An old story narrated in dreams, Rise to the land (2/3)

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warning: this part contains a lot of w'rai'ter's outbursts and self-judge of her own work. now, into the narration!

No one's POV:

She was swimming nonstopping, barely getting something to eat. But her fear and the outside far away from home were scaring her. She was thinking that someone was always hunting her. If she was stopping for long she was having the feeling that the invisible persuador of the hallucinations her fear was giving, would catch her.

Even if she needed rest, food, energy, she wasn't stopping, looking back. Even if the memories were hurting her and wanting to bring her to tears, she wasn't stopping to burst her pain that was making her even more tired. She wasn't even watching where she was going.

CQ was seeing nothing but darkness and dead ends around her. Except from fear and pain, she was getting desperate that no place in the ocean was ever going to be her lighthouse, her safe place, something to feel... supported. 1 year that journey of nonstopping wandering lasted. She travelled far away and to many places.

But even the wild independent creatures have their limits. She couldn't take it anymore, eventually the fatigue and desperation drained out her stamina completely. As she was swimming, suddenly she stopped. Just stopped swimming and let the waves move her.

The waves, soft and small from the calm wind, were pushing her gently all day, only God knows where. But near night suddenly they turned tall and aggressive. A storm, with lots of thunders and the loud wind started soon whiping the sea mercilessly, like they were holding a grudge to it and the waves only small and friendly they weren't now, but like huge threatening monsters.

Normally CQ would've been able to pass it without problem, or just dive to be more safe. But she didn't have the strength anymore and the waves, merciless and wild after the small calm ones, instead of stroking her, were slamming her down and bringing her again up to the surface only to repeat and hit her nonstopping.

The night was dark and deep and even the stars couldn't help with their light. Eventually, the waves brought her towards some big rocks. There, things became even more painful for CQ. One the waves were slamming her to the rocks, one they were dragging her back to push her again towards them.

The wild wind was covering CQ's screams she still had the strength to make everytime she was hitting her back on them. In the end, one big wave pushed again CQ and this time she hit the back of her head. Only a soft whimper came out of her mouth before loosing her senses.

-reader: rai, don't you think you make CQ suffer a little bit TOO MUCH?!

-rai: naaah, no, don't worry it's fine, i'll stop torturing her frooom... now!

The rocks she was getting hit, were near a small sandy beach. Land. A little boat was laying to the sand, away from the aggressive waves. And a house, protected from the wind, far away enough from the threatening waves to not get destroyed, was standing there...

"The time I was one breath away from death, the time I thought the darkness in my soul and around me would swallow me, together with sadness and desperation... That's when I met your father. My light, my savior, my escape from suffer and the one who softened my sadness and erased my desperation..."

The next day, the wind relaxed and the waves slowly got smaller and weaker. Now they were licking gently the sandy beach (also if anyone's cringing with the words i'm using, say it). The sun was about to rise from the sea when he opened the door of his house. He stayed at the opening and took a deep breath closing his eyesockets. When he opened them again he looked around him the sandy beach.

"Sea had a very bad mood last night..." He whispered once he saw the mess in front of his house. Seaweeds, sticks and other were laying at the sand. He stepped outside and walked towards the sea, with hands in his pockets, to see more clearly the mess around him.

"Tch tch tch... Welp, it's the season. But with day's light at least sea's not so aggressive. I'll be able to deliver the packets Boss wants, like always." He murmured and looked at the other stuff the sea was still bringing outside. More sticks, feathers, more seaweeds and- hold on...

Stephan got in the sea with his clothes without second thought and approached a bunch of twirled seaweeds and sticks. Between them he had seen something... no, his vision wasn't playing tricks on him, he saw something pink! He started throwing the seaweeds and sticks away to see soon, that the pink thing he saw was from a long, full of scales, tail.

And it's owner? A pink haired beautiful lady. Stephan looked at her shocked for a minute or more. He placed his palm very close to her face and then her neck. After some agonising seconds he sighed relieved, she was breathing. Barely and weakly but still. He could help her. But he didn't immediately. His look got stuck to her pink hair.

"Pink hair... How odd, even for a mermaid like her! I've never seen such hair color..." He thought as his fingers twirled gently between her hair strides. He was looking at them for a minute, still shocked and surprised. Normally he would've just bring her in to take care of her. But this time he had literally spaced out.

And only when his hand went to the back of her head and felt something sticky, he came back to his senses. With terror he saw blood on his hand. He looked at the back of her head and saw a big bad wound like she had hit her head somewhere hard, probably the rocks near the sandy beach his house was.

Not wasting any more time than he had already waste, Stephan held the 'mermaid' bridal style and got out of the water, walking carefully and at the same time as fast as he could, towards his house.

"Change of plans a little. Instead of leaving now, I'll take care of her first and then I go. I've been late many times. How weird, what happened back there..." He thought looking at the 'mermaid'. But seeing her expression and again her pretty pink hair, he let a smile escape from him.

"Don't worry I'll help you. And when I come back..." He whispered.

5 hours later

CQ woke up and the first thing she saw was ceiling. She blinked many times before her vision get completely clear. Her eyes widened up and got up abruptly, only to feel her head ringing painfully. She left out a soft hiss pressing her hands to her head. When she felt better slowly she looked around her.

Unknown nature with things she have never seen, only some of them were familiar to her thanks to the stuff Morganna was stealing and showing her when they were meeting. She looked down and saw that she was laying in a big bathtub. She also saw that her body was wrapped with something white and at some points it was red.

Even her tail. She thought it was some kind of white seaweeds and touched it with her hands. It felt soft and much more different than seaweed. Slowly and carefully she started trying to untie it from her body.

Whenever the wind blows gently
I hear her songs repeated for eternity
As I'm travelling she's blessing
my heart and soul with serenity

From somewhere outside the room CQ was in, she suddenly heard a male voice singing a beautiful melody. Even more beautiful the voice sounded in her ears. Sirens, even mermaids always loves to hear songs, especially if the one who sings has a good voice. Excited, CQ stayed motionless to listen more carefully, surprised and impressed.

Whenever the wind blows wild
I never disturb her, I let her be
I say to myself, give her some time
to let her negativity free

Sea is my 2nd mother, my 2nd lover
The secrets I confess, she keeps them
When I swim, gently my body covers
And my love even more incurable gets

CQ closed her eyes and smiled, enjoying the song and without realising that the one who was singing was approaching and his voice was getting louder and louder.

Sea is my 2nd consolation and friend
If I stand in front of her a quiet day
I'll hear a message from her send
and my heart won't be of her afra-!

The one who was singing stopped abruptly before finishing the lyric. CQ opened her eyes surprised and to the opening she saw a monster, a skeleton, staring at her surprised. He was wearing yellow shirt, above it brown vest, dark brown wide trousers and boots.

Both his irises had white color, but his left had 2 rings of yellow and a smaller blue. Their looks stayed at each other for moments. Then, the monster smiled and started approaching, but fast and a little abruptly.

"You're awake. Thank God you-" Before he could finish CQ hissed and tried to move away from him as much as she could but her back collided to the bathtub. It was also the pain that travelled through her whole body and kept her motionless. She looked back for a moment before nailing her eyes again to the monster.

For a moment Stephan stopped, looking at her surprised. But then, bending a little so he could look smaller and less threatening and walking at the same time slower, kept approaching.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." He said in a quiet tone and gave her a big bright smile. CQ still wasn't trusting him absolutely but his smile somehow relaxed her a little. She let him approach without hissing but still on guard in case that landlubber was doing something.

