Before the last dance (1/2)

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Where everyone is having a great time dancing once again and showing off their moves. But soon, an unpredictable and very interesting dance is about to come and unexpectedly Geno becomes part of it.

No one's POV:

On the next hour what followed was dedicated dances. Even then there's a small order and procedure. The monsters that want to dedicate a dance for the ones getting married, long before the marriage even begins, they write poems on papers, which then they fold and put them in a special basket. That basket is kept by the musicians.
If the dance of strength is done successfully too and the marriage can continue, the lead musician usually, picks randomly the first poem from the basket and reads it out loud. The monsters that recognise the poem they wrote, come in the white circle and ask the musicians to play the music in which they will dance.
It is pure delight and excitement to watch all these monsters dance with passion and excitement, showing they feel the music and the rhythm. The more they mean it, the more they honor not just the unison of the still-in-the-process-to-get-married monsters, but also simply them.
But it is a rule, you can never dance alone. A monster needs a partner if they want to dedicate a dance to the brides. The traditional Portuguese melodies were giving a really nice touch of cheerfulness in the atmosphere. Well, after all as said, Fuku just overcame her dance.
Why wouldn't the atmosphere be happy? In such mood and music, Geno and Alter were watching the monsters that were coming up to dance and enjoying. At the same time the taller was getting bombardised by the smaller skeleton's questions, thirsty for explanations and answers.
Despite Alter was answering patiently and chilly to everything Geno demanded, from the inside he was allowing himself to have a little laugh with his curiosity. He was so cute as his only eyesocket was nailed at the priest, wide open and as he waited to hear from the eldest and more experienced.
Even for small and maybe for the most phenomenally unimportant things. Like, what were these shawls the dancers were holding and magically got stuck on them? These were special shawls, fireproof in case a fire monster was getting married.
For such a night, they were required for whoever was wearing good clothes (lets say it here, the pyrope, the vulkin and heats flamesman, (whom the sweet PetiteCreatrice baby correctly observed and pointed out) weren't wearing clothes). The dancers were fireproof, but the clothes weren't, of course.
Then how come not only the shawl but also Grillby's shirt got burned? Well, as the monster species he is, fighting with someone same as him (fuku), the degrees were so high on the last seconds of their battle that even the shawl couldn't withstand it. Also, of course, the shirt was still underneath, in immediate contact with his fire body.
So, upon the intensive fighting that takes a lot of power and magic, Grillby couldn't regulate his body heat, unlike Fuku who both managed and to exchange fire forces with her dad and to not burn her dress. Mister got burned both from inside and outside!
And if someone asks just like Geno did, why the shirt only, well, the soul which is the centre and life giver of the monsters, is in all, with little exceptions, on their chest. And the magic flows from there and reaches the whole body. But first and mainly the chest.
And so for monsters like Grillby, the degrees had started rising up greatly on the torso area first and only there luckily. Another question was, how come Fuku seemed hurt a while ago but after the dance was done she seemed perfectly fine and not in pain anymore?

"Ah, of course. It is simple. If the submissive wins in the dance of strength, any of the monsters that were part of the dance and can, has to heal them. You saw how everyone went and hugged Miss Fuku at the end of course. Well, they were healing her." Alter explained it.

"And if she lost?"

"As punishment she suffers unhealed." Geno gulped hearing that. Aside questions about things that happened in the dance of strength, everytime another little poem was read by Danarei and monsters were coming in the circle to dance, Geno would ask about the dance styles. He was asking for names, a little info for each and characteristics.
Alter knew about that subject quite well too and Geno heard about and saw many traditional Portuguese names of dances such as Vira, Chula, Fandango, Chotiça, Bato , Corridinho, Bailarico, Malhão, Vareira, Maneio, Marcha, Ciranda, Sapatinho, Tau-Tau, que Fumas, Ó Ti Taritatu, O Pedreiro Regadinho...

