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Where in the panic, Geno and Captain Reaper works together to get the ship and the whole crew out of the storm alive and 2 dreams later seems to give new hints for... new adventures ahead.

Geno's POV:

"FOR F*CK'S SAKE, WHEN DID THE WEATHER CHANGED LIKE SH***T?!?!?!" I hear Dave roaring and he's not happy at all like some minutes ago. Everyone else also.

The ship is going up and down like it's drunk and I swear, jumping together with it and at the same time trying to keep our balance, is nor pleasant nor easy! I hear Captain's voice shouting orders. The most cool and chilly pirates are quickly climbing like cats the masts bravely, to gather the sail cloths so they don't get ripped.

I'm actually surprised seeing guys like Markus, the hyena trio, even Michael climbing up to do these. Especially with the danger fall from the abrupt jolts, the rabid wind and the rain that whips their faces. But like I said, most pirates are hella panicked, like Dave, who doesn't shut up from the moment the storm started.

Alter is holding me by my hand tightly so I won't get carried away or fall from the jolts. I can hear him praying but the yelling of pirates and wind are making me able to catch only some random words like mercy, end of the world, embrace, forgive our sins and I don't know what else I caught.

"Priest, thank you very much for being our ambassador so you try convince your 'Lord' accept us to 'Heaven', but grab a f*cking bucket and start throwing water out while doing that!" Ramirez yells fully sarcastically, who's closer to Alter and tries to throw water out. He stumbles many times.

He doesn't prevent well enough to finish that sentence and one more thunder very close to the ship makes the water jump inside it. The water bursts on my face and I yelp surprised. I feel my hand getting free from Alter's and I roll until my back finds the gunwale.

"FFF-! HIYA DE LA-!" My back hitted very hard and I feel paralysing from pain. I can see my legs turning red and getting filled with scales, but because the water is not enough to cover me whole, my tail haven't form yet.

"Geno are you ok?" I hear Michael's voice and I see him kneeling near me worried. But for one more time the ship jolts and me with him roll as if we're on a slide. I can only guess a big wave pushed the ship, lifted it from the bow while the stern was closer to the water. That's where we roll to.

I manage to stop rolling and when the ship comes to a kinda normal position without going diagonally, I also stop sliding and keep myself motionless. I look ahead me and see that the Tearful Cave is getting away from us. No, the waves are pushing us away from it.




The wind is nonstopping yelling death wishes and spits hatred for the whole crew.

Go to the helm quickly!~

I flinch. What?

To the heeelm~

Before it's too laaate~

Before you dieee~

Between the wind's howls, I hear these messages, much calmer, sweeter and worried but somehow I hear them equally with the loud howls. Go to the helm. Why?

Before it's too laaate~

I clench my fists and get up. I stumble but I manage to run towards the helm. 20 seconds later at least, all of a sudden the ship turns 90° and I loose my balance falling on my left shoulder. I hiss from the pain, I've hit my back hard, I don't want a possibly twisted shoulder also! I get up clenching my shoulder and try to find my direction.

I suddenly realise the world is spinning. I barely see horizon, rocks or the stars that are almost all of them swallowed by the clouds. The ship didn't just turn 90° one time, it keeps spinning 360° while getting pushed forward! How?! Just a while ago it was stable-

Sh*t. I know what that means, that's why the wind told me to go! If the helm was controlled a while ago and now it's free... whoever was keeping it stable, so the whole ship too, not to spin so much, he's not controlling it anymore! Forgetting the pain on wherever I was hit, I literally run and jump to reach where the helm is.

When I finally stand 5m. away from it panting I realise with terror I was correct. No one's controlling the helm anymore. It's spinning by itself fast. I look around and see Captain unconscious near the gunwale. His skull has a crack that's bleeding! Shhh*t! I look again at the helm. Heck, I gotta do this, don't I?

Standing in front of the helm I try to stop it with my hands. Wrong timing, the speed of it's holders hits them and I gather my hands back hissing. You son of a b*tch! But if I don't grab the holders and let the ship without control sooner or later we're gonna collide seriously bad with a rock.

I approach again and with my hands near it try to calculate the right time to grab the holders of the helm. Praying silently I move fast my hands and... ye-! f*****CK! The speed the helm turns almost makes me fall to my left. My shoulder 'screeches' from the abrupt pulling. But f*ck no, I'm not gonna let this helm!

The force it spins is too strong, I barely manage to keep it stable. My hands are shaking as they're clenching the holders tightly. Gotta thank my siren strength because if I was normal mortal and insisted on keeping the helm, it's force would have yeet me away, even out of the ship. With such wind I don't find it impossible.