Stephan finally approached and without showing the slightest fear rested his hands at the bathtub, still smiling and looking at CQ. With the one looking at the other suspiciously but surprised and the other calmly, a minute passed. Until CQ broke first the silence.

"You're... landlubber." She said in not so good landlubber language (to make it clear, in this book sirens and mermaids have different language from landlubbers'. It's rare (was *sniff*) for a 'Loyal' and impossible for a 'Devil' siren to know their language since they don't really like the surface and prefer to be in the sea)

(But mermaids, 'Bold' and 'Loner' sirens knows their language and surprisingly well enough if ya think that the 1st just spies and eats them without wasting saliva on chit chatting, the 2nd are learning from the mermaids (here, more information) and the 3rd are introverts and drown them)

Morganna had teach her many landlubbers' words and phrases. The skeleton looked at her raising an eyebrow(?) but then lowered his head chuckling.

"Aaah, yes yes I am." He replied. Awkward silence fell between them again for a while.

"What... happened?" CQ asked and looked around her confused.

"... I found you unconscious the morning. The sea got you out. I brought you in my house and tried to take care of you the best I could. I left for a while though. I hope you weren't waiting for long when you wake up." Stephan said worried and very slowly, signing at the same time because he had guess CQ wasn't understanding very well what he was saying. CQ looked down trying to find the correct words to speak.

"Not long. You... were singing." She finally said and to the last words she smiled, looked at him excited and little stars appeared in her eyes. Stephan looked at her surprised, feeling his face burning and looked away (w'rai'ter: 🤦🏽‍♀️😣).

"Sooo... Do you feel ok?" He asked. CQ nodded waveringly. But then suddenly, a loud growl escaped from her tummy and wrapped her arms around her. The skeleton flinched, realising what the growl was.

"Sorry! I should have prepared some food when you wake up! Give me a minute!" He said and turned his back. CQ didn't look at him, only curled like a ball and stayed like that with her eyes closed. After a while she heard him approaching again but only moved her eyes, still her stomach hurting from starving.

"Here." The monster said offering with his hand something. CQ stretched her neck curious to look at what he was holding, only to look away hissing aggressively and covered her nose.

"Woah hey, what's wrong?! It's just meat, aren't you-... aren't you mermaid?" The skeleton asked turning his head like a confused puppy. CQ looked at him with a dissatisfied expression and after some seconds she whispered something underneath her breath. "Come again?" He asked.

"S-Siren." CQ said. The other raised an eyebrow surprised and confused.

"Siren? How weird, mermaids usually are found near land."

"Siren." CQ insisted. The skeleton looked away.

"If you don't like meat then? What do you want exactly?" He asked. CQ lowered her head trying to find the correct word to help him understand.

"V-Ve-Vegeterian!" She managed to finally say looking at him. The monster got up and walked away again. After a minute he turned back holding a carrot. CQ, who had never seen this before looked at it curious. The skeleton offered the carrot and she tried again to move away from him.

"It's carrot. Eat, don't worry." He said keeping stably the carrot in front of her. After many seconds CQ moved her hand and waveringly took the vegetable from that kind skeleton's hand. She sniffed 2 times lightly and seeing that it's smell was ok, took a small bite at first. Damn. Although crunchy it had nice taste and she vanished it😂.

"Easy easy!" The skeleton said laughing. CQ stared at him, waiting for him to look at her. When he finally did, he was still smiling. What a beautiful smile he had, CQ thought. It was from the first positive things she had to see for a long time.

"You liked the carrot right? Want some more food?" The monster asked raising an eyebrow. Somehow CQ understood immediately what that was meaning and nodded, her irises dilated from excitement. She also tried to move her tail but she was wounded and hissed from pain.

"Don't move very much." The other suggested and got up to bring more food. He returned but this time he was holding a big green apple and a little knife. In front of CQ he peeled the apple and cut it to small pieces. Then he started giving her the pieces one by one and CQ was swallowing them, feeling the pain in her empty stomach retreating more.

When the pieces ended, Stephan stayed to look at her as she was laying back, closing eyes and sighing satisfied. Stephan observed her more carefully. She looked so much like a mermaid. And yet she wasn't as she said and showed. Those short soft pink hair he saw when he picked her up unconscious, that now most of them were under bandages, had tricked him.

And once he saw her reaction with the meat, he started realising that he probably did some kind of mistake. It was also the fact that only mermaids were approaching land, only them were attacking landlubbers, only them were eating meat. The mermaids he had rescue had crazy bright hair colors, most of them.

And they were sure more aggressive when they were seeing him approaching them, after they've been unconscious. It wasn't rare for him to see a mermaid in front of his house, unconscious, bleeding or being heavily wounded, starving, or even tied with nets.

And instead of being afraid of them although he knew they were carnivores and killing mercilessly landlubbers, instead of giving them a fatal blow since they couldn't defend themselves, in fact he was helping them, feeding them, taking care of their wounds with his own hands and after they were fully recovering he was letting them free.

And those lucky mermaids, the ones he had rescued, were learning to trust him for as long as he was taking care of them. Instead of trying to eat or hurt him, that landlubber was their only exception to not attack and disturb him. But they were never returning back to his house.

They were leaving him with his loneliness. The truth was that his house was to the beach, isolated and far enough from the village he was living. But when he wanted to buy something, he was going to the village. The villagers that knew him were saying that he wasn't a bad guy but if only he wasn't rescuing the mermaids!

Mermaid friend they were calling him and not many people wanted to talk with him for long or visit him. Stephan wasn't caring about people's opinion and for as long as they weren't bothering him and at least weren't treating him badly, he was ok with everyone and their opinions.

It was also convenient for him to not have many relationships with the villagers. Everyone knew him as the Mermaid friend, or the distant fisherman. They were thinking this was his job. Or so they were thinking... Anyways. His accommodation with the mermaids had teach him a lot of things.

Interesting stories and small adventures he had hear everytime he was trying to start conversation with them or if them by themselves were starting talking, were giving him information about mermaids' habits, what they do, how they hunt, where they live. And by observing them he had learn a lot.

He had also learn some things about sirens. But from mermaids' tone when they were mentioning the sirens, Stephan had guessed that the 2 kinds weren't having good relationships and he never learned why.

"Don't ask to learn for things that doesn't bother you landlubber."

"What happened and it's happening in the depths between us, isn't the job of the landlubbers." Those kind of comments and more Stephan had heard from different mermaids when he was asking why they were hating the sirens and then he was preferring to keep his mouth closed.

His gaze was stuck to her pink hair for as long as he was remembering from his past experiences. Thoughtful still, slowly his hand approached and touched some of her pink hair. CQ opened her eyes surprised, hissed and turned to bite him. Stephan's reflexes were faster and pulled his hand back on time.

He had get a lot of bites from mermaids when he was trying to untie their bandages, feed them or just pat them and those experiences had make slowly his reflexes faster to avoid their bites on time. He looked at CQ calmly and stretched again his hand towards her.

"May I? Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He said and kept approaching. CQ started shaking and her face turned even more pale as she was seeing his hand approaching. When she felt again his hand touching her hair she closed her eyes and lowered her head, afraid of the upcoming pain.

But she felt nothing like that. In fact the soft stroke relaxed her soon and she opened again her eyes, staring one at monster's eyesockets and one at his hand.

"See? Nothing bad." The monster said and smiled again with that way CQ liked. He kept looking at her thoughtful as his fingers were twirling gently her hair. "I've never seen siren with pink hair. And I've never seen one near land. How did you end up on surface?" He asked suddenly raising an eyebrow.