Ooof. Geno's skull felt ready to pop from all this new information. But he liked he was hearing new stuff and once again, despite not forgetting the situation he was in, he was secretly grateful he had left the village and for stumbling upon Alter. Despite he knew him only for such little amount of time.
But the small skeleton felt as if he knew him for much longer. Even if he had the feeling there were so many other things about Alter he didn't know. His grace, his aura, something in his movements and the way he was talking or standing felt as if something else was behind that enigmatic clever priest.
And simply Geno couldn't put his finger on it. But with the time he would discover him more. So, he wasn't letting himself think of this much, even though he would often think that there were more. For now, Geno was allowing himself to enjoy the night. It all seemed way too wonderful, way too beautiful, way too cheerful.
As if nothing would be able to break that. But little did Geno know, a surprise was waiting for him. As said, after every dance was done, Danarei would shove her hand in the basket of poems and read the one she was picking. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
Many times Geno would watch the Tiefling opening the poems and reading them with that big confident smile that almost never left her face. She had a very pleasant way of reading so all monsters could listen loud and clear. After a few dances, Geno would not pay much attention to the dancers as much as he did to Danarei.

Undeniably, the woman was The something else. And the feeling that her name reminded him of something wouldn't leave Geno's skull. Anyways. The routine of seeing Danarei taking a poem, reading it and start leading her team to play music was only interrupted by monsters that were approaching her.
More often to praise her, give flowers or nice words except from only going to the brides. But that didn't last for long at all. One different thing happened only, which became noticable from Geno.

"Is that David?" He thought as he saw that lion boy, which Alter helped from getting his butt whooped by Archie the greengrocer, approaching the Tiefling before she could pick another poem. David handed her something that looked like a paper roll. Danarei accepted it confused, but didn't loose anything from her cheer. After that David left and dissapeared in the crowd until Geno couldn't follow him with his look. "Pst! Guido!" He tugged Alter from his sleeve.

"Hm?" The taller did giving his attention to him. Geno described everything he saw a while ago. But at the end he looked up to him with a mischievous grin.

"Do you think David will give a dance too very soon~?" He asked.

"Maybe yes but not so sure about soon. If someone gives a poem late, it will not be picked randomly but get read last." Alter said serious pushing back his glasses.
Geno would almost accept that answer without thinking of that soon if he didn't prevent to see a faint smile on the taller's face. Why did he do that? The curse of overthinking, from now on would constantly make Geno feel that something strange was awaiting.
He listened as the one poem after the other were read, the monsters talking as the music played, them cheering the dancers once the music stopped. He watched as the musicians played their music and the dancers would move to the rhythm. And like that he waited.

For that something he felt would come, to really come. He also waited while talking with Alter, the Infernals and Atalanta. The time passed quickly enough like that, quite smoothly. Geno could almost stop thinking about something going on. Until the air stopped getting filled with melodies.
Slowly all monsters, one by one, turned to look at the stage where the musicians where standing, confused and curious. Danarei was holding a paper in front of her, reading silently. She wasn't smiling anymore. Near and behind her, her friends were reading too with curious expressions, silent.

"Miss Milos. Is something the matter?" Grillby asked. Fuku and Skate were looking at each other worried. A few seconds later however Danarei smiled. She looked at Grillby.

"Don't worry Mister! It is not something concerning. In fact..." And a big smirk suddenly appeared on her face. "... I think we all are going to love this! Especially the brides!" She then turned to look at one of her friends, the small fairy. She whispered something and then the fairy flew up high. She seemed to be looking for someone.

"What is going on?!" Atalanta asked as she looked up to the fairy with hands on her hips. Pyros and Tefra were way too confused to give her any answer. Geno looked up to Alter to see if he knew something. The tall skeleton was staring up to the fairy with crossed arms, smiling. The smaller tugged him from his sleeve.

"You definitely know something." He whispered. Alter's smile grew bigger. Ok, his face was literally saying, "I do know something more than anyone else here but I won't tell". "This is not funny, just say what's going on-?"

"Eugenia!" A high pitched female voice called very close and above. The 2 skeletons, the 2 goats and the mermaid looked up and saw that fairy flying towards them and stopping in front of Geno. Who raised brow. She smiled at him.

"Is something the matter?" Geno asked. The fairy smiled wider.

"There is nothing to worry about. But Danarei wants you to come to her."


"So you may accept or decline something as she said. Please follow." The fairy said and turned her back. Geno looked at his companions even more confused than before.

"Why would you be called up like that all of a sudden? Do you have any mix into this situation now?!" Atalanta asked staring at Geno intensively.

"I have no idea what I did wrong or why suddenly the musicians stopped playing music!" He said raising hands in the air.