But my hands are already getting numb from the struggle to hold the helm stable. I look ahead but it's almost impossible to see anything. What am I supposed to do? How do I know where to maneuver and avoid the rocks? I shut my eyesocket feeling my hands close to open and let the helm.

I feel something leather touching my hands. I open again my eyesocket and almost struggle to back off seeing... the Captain on the other side of the helm with his hands touching mine. We hold the same holders of the helm. I shiver seeing the side of his skull bleeding. But he doesn't seem to care.

"Don't. Let 'em. No matter what!" He says slowly but loud enough for me to hear him in the mess around us. I want to get away from him and for a moment I relax my grip, to almost fall down from the sudden force the helm gains. I yelp and stumble trying to get on my feet again normally.

Captain luckily holds tighter the helm and somehow manages to bring both me and the helm to stability. I look again at him, both his eyesockets are empty.

"Look, I get it. You hate us and me. But when the time comes, even people like us has to cooperate. Listen carefully, cause no hatred fits between us right now! And it won't fit anymore if we die!" Surprised with his determination and strictness here, I only nod one time.

"The helm threw me away before because I didn't have enough strength. Ya might have a lot of strength, but as I saw, it was about to throw ya away too when I found consciousness! But if we unite our forces we'll keep the ship stable and save ourselves and everyone."

"And how?! How are you gonna drive safely to the road without collide?! It's almost pitch black, we can't see sh*t!"

"We don't have all the time to chit chat. Stay silent and listen to me carefully. We can make it." He says and somehow the way he does... his confidence... relaxes me? How?!

"... Alright." I only say however and look at him waiting. He looks for a moment behind him before nailing his eyesockets again on me.

"When I say, you'll turn the helm left or right. To avoid confusion, when I'll say left for example, I'll mean your left. Not mine. Same with right. Your right. Understandable?" I nod.

"When I'll say steady, you'll keep the helm stable and motionless until I tell ya to turn it again! We'll synchronise our movements and combine our strength! Don't worry about the road, I got this. In case the ship turns 180°, no matter what we do to keep it steady, when I'll say switch, we'll go to each other's position! However, you'll never let the holders! While changing position we must be close to the helm. One time we let the holders, we might never be able to grab them again and helm's force will throw away the other if the one of us let's it! Am I understandable again?!" I nod again. He nods too.

"Excellent. No mistakes and wrong maneuvers. We might screw things up!" He says looking ahead. "Now switch!" Flinching and almost failing miserably to hold the helm I manage walk with difficulty to where he was standing before. He didn't prevent to look for long ahead and told me to switch! He goes to where I was standing. We nail our looks to each other again when we're opposite.

"Nice." He says and looks ahead again. I look behind me too but the darkness is too big. How the hell are we gonna do this?! I feel a tight in my soul.

"Don't look behind!" He says and I look at him confused. I can tell he sees my worry. And then... he just smiles.

"Don't let the darkness disturb ya Geno. Just look and listen to me. Trust me." He says and I look at him more surprised.

He... called me by my name?

I shake my head left and right fast. That's not important now. I nail my eyesocket to him, he's looking ahead focused and serious. My impulse to look again behind me to wherever he's staring almost makes me do so. But I don't and wait to hear him.

Why do I trust him?

No one's POV:

15 minutes later...

"Right!" Captain said. Geno turned the helm right. His movement synchronised with Reaper's.

"And. Steady!" He said. Geno used more strength to keep the helm motionless.

"And. Switch!"

They walked and stood to each other's position holding tightly the helm. The more they were working together, the more Geno was feeling... safe. He was trusting him, even if he wasn't a moment ago sure why. He had forgot the deadly aura that felt like only an inch away from him to touch him, he was focused looking at the Captain.

His expression was focused and confident. Strong. At the same time, concentrated and ready, he was hearing him whether to turn the helm, hold it steady after a while and a few times they switched places. For how long this all lasted, Geno had no idea, it felt like centuries. He wasn't thinking about the time.

By just looking at him, he couldn't help but admit again silently, his skills were amazing. He didn't seem scared, he was driving in storm's embrace with so much confidence. Geno smiled, they would actually might make it out alive from this! But... then what?

A sudden jolt and a crash made him flinch, his iris dissappeared. Now Captain seemed concerned as his empty eyesockets were betraying.

"That GODAMN REEF! Who put it here?! I don't remember it being here!" He heard him whispering and the very next moment Geno recognised cusses between Portuguese, Catalanic and simple Spanish Captain was spitting. There were also times he was hearing words in a 4th language he couldn't understand what exactly was though.