CQ was ready to try and answer. But then, memories before Kingdom's destruction came actually back in her mind, 2 times more painful and haunting, good and bad. Memories when she was younger, games, mischiefs, the peaceful areas around the Kingdom, her parents' love, Morganna and all the good times she had with her...

The attack, the destruction, her parents' death, the Kraken, the last goodbye with Morganna... All the wandering she did in the Oceans... Tears formed to CQ's eyes and very soon started sobbing, hissing lightly at the same time covering her face. Stephan gathered his hand back surprised and looked away, regretting for the question he did.

He didn't know that she would have that reaction though. For a minute he stayed motionless, hearing CQ crying, feeling unable to help her. There was only one thing he found to do, to try and help her. Very gently he wrapped his arms around her, closing her to a hug. CQ felt his arms and still crying stayed motionless from surprise.

"I'm sorry for the question. If you can't answer, that's ok. But please, relax." Deep inside, CQ needed right now some consolation. And that monster was giving her. That hug was the nicest contact she had to feel and the warmth she felt in her soul immediately after he hugged her, had started helping her.

She closed her eyes with tears still running, but slowly relaxing. And to Stephan's surprise, he felt her arms wrapping around him. But he didn't move and stayed close to CQ until she stop shaking and relax.

"What's your name?" Stephan asked as they were still hugging. CQ stayed silent for some seconds.

"... CQ." She finally said.

The next days the program was mostly the same. They would wake up, Stephan would take breakfast, feeding at the same time CQ. Then he would take care of her wounds and change the bandages. After those little tasks, he would go to work for a while. Waiting for him to return was for CQ the worst. Not because she was bored but... scared.

To be alone like she was for a whole year and more after leaving the Siren Kingdom. From the 2nd day she broke from loneliness, especially because Stephan didn't come the time she was expecting him to come from the last time. And so, when Stephan returned, a crying CQ was waiting for him.

Although tired, he ran towards her and sat next to her asking what was wrong. CQ hugged him tightly, almost broke his bones (knavish sirens! you're very strong!). Stephan understood.

"You missed me?" He asked smiling and trying to breath. CQ didn't reply, whether she understood what he said or not, she just snuggled closer to him, relaxing her grip. Stephan chuckled. "I'm sorry for coming a little bit late. There there, come on, you don't need to cry now. I'm here."

What was Stephan's job really? In fact he was... a smuggler. Yep. He was working with smugglers. At first, some years ago in fact, he was actually working as fisherman. From a young age he had that job. But one day by very bad luck he saw some humans and monsters carrying boxes, bringing them in a boat.

And from the words they were saying, Quick bring the last ones!, Damnit, faster before anyone else sees us and calls the guards!, Shut up, this village doesn't have many guards, we'll prevent to leave without any delay!, he understood they were smugglers. He tried to run away, maybe warn guards, police.

But a smuggler was already behind him and knocked him out. When he woke up again he realised he was surrounded by more smugglers and their boss was looking at him with crossed arms. He was a very tall, somewhere 25-30 years old skeleton, with 2 cracks at his face, the one above his right eyesocket, the other under the left one and one more scar was passing through it.

He had sharp teeth and red irises. Perfect characteristics for Boss. Stephan, got afraid and with his right, he was thinking that he was going to die. But instead, the Boss started asking him questions, like the state he was, his job, the position of his house. Confused but still afraid every single second for his life, Stephan answered to all of his questions.

When they finished the Boss was looking at him now interested, with his hand at his jaw and smiling cunningly. Stephan gulped, he didn't know if he had to relax or feel even more scared.

"Fisherman's job doesn't help anyone's state. It doesn't help yours if I have to judge from how you look. I have something better, an offer for you, poor, miserable fisherman: I was looking for a 4th storage for my team. The position of your house sounds perfect for more stuff to hide."

And he offered him the job, in exchange of more money than he was getting as fisherman. At first Stephan didn't want to participate into something illegal like that. But the Boss prevented him.

"And if you refuse, you die, since you saw my smugglers carrying stuff." Huh. Pretty convincing (which expression ya are? this 😕, or this?😓). Still, Stephan 'had the guts' to ask how was he so sure he would get what the Boss was promising him so 'mercifully'.

"I'm in a quite good mood today and hearing where your house is, makes my mood better. Instead of killing you I'm offering you a job. And us smugglers, we might be doing what we're doing, but at least we're having some level and understanding. My men didn't kill you immediately when they realised you were watching them, because I say so, bring the stalkers like you, to me first and then I decide what to do. And we have some fairness to our words. You'll get payed of course, but it'll depend on how well you'll cooperate with us and if! But because I see that you're thinking about it and you're not so sure, I'll let you return to your home, yes, we'll return you to your village. I give you 2 whole days to think freely. But better not say about us to anyone. I have eyes and ears everywhere! If you try to betray us, even half word escapes from your mouth about us, I'll learn it. Then I will find you. And I will kill you."

The need of money changes minds. In the end Stephan agreed to make his house hiding place for the stuff the smugglers couldn't carry and then bringing them to specific days, hours and places. At first it was difficult for him, the job in general and his relationships with the smugglers, he wasn't really trusting them.

But his new Boss wasn't so wrong when he said smugglers had some level. Despite the job, they weren't bad guys really and they were good company. Just tough and many times doing very bad jokes. The Boss was very strict with his team and many times shouting even for the slightest mistake. But he was like that because he was perfectionist and wanted everything to be perfect.

Later Stephan learned from the other smugglers and many rumors that his Boss, W.D. Gaster was his name, was actually from the most dangerous, in fact the top smuggler, not only for the villages but also for the aristocrats themselves. And not only that! He was way more before becoming smuggler.

His story, from smugglers' comments and later as the Boss by himself told him, was that he was once, one of the richest and greatest scientists, in aristocrats' class. He was living in the 'Capital', the biggest island the aristocrats had dominated. He was one of the cruellest and toughest, even though he was monster (someday it'll be explained what's the meaning of the underlined words exactly).

And not only with poor humble villagers, but with the aristocrats he was also very sarcastic and rude. The aristocrats weren't liking him very much because of his attitude but the bastard was so smart, everyone, even the king himself who wasn't having problem with his attitude, could count on his opinion.

Because except from scientific knowledge, Gaster had excellent politician, strategic, economical, ruling and in general to almost everything, opinion. Almost no one could encounter his combat skills and magic. He was the smartest monster aristocrat everyone knew and could remember from his generation.

So it had logic for the king of the 'Capital' to give him big honor. But that kind of honor made others from aristocrats' class get jealous and hate even more Gaster. A monster get so much more honor than them?! And they were trying to find how to get rid of him, or find a crime to blame him for, even something fake.

And they found it someday sadly. Another rebellion was taking place and again the aristocrats had to face and stifle it. The jealous human aristocrats managed to find fake proofs, they even made them and when the rebellion ended ingloriously, they managed to convince everyone that Gaster was helping the rebels.

The blame was very heavy and serious but they described the 'proofs' they 'found' so well, that even the king believed it. And he ordered the soldiers to bring Gaster. The punishment for the aristocrats was to put them in jail, torments (such as flogging, beat up the traitor etc.).

And after those, the most usual penalties were decapitate, hanging (both of them are happening to open area), but sometimes, some of the rebels were getting displaced. When the soldiers came to Gaster's big house and literally broke the door, the monster welcomed them unexpectedly calmly.

They told him for what he was getting blamed while the slanderers behind them were smiling triumphantly. When the soldiers finished and asked him if he was admitting or denying those heavy categories, again Gaster stayed calm. Only when he looked at the slanderers he snorted.