"I really do believe it is nothing concerning. If through the fairy's words Miss Danarei reassures that nothing's wrong, then perhaps you should go Eugenia." Alter said in his cheerful tone. Geno looked at him surprised and with an expression that was screaming "Why are you sending me?!". Alter simply nodded, but he really seemed like he wasn't going to say anything else.
The small skeleton sighed and finally decided to start walking towards the musicians. As he did he crossed himself 3 times. He walked through the white circle and once Danarei saw him she signed him to come closer. Now Geno was in front of the stage, looking up to her. He intertwined fingers in front of him.

"You... called? Why me?" He asked hesitantly. Danarei jumped off the stage and stood in front of Geno. Then she kneeled so she was on his level.

"Young Eugenia, first of all just to reassure again, you're not in trouble! But I want you to listen." She said. Geno nodded still hesitant. "You do know the procedure on this part of the night." The small skeleton nodded again. "You do understand that all monsters that came in the circle dedicate their dances to the brides, right?"

"Yes Miss."

"I have a question for you. If you wanted to dedicate a dance too, would you do it?" Danarei asked. Geno looked away uncertain.

"Even if I wanted, I didn't write any poem Miss. Nor I have a partner."

"But would you want?" The tiefling asked again. Geno looked again at her.

"Uuuh... I think I wouldn't bother... I would actually be glad doing that." He replied. Actually he wasn't lying. He had the confidence and mood to dance against these 2 human *ssholes yesterday.
Both to make them know their place and shut their mouths and because he secretly wanted to show off willingly. So why not again tonight? Though how would the chance be given to him this time? He looked at Danarei, who's grin grew wider hearing his answer.

"Perfect. Because apparently someone through a poem hooked you up!"

"What?!" Geno yelped almost forgetting his girly pitch. The other laughed quietly. "When?! How?!"

"A young tiger boy brought us a late poem 'of someone who prefers to keep their face hidden for the time being' as he said. We proceeded normally, but as all poems have been read now, we decided to open that last one. The interesting part is that it mentions you!"

"Interesting or creepy Miss Danarei?!" Geno asked even more agitated with that twist of events. "But is that allowed?!" Unexpectedly, Miss Milos nodded.

"It happens. I've witnessed it when me and my friends were in other marriages again as musicians. If a monster is mentioned through someone's poem to come up and dance because they want a specific partner, the monster called up has the free will to choose if they accept or decline. Fear not young lady! First listen to what that someone who mentions you has to say and if you just don't feel like it, you can decline."

"Well, let's see and then we talk!" Geno said confused and still anxious. There, Danarei turned to her crew and asked for the paper. Once she got it, she opened it.

"I'll read it out loud and then you will understand." She said. "Attention everyone! Attention brides!" She called out loud. All conversations of the monsters around stopped as if they all had been shot at the same time and dropped dead. Their looks were nailed at the tiefling. "Right here we have a late poem! However its poet is probably shy and they don't wanna show their face yet." A few monsters chuckled. "Miss Skate. Miss Fuku. Would you accept to hear the poem and witness perhaps a last dance for your honor tonight, before we proceed and go to your last dance?" She asked looking at them. The brides looked at each other but without exchanging words they both nodded in agreement, despite they still seemed confused.

"Why not. I am curious to hear what that secret poet has written." Skate spoke and crossed arms.

"Excellent! The poet shall thank you for this." Danarei said and looked at the paper she was holding. She cleared her throat and with a loud and clear voice started reciting:

I'm coming from Valencia, all the way by myself
As a simple visitor I come, please, do not fret

"Valencia..." Immediately Geno recalled what Alter told him about the monster he was dancing with. Now he was even more surprised.

But as the day proceeded and the sun set
And as I see on a marriage I find myself
Could I help it? Not, to dedicate something
Even the visitor praises shall express tonight
Even if I don't know the brides and on this land haven't lived
To the lucky señoras tonight, many blesses are to give
As hearing how on the first 2 dances succeeded
May your years together more happiness than sadness to bring
To your best days may you enjoy and fully feel them
To your worst may you bravely together face them
Your love may tie your souls until the very end
And let that be seen through your future children
May your 3rd dance comes to a successful end too
So your future as one can come true soon

As Danarei was reading there was a delight impossible to hide from Fuku and Skate's faces hearing these words. They seemed touched, just like with all other poems they heard tonight and such love and tender was poured in them by their fellow monster citizens. But even from that stranger, the words spoken now had a genuine respect.