That didn't matter now. What mattered was that they had hit reef and if it was serious, the ship was possibly going to sink. It would relieve him, if he had the necklace to escape. "Puta...", He cursed too looking at Captain waiting to hear him what to do.

"We're getting outta here no matter what! Don't let the helm!" He said and he didn't sound nice at all. Geno would be offended with such tone but in the situation they were, it was physical to be nervous annoyed and irritated. If they were arguing for that now, things would end up sh*t!

"Do we turn left or right?!" He asked. Captain turned his look for a moment to him looking again ahead. He opened his mouth ready to speak. But one more jolt made them both literally jump. Letting the helm. They rolled away from it. Geno groaned trying to get up again and realised with terror the helm was without ruler again.

It was turning by itself left. Hissing from nervousness unconsciously, he tried to run for it. When he reached it and managed to stop it he could feel his hands bleeding. His first failed attempt to hold the helm, the tight hold he was doing to keep it steady together with Captain all this time, these had injured his hands.

It hurted a lot. His arms were whole shaking. How long could he hold it?



He could hear the wind yelling wildly at him to turn the helm left.

"Luckily wind is still here to warn m-."


Not leeeft~


Turn riiight~

They're telling you to go collide with a rock~




Shocked Geno understood in a moment what was going on. The wild voices weren't the ones he thought were going to help him. The sweeter ones that somehow were equally loud to the wild howls of the wind were the real helpers. He remembered that they were the ones that told him go for the helm while the other were evilly yelling.

But the panic and pain in his hands had froze him. He couldn't move. His hands were shaking. He felt he was about to collapse. His fragile body couldn't take all this... mess! He was already injured to other parts.


One more turn princeee~

One more turn to the right and you're all saved~

Don't give up nooow~


Prince Genocide STAY DETERMINED~

A painful feeling he had 14 years ago when... Yelling in despair louder than the howling hostile wind, Geno turned the helm all right, feeling the pain in his whole body running like fire. Everything turned black even before he collapse to the floor and faint completely.

When he opened his eyesocket, with surprise he saw the black void around him. He... was back in the dream! He looked around him and after some seconds he saw...

"Mom!" He yelled and his voice echoed together with his fast steps. The pink haired siren turned surprised hearing a familiar voice calling her. She looked at Geno shocked.

"My so-?!"

She didn't prevent to finish. Geno wrapped his arms around her and hugged his mother tightly, snuggling his face close to her. CQ looked down at him surprised and shaking.

"Forgiven!" Geno said and he meant it with all of his soul. He sounded so happy to see her again. She was ok. She was alive. She was... here, at least in the dream! He wasn't angry with her anymore for the past. CQ's eyes widened up. Tears formed in them. She wrapped her arms around her son and closed her eyes as the tears were escaping and rolling down her cheeks.

"Thank you my son. Thank you..." She whispered smiling. They both chuckled and stayed close for a minute or so. Geno felt again returning to the 7 year childhood he lived. This embrace he had with his mom, erased 14 years of abandonment in an instant. It felt so nice and wonderful even if they were in dream.

"I'm sorry again. And for years ago and... for what you're in now-"

"Mother, no, I've made up my mind." Geno said suddenly breaking free from the hug and looked up to her serious.

"I am still confused. I am still afraid. I have back in my memories the whole past. But this doesn't reply to what to do next. The Tearful Cave threw us away because we bursted without-" There Geno stopped talking. His iris dissappeared. He started shaking.

"Oh God, did we die?! The storm, the wind, the... the rocks! Am I-?!"

"If you were dead my son, I wouldn't even be able get in your dream. I don't know in what condition you are right now. But since we're here talking, you're just sleeping." CQ relaxed him. Geno placed his hand on his chest.


"You were about to tell me something else Geno. For what you've made up your mind?" CQ asked waiting. Geno found his chill and looked at her again serious taking a deep breath.

"I accept the prophecy. I accept that it has something prepared for me. It tells me I can save the seas. And I will."

"You will?!" CQ asked surprised. Geno nodded.

"However a mermaid told me, when they attacked us with Loyal sirens, that I didn't do the correct procedure to approach the cave. What did she mean mom?" He asked. CQ flinched. But then she seemed actually ready to tell him. She knew! Perfect!

But before she could make a word, an angry hiss echoed through the invisible walls. CQ got pale and Geno recognised with terror it was Morganna's.