"I always knew you were hating me bastards. But blaming me for things I never did?" He asked and chuckled sarcastically. And in a way threateningly.

(and it was at this moment the slanderers knew... they f*cked up😂)

"And here I thought ya got late to do this already! In that case, before leaving ya and what I had forever, first..." And both his irises glowed even more bloody red.

"... I'll make sure that at least you won't be the ones who will put their filthy hands on my generations axioms and riches." And he killed all soldiers and the slanderers mercilessly. And they begged for mercy. How ironic. And how cowards the human aristocrats can be.

He had lost everything, axioms, riches and comfy easy life. Gaster ran away, without taking anything with him to survive. Fall from the aristocracy to poverty that abruptly and without any supplies, not many people can take it. Even for the toughest, who knows how to tolerate difficulties.

But there are moments where the intelligence can be more capable to save you. And W.D. hadn't only excellent strength, as we mentioned, from intelligence he had also a lot. Managing to hide his identity and keep it hidden, he knew that the only way for him to escape from the 'Capital' the fastest without the danger anyone from aristocrats' side see and recognise him, like soldiers, he wasn't caring about villagers very much, the only way for him to have anything he needed, like money and food, was from smugglers' path.

Although that job was from the most filthy in aristocrats eyes, it was the only one that had access to all aristocrats' islands and even more outside their domination. They could pass unnoticeable from aristocrats galleons many times and dissappear like they never existed.

That was the way Gaster thought and in order to survive, he could do anything and not hesitate even get in smugglers' 'filthy' job. For a success there has to be sometimes sacrifices and consequences, like in a chess game. And he knew that. But from the day he got blamed for nothing, he didn't want to have any relationships with the 'Capital' and the aristocrats anymore, he was disgusted.

He was going to annoy them, sting them with different ways. But he was going to keep his identity hidden for as long as he could. He just needed to find where the smugglers could hide exactly. And also if those days of his 'hide and seek' there were any smugglers hiding near 'Capital's' ports. He had to be lucky and he was actually.

The days he was trying to hide, after being patient, the 4th day  as he was standing in a corner near the port, he saw a monster running away from 7 soldiers, holding a box. Suddenly he tripped. He couldn't be sure if the one with the box was actually smuggler. But who knew?! It could be his only chance!

He walked and stood between the fallen monster and the soldiers, who stopped seeing another monster with hood standing between them.

"Good morning my good *cough* *cough* soldiers. It's better for you to turn around and leave that monster alone, or else the situation is going to be very very interesting to me." He said very calmly doing that thing with his hands:

The soldiers obviously laughed hearing 1 monster only, threatening them. But then, behind Gaster, 7 huge hands appeared and immediately soldiers' faces turned pale. Gaster chuckled and shook his head left and right.

"The 1st time I'm saying something, I'm in forgiving mood and give chances to let someone live. Now ya lost your chance. Chances of surviving for ya now? Null." He said the last word with his creepiest smile and his hands in less than 10 seconds had grab from one screaming soldier and squeeze them to death.

"Oooh f*cking-! What the hell?!!!" The monster behind him said shocked. Gaster turned his attention to him smiling while his huge hands were throwing the corpses in the sea. He approached and kneeled near him. The monster tried to get up but he gave up, he had break his ankle.

To his even bigger shock and surprise, instead Gaster kill him like he did with the soldiers, approached both his hands near his ankle. His magic flowed towards the broken ankle and after some seconds he stopped.

"I think you can walk now." He said 'friendly'. The monster tried to get up and managed to stand. But when he tried to take a step he almost fell again, his leg was numb.

"Are you a smuggler?" Gaster asked. The monster shook head left and right, trying to deny. "Ah, fear not smuggler, you don't have to lie!"

"Why did you help me? What do you want?" The monster asked raising an eyebrow.

"I would like to see your boss. I want to join the smuggling. Do you know where's he hiding? Don't worry, this is not a trap, after all I killed 7 soldiers for your sake!" Gaster said still smiling.

"Fine. But don't try anything weird." The monster snarled and tried to approach the box that had fall from his hands. But one of Gaster's big hands grabbed it first and once again he got surprised. "Your magic is so powerful! What's your name?!" He murmured.

"Ah, Gastone friend. And don't push yourself way too hard, let me help you. For as long as I'll carry the stuff, you'll lead me to where's your leader and the other smugglers. Then we can talk about joining, can we?" Gaster kept talking 'innocently'. Soon he was following the monster that slowly was managing to start walking again normally.

Hearing what 'Gastone' did, the leader got impressed and gave Gaster a position to his team and work since he wanted to eagerly. Gaster had make it, he could escape and leave from the 'Capital'. New adventures started for him. He worked for long, travelled to many other islands and faced new difficulties.

But he passed them all with the power of his intelligence mostly. His Boss was impressed with his knowledge to so many things and how fast he was learning. Although one of the newest members he ever got, he was trusting and asking for his opinion often. You could say he was going to make him the next boss when he was going to die.

Which wasn't really far away. The boss was suffering from leprosy many years, one of the worst diseases of the era. But even when he got that, he was still capable to lead his team, talk and give orders to his men from distance to not have contact with them and keep them safe.

The kind of leprosy he had was the one with the very slow progress. But eventually the bacteria started winning the battle in his body and after 3 years he got Gaster in his team, with his limbs numb and paralysed, he died with terrible pain and suffocating. After his death when the smugglers had to choose a new Boss, at first most of them wanted to be the new one.

But some of them pointed at Gaster and admitted that boss was trusting him more than anyone else. He had bring a lot more success from the time he came and although a rude ass most of times to the other smugglers, he could lead the team. And that was how Gaster ended as a smuggler Boss.

He revealed eventually who he was all this time, shocking everyone but they obeyed to him. And he kept his identity hidden so no villager or any of the aristocrats could know who he was and he could give on their nerves. 'Red Fangs' the name the team he got in was and it stayed when he became the boss.

Many more islands learned about 'Red Fangs' existence from the time Gaster took the lead and they only knew him with the fake name he used first, as Gastone (wow🤷🏽‍♀️🙄). He became the worst and most threatful smuggler for the aristocrats, one very bad 'leech'. And by 'leeches', except from smugglers, they were counting in, the pirates too of course.

They were trying to hunt or at least stop those disgusting 'leeches' but with difficulty and failures, because those 'leeches' were extremely careful, smart damnit and handso- eeerrrm!

'Unpleasant attention' the aristocrats were for the smugglers and they had their ways luckily to hide and sail away fast before the aristocrats' galleons could prevent to find or track them. Their smaller ships and boats were faster in any way.

Stephan admired his boss even more from that story of his past life and how determined he was to survive and turn against the aristocrats with smugglers job. And even though his island wasn't under domination he got to scorn the aristocracy, thank his luck his island was safe at least from those 'voracious pigs', as the smugglers were calling the aristocrats mockingly and feel sorry for the villagers whos' islands were dominated.

He wasn't really dissatisfied with the job he was doing 5 years now. The role of the storager was quite easy and comfy to him and the Boss was satisfied, even if he was getting late when he was taking care of any mermaid the sea was bringing in front of his house. He was still bringing the stored stuff, to the specific quantities the Boss was ordering him to bring.

And because everyone in his village was thinking he was only a humble simple fisherman and not searching it deeper (because he was also the mermaid friend as we said), he was covered. Another advantage and reason why the Boss offered him the job, was because Stephan's village wasn't under aristocrats domination and so he wasn't in danger from them.