But I come to speak not just with words on a paper
As I find myself on such a wonderful night's event
As the traditions of the marriage want it on most lands
A dance for the couple to honor is a must
If the mood and your judgement tonight allows me
A dance from my homeland to demonstrate for you to see

"Oooh! Hispanic vibes!" Skate exclaimed. "¡Me guuusta!" She suddenly said in Spanish then and everyone laughed. "But where are they? How are they going to dance for us if we can't see them!" Everyone started whispering to each other and looking around as if they were trying to find the secret poet amongst them.

"Oh, worry not! I do think they will soon come out." Danarei said chilly and kept reading the poem out loud:

One little request only I ask for, to come out
My apologies for not appearing myself to ask out loud

And there, Danarei looked at Geno with a mischievous, mysterious look, which unsettled the smol of what he would hear next.

As I've witnessed and already know how things go
A monster is not right in a dance all alone to flow
A partner I ask for, to step up with me and help
Together a flamenco dance I want to share
Humbly as the visitor, I seek for such help only
And for this community to pardon why don't I ask formerly

"Don't worry, I can pardon them! Can we all fellas?" Danarei stopped again, soon finding the crowd of monsters just agreeing. She focused again on the poem:

Today I heard rumors and admiration being expressed
Except for the brides, about a young spirited dancer
Another who is not from this land and expresses a great passion
Whom her fiery steps in flamenco has brought so much discussion

Now Geno felt all eyes falling on him and felt he was going to melt and become a puddle out of embarrassment. Again he forgot he wasn't wearing his scarf and proceeded next to try cover his face with his headscarf.

"I swear to God-! Or wait, taking oaths in God's name is a sin Alter has said. Uncle Asy too... I swear, if that poet causes me real trouble and I see him anywhere near me, I'll punch him!" He thought clenching his fists.

Since I haven't come with someone and all alone I am
Kindly I ask, if Miss Eugenia wants to help and can
If not for the sake of any of us in this marriage
Only at least for the 2 brides give this dance
Up to her choose the melody we will dance on flamenco
And really I do wish she accepts to enter the dance and go

"Hm mm mm. What a poet! How very interesting isn't it!" Danarei rolled the paper with the poem and handed it to one of her friends. She looked at Geno. "What do you say Eugenia? Are you up to help a stranger who wants to dedicate something so delicate and beautiful as a dance? Of course you can always decline, but if I were you, I wouldn't waste that chance."

Geno placed hands on his hips and looked down thoughtful. Now literally everyone was looking at him, waiting in agony for the answer. Despite the delay on the marriage, it looked like the monsters didn't mind. In fact they wouldn't say no at all to a last dance.
And from the little skeleton that so amazingly showed off 'her' skills yesterday?! They definitely wanted to witness that again in this marriage. But it was up to Geno. Who despite had expressed he wouldn't say no to a dance, he had his worries and objections.
Ok, he literally fought-danced against 2 humans he didn't even know yesterday and he was fine with it. But this time it was different. It wasn't a dance fight against a stranger who was offensive towards the monsters. Quite the opposite, at least from what he had written. He wasn't dancing alone against someone.
It wasn't competition where each dancer was showing off their own moves, irrelevant to the other's, in order to come out even more impressive. He had to cooperate with that stranger who so unexpectedly had called him up. He had to follow his flow and the other way around.
If he had to come up close to him it had to not be in a challenging or agressive way. Most importantly, none of the 2 had to end up accidentally hurt. More over, they had to be on the same level of gracefullnes. And Geno was not feeling exactly confident that the other would come out of the dance unscratched.
Alone, he was free to feel the music, move as he pleased, with all his spirited passion in flamenco.
But from older memories he had, before he lost Error and Fresh, nights with dances and fun and such on the village he lived, except marriages, like right where he was now, oh!
What a drama the moment someone would approach him even for a second while dancing! Always, every single time, a leg, an arm, a head, was getting accidentally slapped or kicked, someone unlucky was tasting the floor or ground because of him.
Geno didn't know why his body the moment someone wanted to dance with or near him was suddenly moving instead of gracefully, aggressively, ready to 'kill' anything breathing. Was he feeling threatened? Anxious? No, he shouldn't feel. Just like tonight. He needed to control himself better.
Anyways. Lastly, he wasn't sure that in skirts he was going to make it through the whole dance. It wasn't exactly the type of skirt the problem. Just that generally he had never danced in one to feel comfortable. What if he stepped on it? Oooh, tasting the floor would hurt and be embarrassing!


