes worried. "I have a stalker," she says, and my eyes widen. Shoot, she wasn't supposed to hear us!

"I heard him or her last night, while I was with Shima," she says, staring into the distance, "I'm scared, what if it's a creepy demon?!?" I sigh. She needs to know.

She suddenly starts bawling and falls into my arms. I stroke her back a few times and turn her face up to mine.
(That's sister love they're not gay)
"You don't need to worry," I say, wiping the tears off her face.

She glances up at me, her face still wet, "Huh? Why not?" I smile down at her.

"I was the stalker, I wanted to make sure Shima wasn't going to do anything... Um, funny," I stutter, and she gives me a huge smile and hugs me.

"Don't scare me like that!" She teases and hugs me harder. I smile.

"Was that it?" I ask, and her face suddenly returns to serious.

"No, there's something else..." She starts, rubbing her stomach, and I know what's coming, but it still hits me like lightning.
Luke's POV

Why the heck am I here? I had just been walking through the halls, then I arrived at Sophie's room. I sigh. It's been a crappy day, maybe Sophie can help. She used to be a good friend to me, but then, she rose above me. And she became... Different.

I shake my head and open the large wooden doors.

"GOD D*****!!!" I hear her scream, and I jump behind the doors for safety. When I peek back around, I notice that she's not staring at me, (I don't think she knows I'm here) but at a burnt paper in her hands.

A blue flame flickers in her hand, and I take a step back. Those are the same blue flames that almost killed me.

She suddenly extinguishes the flame and looks up at me. "Luke?" She inquires and I wave my hand nervously. "Um, come in," she continues, and I take a wary step through the doors.

Suddenly they slam shut behind me. Guess I have no choice but to enter. I walk slowly, hoping she doesn't plan to toast me. My steps echo on the hard wood floor, making the room seem larger than it already is. I make it over to the desk alive, and sit down on a red leather chair that rests in front of it.

Up close, Sophie looks a lot less threatening, more tired than anything else. Large violet circles are under her eyes, and she seems to be slipping into sleep. Her gorgeous- I mean, straight red hair is lazily tied into two small pigtails, and hasn't been brushed well in a few days. There are tons of papers scattered around the desk and a few burnt ones here and there.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, her eyes curiously looking at me. I subconsciously pull my hood farther over my head. I hope she hasn't noticed my healing scar. I trust her, but not that much.

"Just having a crappy day," I mumble gesturing to her, "You too?" She blushes slightly and pulls a out a hand held mirror from behind the thousands of papers. She looks into it and gasps.

"Have I looked this bad?" She mutters to herself, and takes out a comb and begins brushing her hair. After a few minutes, it's about perfect and she turns back to me.

"So, uh, why are you here again," she asks, and I swear I see her blushing, but it disappears too fast for me to be sure.

"Just having a crappy day," I reply, when something bright in her desk catches my eye. I lean over and see a box of colored pencils and a few drawings strewn out I front of her. "What are these?" I ask, grabbing one of the papers.

"NO!!!" Sophie screams and snatches the paper before I can get a good look at it. "THESE ARE MY DRAFTS AND I HAVENT DRAWN SINCE I CAME HERE SO THEY SUCK DONT LOOK AT THEM!!!"

I dive behind the chair just in case she explodes. Thankfully she doesn't. I peek back up from behind the chair before something slams me it the face, putting stars in my vision and knocking me down.

After a few seconds, the stars retreat and I see Sophie with a white book at hand. Well, used to be white. Now it's red.

"Sorry Luke, that was for a temporary memory loss," She says, frowning at the bloody book, "can you remember anything that happened a minute ago?"

I roll my eyes and look up at her. "Are you serious?" I ask. You never know with Sophie. Her hard gaze tells me she's serious. Oh boy.

"Well, anyways, there was something I wanted to show you," she grins and heads towards the large window behind her desk. She's not crazy enough to go OUT it- is she?

She's crazy enough. She opens it up and leaps out into the dimming sky. I run over to the window, wondering if she survived the fall. We're not too high up, but we must be at least twenty feet off the ground.

I look down, expecting to see her body sprawled on the pavement below, but then I hear a rustle off to the side. I whirl around to see Sophie hanging on a rope tat appears to attach to the top of the building.