(God only knows what they would do to him if his village was under their domination too and were searching a little bit more his life😓...)

After the work, Stephan was teaching CQ words and how to speak. Actually CQ was the one who had asked to learn and improve her vocabulary. It was less boring than interesting and fun. CQ was a fast learner and Stephan was surprised she was remembering everything and using the words, soon without stuttering.

Very quickly they were talking without difficulty. And in those days CQ was improving her vocabulary, she started narrating her story and about the Siren History. She had the need to speak, take out from her soul her pain and share her memories with someone. And Stephan was a good listener.

Interested and surprised he listened to her whole story. He was finally understanding that hate between mermaids and sirens. It took many days. There were many times CQ would cry as she would narrate and Stephan would console her everytime. Their relationships grew stronger and CQ was feeling less sad everyday.

She was happy when Stephan was around, the man who had saved her, feed her, took care of her. The man who although was smuggler, literally a thief, a sea criminal, had a good soul made of gold. The very same serious and tired guy when he was getting in his house, once he was giving his attention to CQ, was laughing like a little child and showing again the fond side of his.

Sweeter feelings filled CQ's soul and she was feeling them growing stronger when Stephan was with her. 2 months passed like that. The wounds eventually healed, something supposedly good but... but? Everytime Stephan would check her wounds and bandage again, his expression was getting darker for a fleeing moment, before smiling and say how better they were getting and healing.

CQ wasn't showing it but she wasn't getting happy either for a reason. Why? Soon she would be free, swim wherever she wanted and if she couldn't return to the Kingdom she could find live somewhere else, right? But something wasn't feeling right. What was it already? (*facepalms and sarcasms* omg, it's so difficult to think what it is!)

Anyways, after the 2 months, Stephan approached CQ and looked at her carefully. The last 3 days he had stopped bandaging her, he could barely see the wounds on her. Even the one at her head. He nodded his head trying smiling to CQ, it was the time. Carefully he picked her up bridal style and walked outside.

That day the wind wasn't exactly calm but also not strong. Small waves were licking gently the sandy beach. The sun was shining bright. Stephan stopped 3m. away from the waves and let down CQ. He sat next to her and silently they watched the sea. After many minutes he sighed.

"You know... All the mermaids that passed, after I let them free they just left fast and never returned. They left me lonely again. And even if this seems sad... I'm happy they have their freedom again. And although I wish for more company because the other villagers doesn't really approach me because of what I do, helping mermaids, heh heh... I'm keeping no one by violence. The point is to help. If I was keeping a mermaid trapped, my help would be wasted, it wouldn't have real purpose." Stephan turned his head to CQ and smiled.

"The real thing every creature wants is freedom. And I don't want to take it away from anyone for long, even if it's a mermaid. I don't want to take your freedom either CQ. You're a 'Loyal', you would suffer if you were staying away from your real nature and staying to landlubbers' world. But... for as long as I got to know you for 2 months, I had a great time." Stephan streched his arm waiting for a handshake.

"Good luck. Wherever you go CQ." He said. CQ gave her hand and they shook them.

"Thank you too for helping me. You could just let me die but-"

"Oh, but never!" Stephan said and laughed. And then, to CQ's surprise he kissed her hand. She laughed nervously and looked away with her cheeks burning (w'rai'ter for one more time: 🤦🏽‍♀️😣). For 1 more minute they stayed silent. Then finally, CQ started slowly crawling towards the sea. When she felt the cool water touching her she felt refreshed.

When she got in deeper, she moved her tail to give boost. But then, she turned one more time to look at Stephan. He had his hands in his pockets and smiling. CQ lifted her hand and waved. Stephan did the same. But even when they stopped waving to each other none of them moved for long.

Until Stephan did. He turned his back and walked slowly towards his house. But he wasn't doing this just to finish already with CQ. He was doing it to not let her see the tears he was holding all this time running down his face. When he got in his house and closed the door, he placed his hand at his chest and clenched it. Shaking.

"She would never want to stay. I know it. Someone like her... Heh... Why do I even cry if I knew it?... Ha... ha ha... God, I loved her? It must be!" Stephan sat down with his back and head pressing the wall. He placed his hand at his forehead, still laughing with bitterness and crying.

"And because I love her, I let her go away. I said it by myself, she'll suffer to landlubbers' world. And I wouldn't want that for her. Never." He murmured.

1 week passed after Stephan let CQ free. All that time CQ tried to find areas that could have enough food. She got lucky, although later she faced some danger. The 2nd day of her tries to find live somewhere even for a while, she found an area with kelps. But the sirens that were living there, at first stopped her, not so friendly.

From things CQ remembered the sirens that were living in the kelp areas were from the 'Bold'. The ones who were supposedly ok with the mermaids, weren't they? She tried however to smile and greet them.

"Scram mermaid, turn around and leave now! You and your cursed kind, all of you became worse than the satan! 3 times cursed you be!" A male human-looking siren with brown hair long to the shoulder blade said and hissed. The other sirens hissed too. CQ swam back a little, unable to understand why they were acting like that.

"Wh-What do you mean?" She asked. The same siren that spoke snorted sarcastically.

"Don't act innocently. 14 months ago you all turned crazy and started beating us up! Barely we survived from your mania!!! Then you left for, Ocean knows where! But the fishes, they told us what happened, they revealed us what was the crazyness that got in you mermaids! We know, we know everything! Your black soul leader used forbidden spells 'Soulless Hybrid' said first and you all got corrupted! What the f*ck is wrong with you mermaids?! Using those spells?!!!" He replied and started approaching her slowly.

"Even if you finally vanished 'Loyals' reign, you harmed us too! You tried to kill us! Greedy! Voracious! Now if you think that by playing theatre you're going to trick anyone here so you can attack when we have our backs turned mermaid, you're wrong!" He said still approaching. CQ closed her eyes and placed her hands in front of her.

"Wait, please! I'm not merm-!"

"Calcha, stop!" Another siren said. The siren named Calchas turned to look behind him and saw another human-looking siren, probably millennials old because he had a very long blonde beard. He swam towards CQ and looked at her carefully.

"Parmenides! Don't approach that abomination. She deserves to die, her and her similars!"

"Pink hair..."

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Calchas screeched.

"Please, give me your hands my dear. Can I see something? Just to be sure." Parmenides said very calmly, with a friendly smile on his face and his hands waiting. Waveringly, CQ gave her hands. The long-bearded siren looked at them and her wrists carefully. Then he placed his index and middle finger of his right hand at CQ's right wrist and whispered some weird words:

"Άμα είναι αυτή που έπρεπε να περιμένουμε, αποκάλυψε το κρυμμένο μαγικό σημάδι της, από την οποία θα προέλθει ο Εκλεκτός. Αποκάλυψε την αλήθεια άμα αυτή είναι η τελευταία πριγκίπισσα του Βασιλείου των Σειρήνων και που από αυτή θα προέλθει ο 'Απέθαντος Κρίνος των Ωκεανών' όπως τον ονόμασε σε μια από τις αρχαιότερες του προφητείες 'Το Υβρίδιο χωρίς Ψυχή' και αργότερα αποκάλυψε στην πάνσοφη 'Κεχριμπαρομάτα Μάγισσα', που ξέρει και μαθαίνει ότι γίνεται στον αέρα, στη γη και στη θάλασσες."

CQ without wanting it, looked at her wrist. Shocked she slowly saw her symbol appearing at it, a golden trident with gems. The 'Sirens Symbol' was a legacy of the royal 'Loyals'. Made with deep magic and the 'bless' of the magic of sirens' treasures, the symbol was passing from every generation of royal families.

