The Shot

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I'm walking through the schools magnificent halls, my shoes steps echoing on the floor around me. Mephisto said he would meet me here, in the room at the end of the long corridor. I don't really trust this guy, but I'm not sure what else I can do. I take a deep breath and push open the large sodden doors, hoping for the best.
I am seated with all the other girls, bored to death. Mephisto was supposed to meet us here an HOUR ago. I arrived here to see everyone else waiting, but nobody seemed to know what was happening. The suspense isn't helping my mood here, either. Why did he want us all here, anyway? I clench my teeth in frustration. I want to know, and now.
As if on cue, the door opens and he sweeps in, his cape swinging wide & hitting Flare square in the face. She screws up her face in anger.

"Look, buster," she spits as she stands up in Mephisto's face, " I came here on my time, because you said that there was something 'important' here. So there'd better be something worth my time of this place will go DOWN IN FLAMES!" I see Evergreen flinch involuntary. I try to ask her, but her eyes tell me 'later'. I shrug it off and go back to the conversation.

"Oh, I have something, thanks to Clarity," he says, gesturing to me. " There is a special shot we can give you to resist the demon Rin's... Um...flames. This special medicine can only be brewed with blood, and Clarity obtained the correct type. Now, I need you to hold out your arm, so I may inject the shot," he continues, then lifts Flare's arm.

"And why should we trust you?" She asks, tugging back her wrist.

"Because, I can give you freedom," he says, stretching out the final word.
Flare's eyes look troubled, but finally she thrusts out her arm and turns away while Mephisto injects the serum.
About 10 minutes later, we all stand around rubbing our sore arms, glaring at the "Hello Kitty" band aids. They were supposedly the only ones left. I don't believe it, and from the looks of it neither do the others. He had also given us a second shot, and that one was supposed to speed up the effects of the first. Now he stands in the corner, a faint smile playing on his shadowed face. The fact he seems to be overly happy is worrying me immensely.

"Now that the medicine has had time to kick in, I will tell you exactly what it does," Mephisto says with a smirk. I stare, my eyes widening. I'm pretty sure that the shots aren't for what we think they are.

"They are a complicated DNA shot with a targeting mechanism that will enable us to transfer the genetics..." He begins, speaking slowly as he smiles at us all. He takes a VERY slow breath and studies our confused faces. That's when Flare & Evergreen nod at each other, then close in on the cloaked figure. Evergreen winds him up in thick green vines as Flare ignites her hands. But the thing that scares me most is the fact that Mephisto isn't even worried, instead he's laughing.

"TELL ME WHAT IT DOES AND STOP STALLING YOU BAKA!!!!!!" Flare screams in his face, putting her flames scarily close to him. He just continues giggling like a fangirl, and gently shoves the fire away.

"Ok, but you must promise not to ignite me," he grins, slightly struggling against the vines.

"Fine," Flare sighs, and her hands return to normal, and the vines unwind. He breathes heavily then stands.

"The point of Project Eclipse was to create the most powerful mage's possible to fight for us. Those shots contained Rin's DNA, so now you are all carrying his child, the most powerful mix of angel & devil," he said with a huge grin.

I gasp, wishing I had misheard him. But from the faces of my companions, I was correct. I was now going to be giving birth to Rin's offspring.
I stare absentmindedly at a pale pink flower, twirling it around in my hands. I like Rin and all, but it's a little early to be pregnant. I look down at my still flat stomach and sigh. I just want to be a normal girl, not a pregnant Mage. The fact I'm only 15 doesn't make it any better. I'm still a kid, and I'm definitely not ready for my own. I'm better off than the others though. At least I knew him, everyone else was having a stranger's child. I sigh and let the flower fall. I expect it to eventually shrivel and die, but instead it begins blooming huge blue flowers. It's almost impossible for it to bloom in our dorm room.

I glance over at Evergreen, sleeping in the bunk across the room. I swear I see a faint smile on her lips, but it disappears so fast I can't tell if it ever existed.

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