Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The sun rose over the world of Minecraft. Its bright rays touched the towering oak trees, the vibrant green grass, the pool of shimmering water. Beside the water was a girl. She lay there, appearing to be fast asleep. She shifted in her restless sleep, murmuring words to quiet to make out.

A boy, no older than she, walked out from a nearby forest, stopped next to the girl, and sat beside her. "Rose, you need to wake up." he said softly, gently shaking her as well. He bit his lip, concerned that she wouldn't wake up. He tried again, a little louder this time. "Rose we need to go, you need to wake up!"

The girl's eyes flew open with a snap and she gasped and scooted away from the boy. "Who... Who are you?" she whispered, confusion and fear on her expression.

The boy looked at her, really worried now. "Rose its me,Jace." He saw the fear on her face and stayed where he was, as not to scare her. He bit his lip again, thinking hard.

Rose looked at him, really confused. "I... I don't know who you are." She replied in a low voice. She looked down at her hands, trying to remember anything about her past. She looked back up at Jace. "Do... Do you know who I am?"

Jace frowned a little, a small crease appearing in his brow. "Yeah I do. What I want to know is why YOU don't remember ME? We have known each other our whole lives." 

Rose just stared at him, her face a mask of confusion. "I've never seen you before... You said your name is... Jace right?"

Jace nodded. "Yeah that's my name. Bu-" He was cut off suddenly by a deep voice as a man materialized beside him.

"Jace come with me for a minute, I need to tell you something." Notch said. He walked over to the tree line and stopped, waiting for Jace. When he arrived Notch looked at him and sighed. "She won't remember you Jace. Her memory is gone, the only one she has is of waking up now. It has to be that way, you know the rules."

Jace glared at his dad. "Why here?! There has to be someone else, anyone else! You can't take Rose!"

Notch met his son's glare with an even look. "Jace I'm sorry that Rose was picked, but I'm not the only one that makes the rules. Your uncles have to help keep the balance, and this cycle it was Herobrine's turn to pick. He must have picked Rose because she has potential. He doesn't pick people randomly."


Notch waited until Jace was done yelling, then spoke. "Son it has to be this way. Either Rose follows the path that she is set upon, or Minecraftia will be destroyed. Rose is a very strong girl, you'll just have to believe she'll be ok. Her memories of you from a few minutes ago are fading already, she has to start fresh. You can't do anything."

Jace glared at him, still furious. "Watch me." He snapped, teleporting away in a flash of light, leaving his father behind.


So here's that new book yall waited for.I'm sorry for the shortness of the chapters, maybe i'll try to make them longer, idk. what do yall think?

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