"Come on!" She exclaims and begins scaling the wall. I sigh and look at the drop. I've never been much for climbing, but I'd prefer to stay on her good side, so I leap.
Sophie's POV

I reach the top, panting from the effort. I always loved coming up to see the stars. It shows that even in Hell, there's light and hope. Sure, the climb isn't easy, but the prize is worth it.

Oh crap. I didn't see if Luke made it up. I rush over to the edge and look over frantically for his brunette head. He isn't on the rope.

"LUKE!!!" I scream into the night air, but no one answers. I glance down at the pavement to see if there's a body, when I feel something on my back.

I throw a punch and turn around, expecting some stupid minor demon. "Gof dand ef!" I hear a familiar voice yell. Luke. He's clutching his bleeding nose as it spurts red onto his hands.

"Oh, sorry!" I exclaim, grabbing a hankie from my pocket. I remove his hands from his face and lift his chin to mine. That's when I notice something in his eyes I haven't seen for awhile. Love. I shake my head. I'm crazy to think he might like me like that. I continue to dab his injured nose, trying to shake away the fluttery feeling I have.

Once I'm done, I pull out a little surprise from my pocket. He gasps when he sees it.

"You STOLE KATY'S PHONE?!?!?" He gapes, and I smile, turning the black-cased Samsung in my hand, "ARE YOU INSANE?!?!!"

Probably. I unlock it and scroll through her songs while Luke stands there like an idiot.

"Ooh, there's a lot of inappropriate stuff on here..." I frown, making weird faces at the names of some of the songs on her playlist. "Wait, YES I FOUND A GOOD ONE HAHAHA!!!!" I exclaim suddenly, scaring the crap out of poor Luke who had been looking over my shoulder.

I press play and it starts up with a quick beat and then starts singing a bunch of random words. Luke makes a face.

"Jack-o-lanterns in July? What the heck are we listening to?" He asks, and I shush him. I have a light show to put on, and he's not allowed to interrupt.

"It's called Pheonix, and I have something planned," I say simply, then prepare.

"Use me," My flames call, and I feel a familiar tingling on my hands. Here goes nothing...

"...IM GUNNA CHANGE YOU LIKE A REMIX..." The phone blares, and I let the flames begin to form, illuminating the scene around us. Luke stares as if he's hypnotized, amazed by the flames.

"...THEN ILL RAISE YOU LIKE A PHEONIX!!!" And I let the flames go, willing them to form into what I've been practicing.

Suddenly a huge blue flaming bird bursts from my hands, lighting up the night. Luke gasps as it soars into the black sky as if it's alive. Neither of us are listening to the music anymore, we're staring in wonder at the Pheonix that's soaring through the stars.

After the song ends, I disintegrate the flaming bird and jump to the music before it can turn to anything messed up. Then we sit down together and stare at the stars, and I'm naming them off to Luke, who now has a huge smile plastered on his face.

"That's Cassiopeia, Orion, The Big Dipper, The Little One..." I list them off, before getting tired and laying down. Luke begins singing quietly, and my eyes begin to close.

I will myself to stay awake. I don't want to sleep yet.

Stay awake...


I wake up on the roof, looking up at the stars. How long have I been here? I pull up Katy's phone, which proudly displays a smiling Sebastian along with a large 3:46AM.

"Shoot!" I scream and leap up, startling Luke out of sleep. He groans, and I shake him awake. He moans loudly, then flips over. I sigh. "LUKE GET THE HECK UP BEFORE I THROW YOU OVER THE EDGE!!!" I yell, and he jumps up.

"I'm awake!" He exclaims, looking around wildly before seeing that it's only me.

I see his nose is bent oddly (Although it only goes to show how good I am with a book, right? :3) and decide I should check it for injury. I stoop my face in close, trying to see if I can find any signs of a dislocated bone. I look up and see his eyes are REALLY wide.

I ignore him and keep looking, but I can feel his gaze on me. Well this just got awkward. Thanks Luke!

Suddenly his face shoots forward, his lips pressing against mine. I stare up in surprise, wondering if it was an accident, but his eyes are closed and not from sleep. Then just as fast as it came, he pulls away and stands up.

"Sorry, I had to do that," he says plainly before retreating to the rope, leaving me staring into the darkness.

(But Luke and Sophie are an adorable ship IN THE BOOK. LuSopheR forever!)


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