The siren who was having the symbol and was the keeper of the real trident, was officially the ruler of the kingdom and had extra powers. The symbol was controllable to hide if it's siren wanted to and make it reappear again. CQ had shown it to Stephan when she was narrating the Siren History and her life.

"H-How did you do that?!" She asked Parmenides looking at him. The other chuckled and shook his head left and right.

"The power of the words had bigger will than yours at this moment and revealed the hidden. Also because it really is you..." He said and in the last words he swam back a little. To everyone's surprise then, he lowered his head, held with his right hand his left fist and kept them in front of his chest.

"... Princess CQ, the only 'Loyal' Siren that escaped from mermaids' cruelty and the curse they brought." All 'Bold' sirens gasped and started whispering to each other.

"Parmenides, how did you know that?!" Calchas asked.

"Believe me Calcha, I managed to live in these seas from almost the time siren kind was borned. The knowledge I've gathered is huge and also the 'Amber-eyed Witch' honored and revealed me some years ago the 1st of the 3 'Royal Ocean Prophecies'. Today, I see that the 'Siren Princess' prophecy gets real." Parmenides said and looked also to the other sirens.

"Princess CQ might be a 'Loyal' between 'Bolds' and considered as enemy. But this time, she's our guest. None of us will harm her in any way. She'll stay for as long as she wants. Understandable?" He asked everyone. Without bringing objections, the sirens nodded.

"T-Thank you for helping me... Parmenides." CQ whispered.

"Ah, but don't worry princess. We 'Bold' sirens know about the 1st prophesy. And now that they know you're the one we had to wait for, they understand. *sigh* before the mermaids get corrupted the 'Amber-eyed Witch' told me to not reveal the prophecy to anyone until what was meant to be done was done. And when it happened, when the 'Bold' sirens felt betrayed and lost hope, I gave them hope again and revealed them the prophecy. And we all waited until you came."

"Why feel betrayed exactly?"

"Because the mermaids were always saying that they will take the Siren Kingdom and promised to us, the 'Bold' sirens that they will share the reign. I'll admit it, many of us wanted that. But as you see, things turned unpredictably much more different. Now we're not 'Mermaid friends' anymore. And whatever is going to happen in the future, know now princess that you can count us as allies. If there's a difficulty or a serious situation we'll follow."

"Thank you again." CQ said nodding.

2 weeks she stayed with the 'Bold' sirens. They were all actually friendly enough with her, even Calchas. But something was missing. Something was bothering CQ many many times. Sometimes she would space out and stay completely motionless. Other times in the night, when everyone was sleeping she would go up to the surface.

Just to look to the land or up to the sky with melancholy. And all those, would happen when Stephan was coming in her mind-

Those questions got answered. The last night of the 2nd week as she was looking up to the sky suddenly she heard a splash next to her. Surprised she was ready to screech.

"Sorry for surprising you princess."

"Parmenides, oh my Ocean!" CQ said placing her hand at her chest and inhaling exhaling one time. When she relaxed she looked again at Parmenides.

"What are you doing to the surface? And near a port?" He asked. Indeed CQ had leave from the area of the sirens and had go near a port but keeping a good distance.

"I just like the sky from here." CQ lied. Parmenides shook his head left and right.

"That's not it. You have thoughts that bothers you and doesn't let you sleep. Even in the day. We all see it princess, you're not getting enough sleep. Tell me, what bothers you? What's happening? Perhaps I can help you." He said and waited, smiling gently behind his beard. CQ thought about it for some seconds. And she decided to start talking.

"... After wandering in the seas for an year, I lost strength and fell in a storm..."

And she revealed her adventures after leaving the Siren Kingdom, how the storm pushed her near 'that landlubber's' house, how she got saved from him, he took care of her, who he was and the 2 months they were together. Parmenides was listening with his hand at his jaw without interrupting.

"After letting me go, I swam until I found you, the 'Bold' Sirens." CQ finished and the other lowered his head still thoughtful.

"How often you're thinking about him?" He asked without turning to look at her.

"... He doesn't leave from my mind and I don't understand why..."

"You miss him?"

"... He was such a cheerful and wonderful monster. He would always give from the time he had left, to share it with me."

"Are you feeling melancholy princess?
That you don't feel complete? Do you ever... think that you don't want to stay away from him?" Parmenides asked. CQ looked at him shocked.

"But h-how do you know-"

"*sigh* just as I assumed." He murmured. He smiled at CQ gently again. "I tend to believe, actually be sure that you're in love with him. That landlubber."

"In... love?" CQ asked shocked and still confused.

"It explains your behavior. Love is great. It's a mutual feeling that happens between 2 and if it's real, it's difficult, almost impossible to go away. The bond you've made in these 2 months with him was strong and now unbreakable." Parmenides looked up to the sky too.

"I think you have to go back to him."

"What?!" CQ gasped. "B-But he left me free, he told me to go away because... I'll suffer to the land if I stay, he said..."

"... I think then he loves you too." Parmenides said calmly and CQ's eyes widened up.

"He said all those things because your nature is the water, not the land. And he realises, he knows that in the seas you're more free. He prefers to do what's best for you instead of satisfying himself by keeping you. But by letting you free, without wanting it, he stole something from you. And you by leaving, you took accidentally something from him too."


"As the landlubbers says metaphorically and we 'Bold' sirens like to say too, he stole and you stole each other's hearts."

"Princess, you'll suffer more in the seas if you stay longer. You must go back and find him." CQ looked down and placed her hand at her chest.

"But he's a landlubber. And I'm a siren. Nor sirens nor mermaids can live outside water. How is this going to work?" She asked. To her surprise Parmenides laughed.

"The eras aren't the same like centuries ago princess. Sirens and mermaids might still hate and fear landlubbers but no, not all of them are the same. I've heard about sirens that fell in love with landlubbers and lived to the land, with almost no adjustment problems at all! Landlubbers doesn't have the ability to adjust in the water. But we do." CQ looked at Parmenides shocked.

"Wait, r-really?!"

"Yes princess. The same happened with mermaids. They fell in love, creating strong bonds and denying the immortality their nature was giving, just to grow old and die together with their loved ones, they made families and their children managed to adjust easier and faster on the land."

"Oh Parmenides, you're... you're not lying, right?!" CQ asked ready to explode from happiness. The other shook his head left and right with a big smile.

"If you go outside the water, you'll see by yourself that I'm telling the truth." He said.

"But... how do you know?"

"Aaah, the birds are gossiping very often. I caught interesting news about what I told you, asked them for more details and learned."

"This... this is great! But... I'll have to leave and... What the others are going to say?"

"It's fine. For as long as we'll know you'll be happy but most importantly safe, we won't mind. And if there are sirens that doesn't like that opinion, don't listen to them princess. Listen to yourself, focus on what your feelings are saying. And tell me right now, what do you really wish to do? You want to go on land or stay in the water?"

"... He's on the land..."


"... And him be away from me... it bothers me and makes me sad..."

"And why that?" Parmenides asked with a kind smile. CQ closed her eyes and crossed her arms. But then she shook her head left and right and opened eyes again.

"He told me I'll suffer on the land! But... but I suffer so long away from him even if I'm in the sea and free!"

(*w'rai'ter on the background talking in a bored indifferent tone*: aha, keep going *takes a sip from her tea*)

"Because... because I love him..." She murmured and looked away. But then suddenly she looked again at Parmenides taking a breath. "Yes, I love him!" She completed more determined. Parmenides nodded his head.