"She's angry you survived her storm. She will make again attempt to harm you my son soon. Listen..." She said placing her hands on his shoulders. "... I won't be able get in your dreams for a while. It's not safe, Morganna will violate them when I get in everytime. Go find the Amber-eyed witch's daughter. She's the one who will give you the answers. She knows about all 3 Royal Ocean Prophecies. Find her and she will be able to enlighten you. Do not be afraid my son. Someday we'll see each other again but in real life. Not in a dream. I'll be fine. You'll be fine. Good luck."

"Amber-eyed witch's daughter?! How on earth and Ocean am I supposed to find h-?!" Before he could finish, CQ pushed him. In slow motion he prevented to hear these:

"Lisbon! Capital!"

The ground swallowed him and lost all of his senses for seconds that felt like ages. He closed eyesocket, it didn't matter. He just waited to feel reality again. When he felt coming alive again and laying somewhere stable he opened his eyesocket again to see the sky.

His eyesocket widened up. He was still in the dark void. He got up and looked ahead confused with worried. He looked behind him. And he froze for a moment seeing...

"ERROR?! FRESH!" He yelled and his voice echoed through the invincible walls. He would recognise them even after 14 years. They were... grown up! No doubt, especially Fresh, he looked so tall! Error was wearing round glasses and Fresh had an eyepatch above his left eyesocket.

Geno wanted so badly to stretch out his arm, walk ahead, approach them. But his limbs weren't obeying him. He was stuck, motionless. He tried again, no result. He shutted his eyesocket annoyed and despaired.

But when he opened it again and looked at his brothers, they weren't alone anymore.

To Error's right 2m. away, a human with deep red cape and hood above their head was standing. Long hair in the color of chestnut were falling a little ahead. Woman? She was barefoot and... she had chains around her ankles. She raised her head, her eyes were kinda covered by a fringe and they were closed.

Behind Error, he saw a tall woman dressed almost entirely in red. Red coat long to the knee, red shirt, white trousers, red boots, red big hat with fluffy scarlet feathers decorating it. Even her long hair were in the color of passionate fire. Was she... a pirate?! Only her skin and eyes weren't red. The skin white and her eyes blue-grey.

Error was holding something in his arms. Something like an orange, red and white fluffy ball, but Geno couldn't understand what it was. Above his brother's head Geno saw something like... letters made of smoke.

These 3 already met
In 7 with you

"What the-?" He thought as he looked at Fresh's direction. Behind him and to his right was standing another human, a male one. He seemed to wear elegant clothes. He had white skin, brown hair tied to a small ponytail and even darker brown eyes. To his right was standing a short skeleton with yellow and cyan irises.

They seemed to wear elegant clothes too. They were almost as short as Geno himself, heck, they were barely reaching to where Fresh's diaphragm was. They didn't seem to look at a specific something, just far away and lost. Just like Geno's siblings and the... 2 humans faces were betraying. Above Fresh's head there were again smoke letters.

These 3 already met
In 14 with you

These people standing behind his brothers, had smoke letters above their heads too, even above the red hooded woman's. But they were saying something different, in a language Geno couldn't read and understand.


The woman with the red hood started walking towards Geno. Who's body disobeyed to move once again even if he wanted to and looked at the woman terrified.
The very next moment, he felt 2 hands touching his shoulders gently and he flinched.

He hadn't realise someone was standing behind him. The woman just stood in front of Geno. She looked above him and just smiled. Probably she was looking at whoever was behind Geno. Then she looked again at the small skeleton.

She placed her hands on his cheeks. He saw there were handcuffs even around her wrists! And to her right one... even underneath the handcuff Geno immediately recognised that golden symbol. He looked at her surprised.

"I'm sorry for keeping you like that first son of CQ. I'll let you continue what was written for you so the other 2 will find someday their turn. I just wanted to say here, it's a pleasure to meet you, even like that." She said. Geno had no idea what was going on. Before he could prevent analyse this, he felt the ground beneath him shaking. No, the whole place was shaking. He looked around worried. The woman sighed and lowered her head more.

"In a week." She only said and her smile grew bigger.

Her eyes opened and Geno felt loosing himself as her amber eyes were nailed at him.

"Wake up!"

boom boom, sorry but now cliffhanger for real. i swear, i wanted to make this chapter shorter but my enthusiasm for writting it, won meand i just wouldn't put an end easily somewhere. wait for the next one again fasolakia please and don't try to kill me like last time

(fun fact, literally the biggest part of comments of the previous chapter, were complaints and death threats towards me because pi'rai'te threw ya cliffhanger to an important moment). anyways

3930 words. byeee. stay determined
*pet pat pat pat pat*

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