"Then go. Find him princess. And I personally wish you to be happy without the sadness bothers both of you for long. Good luck." He wished lowering his head.

From the next day CQ left, with all 'Bold' sirens of the area she stayed, waving at her and wishing good luck. CQ was glad she had support from them and with the smile on her lips she swam away to find Stephan. But when she would reach his home, she was going to find him in a dangerous situation...

"Oh God no! Not now!" Stephan murmured as he was returning with his boat to the sandy beach. Where was the bad thing? 1st, a storm was about to start. And from the big dark clouds that had gathered, it was going to be bad. 2nd, although he could see his village, he was still very far away.

Cursing his fatigue for surrendering taking a nap even for some minutes in the boat, because he was tired from work even in the season where the monsoons were often, Stephan was trying to guide his boat towards the land. But the waves with every second passing were becoming more aggressive and fast.

His boat was jumping to them like a nutshell (not with the memey meaning here) making him unable to move his boat towards where he wanted. And when together with the waves, the wind instead of pushing him forward was dragging him deeper, Stephan started getting really worried.

"Come ooon, please!" He murmured as he was trying hard to move the paddles and resist, but in vain. One big wave, at least 5 times taller than him filled his boat with water and the worst? It took the paddles from his hands. Stephan turned even more pale and started praying while holding tightly the gunwale of his boat.

But not for long. What he saw then made his irises dissappear. A wave even bigger than the other one that took the paddles away, stood tall and threatful for some seconds... before falling and turning upside down the boat.

As CQ was swimming between the strong waves, with ease however, she heard the scream and her blood froze. For some seconds she stayed motionless with widened eyes. But then she dived and swam towards where she heard the scream. When she took her head out of the water, the only thing she saw was a boat fighting with the waves alone.

She dived and looked around carefully. The light wasn't strong because of the clouds and the waves were making way too much foam to see anything. And yet she saw. She saw something moving with waves' rhythm. Curious and with a very bad feeling, she approached the thing she could barely understand what it was.

Until as we said she approached.

"Stephan?!!!" She gasped and felt her heart for a moment stopping. But another big wave made her lost him from her eyes. Terrified CQ started swimming around trying to find him. She was feeling her eyes burning, if Stephan was... was... she didn't even want to think about it! The sure thing was that she wouldn't take it if...

"There!" CQ thought and suddenly started swimming towards Stephan, she had found him again. She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly and swam to the surface so Stephan's head was out of the water, wishing that he could still breath. He had a crack at his skull that was bleeding, probably he had hit it at a rock to the bottom or even at his boat.

CQ without wasting anymore time, started swimming to where she was seeing the land. It wasn't easy at all. The waves were trying to make her stay below the water, many times succeeding. But CQ wasn't giving up. She kept trying to keep Stephan's head out of the water and swimming towards the land.

After at least 20 minutes she managed finally to reach the sandy beach. Panting and with her heart beating fast, more because of worry for Stephan instead of fear, she dragged him as much further as she could away from the waves. When she made sure the waves couldn't reach them she fell next to Stephan and looked at him.

He wasn't moving, he didn't seem to breath at all. Tears started falling from CQ's eyes at the other's face. She placed the side of her head at his chest and with agony tried to hear beats. After some seconds she left something between sob and chuckle, she could hear Stephan's soul beating weakly and slowly. He was still alive.

But she couldn't be sure that he would stay like that. Obviously CQ didn't know how to help a landlubber who had drown almost to death. But if she couldn't help with landlubbers' way, she could try to help, save him with sirens' way. So, she wrapped her arms around his waist again, rested her head at his chest gently and with tears still running, started singing.

The song of the female siren, is capable to charm animals and landlubbers. But males and royalties (like CQ luckily) can do something normal females can't do: heal. Whether heavy illnesses, or deep wounds, or in other serious situations, male sirens and royalties' voices can heal.

But only when the situation is very serious and heavy, the songs are necessary. And right now the situation needed singing. CQ was singing all day nonstopping with pain and complain in her voice and everytime a different song was coming in her lips to take the other song's place. And the night came and she was still singing.

Her throat was hurting but she wasn't caring at all. By only feeling Stephan's soul still beating, she knew he was still alive and she was taking courage to keep singing. The day came again with a pale sun rising slowly from the sea. The wind was again calm and the waves small, like they were never big and wild as yesterday.

Fate is differently written for all
Like books, they don't have same call
Our fate wrote to be enemies at first
But seeing you I felt a pounding in my chest

That feeling has so weird plans sometimes
But it brought us closer no matter the kind.
Maybe we can vanish the hate between us
I wish I will never loose you so fast

Please don't let me alone my love
Because your the one who stole my heart
Please don't let me alone my love
I feel arisen when you hold my hand

Somewhere the fate said for us
That we'll be together, no matter what
If fate was obvious maybe I would try to change it
Now I thank her for bringing me to you and I don't fake it
It doesn't matter always what we are
With an eye contact I lost the battle by love

Please don't let me alone my love
Because your the one who stole my heart
Please don't let me alone my love
I feel arisen when you hold my hand

Stephan slowly opened his eyesockets. He blinked many times to get used to the light. But when he remembered what happened yesterday, his eyesockets widened up. He opened his mouth, no sound came out. But then he also remembered... The beautiful melodies he was hearing for as long as he was unconscious.

Yes, Stephan could hear CQ's voice all that time and that somehow was dragging him away from death, from letting his soul free. When he lifted his head, he saw... pink hair resting at his chest. And from here the voice was coming. He recognised it, he knew now who had saved him from sure death. But it couldn't be! No, it could be!

Now I know why we are all so different
Because He wants to see that we are not believers
To the stereotypes, the appearances and hate
Probably he said that it's not for us to late
Hand by hand we can fix every dissent
Your kind and mine can have a happy end

Please don't let me alone my love
Because your the one who stole my heart
Please don't let me alone my love
I feel arisen when you hold-

"C-CQ?" He stuttered. CQ lifted her head immediately after hearing Stephan's voice and looked at him shocked. But soon she gasped from happiness.

"Stephaaan!" She said and buried her head at his chest hugging him tighter.

"*wheeze* CQ... Easyyy!" Stephan tried to say.

"Sorry!" CQ said relaxing her grip and looked at him worried. But Stephan laughed.

"God, you're so strong!" He said. But then suddenly he saw something else and his eyesockets widened up.


"CQ?! You got leeegs?!!!" He asked shocked.

(w'rai'ter on the background: *wheeze*)

CQ looked behind and she saw instead of her tail, 2 legs. Her eyes widened up. But then she remembered what Parmenides said and smiled excited. She turned again to look at Stephan like it wasn't so serious. But slowly Stephan's expression turned confused and sad.

"What's wrong?" CQ asked.

"CQ, why did you return? You're free." Stephan said looking away. CQ looked at him melancholically and placed her hands at his cheeks. Stephan looked at her surprised. And before he could react she kissed him.

"Y-You kissed m-me..." Stephan whispered with his face burning. CQ buried her face again in his chest.

"I'm suffering because I'm away from you. I don't want freedom if I'm not close to you." She replied and Stephan listened to her surprised. But then he chuckled and placed his one hand at the back of her head.

"So you do love me even a little?" He asked. CQ looked at him serious.

"If you were dying back there Stephan, I wouldn't take it, know it!" She said serious. Stephan hugged back closing his eyesockets.

"I love you too my siren." He whispered and he could feel the happiness almost ready to burst out of  him.

For 5 whole days Stephan stayed home. He had to fix his boat which CQ found and brought out of the sea. It was in bad condition, but luckily fixable. He bandaged his skull because the crack hadn't dissappear yet and... kept taking care of CQ because although she had legs to adjust for the land, couldn't walk yet.

But this time he wasn't taking care of her just to let her go. She was going to stay with him and he would help her adjust to the land completely, first by helping her walk as he said seeing that she couldn't. But before any adjustment was going to happen, he had to fix his boat and contact with the Boss.

Because if he wasn't, it would be worse. His Boss then was going to be the one who would go see what was happening with Stephan. But he wasn't thinking about himself. He was afraid for CQ and his Boss' reaction seeing a woman in his house. He made it clear to CQ that he had to go once his boat was fixed.

And although CQ was worried she let him. The 5th day when he fixed finally the boat, Stephan left the house and went to find Boss. He wished to find him in the same place after he left and... fell to the storm... anyways he wished to find him to the same village they were last time.

And to his surprise, with some relief, he recognised the smugglers from his team gathered near the secret port of the village they had and talking.

"Guys?!" He called. Everyone turned and looked at him shocked as he was approaching.

"STEPHAN IS BACK!" They all shouted and waited for him to stop his boat and step to the land.

"Where were you buddy?!"

"We thought that something bad happened to you!"

"Let's hope Boss when he hears your excuse forgives you!"

"Thank you... I'm alright!" Stephan was saying and letting his friends pating his back, not so gently.

"Stephan!" Boss voice froze all smugglers' blood and stepped away to let him approach Stephan, who although a little nervous he hid his hands behind his back and looked at him stably.

"I apologise for being late sir." He said calmly.

"6 days are way too many. Do you have any good excuse about where were you and what were you doing?" Boss asked coldly. Stephan tried to speak but Boss had made him unable to find any good excuse right now. No way he could reveal anything about the storm, how was he going to excuse how he got saved? He couldn't betray CQ. By luck?! Who believes that?!

"The clock's ticking. And how many times have I say that I don't want any of you wearing hats or hoods when you talk to me?" He asked annoyed. Indeed Stephan all this time was wearing a hat to cover the bandages. Boss  stretched out his arm and tried to take Stephan's hat from his head. Stephan stepped back.

"Boss wai-!"

"You dare AVOID ME?!" He growled and the one of his big hand grabbed Stephan, keeping him motionless. Boss approached VERY angry Stephan again and snatched his hat.

"DO YOU THINK YOU CAN-?" He stopped immediately seeing the bandages. Everyone gasped and started whispering to each other.

"Boss please, it's not a big dea-!" In vain, Boss was already untying his bandages. When he saw the crack, he said nothing but placed his hand at Stephan's skull, healing it. The crack became smaller. Boss wrapped again the bandages snarling. He was doing that when he didn't want to admit he was wrong about something or exaggerating.

"You could have say you got injured like that, foolish skeleton!" He said still snarling and the big hand that was holding Stephan dissappeared.

"How did that happen?" He asked crossing his arms. Stephan said half of the truth. About the storm and how he hit his head. "And how are you still alive?" Stephan smiled gently and looked down.

"I think the time of the storm, Lord was merciful and spared my life with the waves pushing me to the land by themselves!" He replied trying to look as much cheerful and chill as he could. Boss looked at him thoughtful turned his back and after some steps he stopped.

"Excused for this time! But you know you'll have to cover the days you didn't work." He said and walked away.

"Yes sir!" Stephan managed to say.

"Luckyyy!" One of the smugglers said and pat his back. Stephan was relieved. He stayed alive! Indeed he was lucky! When he returned after hours to CQ, at the opening of the door only then, he collapsed and fell on his knees from his shock and the fact that he was still alive. He covered his face and started shaking.

"Stephan!" CQ gasped and tried to approach him, like a baby. She stopped next to him and hugged. "Please, what happened. Why are you cryi-?!" Before she could finish, Stephan hugged her too, surprising her. Only then CQ realised Stephan wasn't sobbing but... laughing!

"Don't worry CQ! Don't worry!" And he described her what had happened, making CQ sigh relieved and feel happy too. Then, to her surprise, he lifted her bridal style with ease.

"E-Eh?!" She stuttered blushing. Stephan kissed her behind the ear.

"Everything's alright now." He said.

The next 8 months the 2 got along even better. Stephan helped her walk and from the 4th month CQ was able to do this without Stephan's help. And unlike the months Stephan was taking care of her wounds and just leaving her in the bathtub all the time, this time they were cuddling to the bed every night.

But little did they know, someone eventually learned about CQ's existence. Someone, was sending birds as spies and watching Stephan's house, only from outside though. But after the 4 months where CQ had managed to walk, because she was getting out of the house, the birds were seeing her and reporting back to their boss.

And the news got more juicy when their boss heard that the pink-haired woman was a mermaid (here we go again with the same f*cking mistake), they also saw her when she was swimming.

"How interesting." Their boss thought after hearing those news, with his hand at his jaw and smiling. "The mermaid might play some role, no, she's probably the one who saved Stephan, instead of 'Lord's mercy' as he said! I have to visit him someday then and see that mermaid!"

But nothing happened. At least for 4 months. Then, something happened. It all started another day where Stephan had returned from his work again and preparing dinner together with CQ. Yes, he was trying to teach her how to cook. Luckily with Stephan's correct guidance no destructions were happening... most of times.😂

And suddenly, as they were cooking a loud noise behind them, made them both turn surprised and feel their souls almost ready to escape from their chests from fear. But seeing what had caused the noise, they only stayed surprised. A red tailed hawk had landed not so well on the table and dropped the pot that was luckily still empty.

"A hawk? That's not a sea bird. What is it doing here?" Stephan asked and approached slowly the wild bird, which opened it's wings in a threatful way and doing this:

Stephan stopped walking.

"You! Pink-haired mermaid!" The hawk said turning it's head to CQ then. "Tell to your lover walk outside. There's someone who wants to talk with him. And then see you too." It said. CQ clenched her fists and started shaking.

"CQ! You're so pale! What did... the bird told you?" Stephan asked worried approaching CQ and placed his hand at her shoulder. After some seconds CQ gulped and managed to say what the hawk said. It was Stephan's turn to turn pale.

"Someone knows about m-me. A siren? A mermaid? What are we going to do Stephan?" CQ whispered.

"If you do what boss told me to say, nothing bad will happen. He just wants to see by himself the truth." The hawk said. Again with difficulty CQ translated to Stephan what the bird said. Stephan looked one to CQ, one to the hawk and then to the door. He took a deep breath and with clenched fists started walking towards the opening.

The hawk first flew outside. Stephan followed and looked in front. No one was around. Confused, he walked further towards the sea, looking around for any presence. And then suddenly, he saw him. Revealing himself slowly behind a big rock and standing with his hands behind his back.

The hawk flew towards him and sat at his shoulder. His curious expression with the raised eyebrow and the sarcastic smile was scanning Stephan's shocked expression, who started shaking and took a step back, unable to believe who he was seeing. His irises dissappeared.

"Good job Nadine."


alright alright, ya all probably went like, WHAT?! ANOTHER CHAPTER?!!! the truth is i'm not going to stop writting on this book until i finish the, An old story narrated in dreams. this is the 2nd part and even bigger than the 1st, it's 13075 words(!). the first had 10333 words. so, you'll know now that a 3rd part of the whole chapter's waiting and i really wish it's the last!

but despite this, i enjoyed writting. hope ya enjoyed too the part, punch the star button if ya liked it and wait for the, An old story narrated in dreams, Abandoned(3/3). yep, i'm giving spoiler with the title. see ya!*blows kisses*

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