But as he soon thought, there's a first time for everything. Slowly Geno raised head from his thoughts and looked around at the crowd. His mind cleared enough. There was a way to balance somehow all these problems brought up in his mind.

It would seem really simple to the most. But he knew better for himself, that what was defying the most in a dance wasn't whether it was competitive or friendly, whether there was opponent or partner, it wasn't how 'right' the dressing would be.

For him it had always been the melody chosen.

And since the stranger was allowing him to choose the melody, he also had the way to already adjust the dance almost the way he would want. Yes, he had decided. There was one last thing he wanted however. He turned completely to face Danarei in a more confident posture. Meanwhile despite all these thoughts felt like they lasted for so long, they were barely a minute.

"After thinking enough, I have come to my final decision." It had become so quiet that even if a feather was touching the ground it would be heard like explosion. This much when the monsters heard Geno talking, waiting to hear him. The small skeleton fought to hold back a smile realising how everyone was all ears. But he stayed serious and hit his foot on the ground. "And I say, what is a real flamenco dance without wooden floor?" Whispers of surprise and confusion filled the crowd. But Danarei's long pointy ears perked up in interest.

"Is that an almost yes?!" She asked out loud. Geno nodded. The tiefling looked around excited. "She accepts! But let's help a fellow monster out! Come on! Everybody! We must prepare the floor!"

5 minutes later...

Geno's POV:


The will of all monsters to watch me dancing surprises me a lot.

Soon many of them appeared carrying from God knows where long wooden planks and placing them in the white circle next to each other. Where did they find them??? Soon a big wooden square was formed. Now this looks amazing.
For real, I didn't even expect that. But now, there are no more troubles or excuses. No turning back. Not like I want. This is-! To be honest, when I talked about wooden floor, I was almost ready to mentally curse myself asking for something like that.
I am with Alter guests here, we shouldn't really demand from the locals. Simple Geno, whether just shut up and wait for your 'partner' to appear too or just don't dance! But since the monsters were this willing to prepare the floor unexpectedly like that, again, wow.

"Thank you!" I say out loud. I turn to look at Danarei.

"Now that everything is settled, only the visitor is left to join and begin! But tell me Eugenia, what melody do you want to hear tonight?" She asks me. I approach and sign her to lower. She does and I whisper my answer in her ear. "Oooh. That is a difficult but beautiful one! We definitely can play that!" She says.

"O que é aquilo?!" A monster from the crowd suddenly asks out loud. I don't understand what that means but the tone makes me turn to look behind. Then up. Something as dark as the night is falling down. Soon I realise however that it's not something, but someone.

A figure falls down and lands on their feet on the wooden floor, letting a loud stomp. I can hear the monsters gasping surprised, a few children screech. Ah. Just great. Him. The 'aristocrat from Valencia', who decided to also hook me up without asking in a flamenco dance.
He must have been sitting all this time on one of the rooftops of the houses, unseen and unknown amongst others who might were chilling up there too. He stands up normally and looks around silent for a few seconds. He then walks towards Grillby, Fuku and Skate, stops about 3 steps away from them and bows down slowly.

"Bienvenido señor." Skate says. The guy doesn't say anything, just nods his head. Then turns his back and starts walking towards me. If for a moment I was about to stay on guard, I realise he doesn't even come for me. He looks at Danarei and bows down again.

"Greetings Sir. Now that you're here, we may sta-." Before she can finish the sentence the guy teleports(!) next to her and signs her to come near. Danarei leans towards him.

Despite I can't see his face features, definitely he's talking with her. Danarei replies to him quietly and then I hear a scoff. He whispers one last thing to her before walking towards me and causally waves as if we know each other! The he walk-passes me and enters the wooden square. Tch. What a-.

"The gentleman told me he likes your taste in music and that he's impressed with how the dance floor is prepared." Danarei interrupts my thoughts.

I look at her surprised, then quickly at the stranger. He waves at me to come in the square. I mentally sigh. Alright. No turning back now. Let's just get this over with. I walk and enter the wooden square. The monsters start clapping and cheering. I allow myself to smile a little.
Even if I have no idea how this whole thing will work. Me and that guy who just called me up and I accepted the request to dance. How will we cooperate? Ah, just forget it Geno. Have fun. Just that. Do the thing you know how to do really well and enjoy yourself.

"Isso vai ser muito interessante." A monster standing behind me says. I understand them. Indeed, this is going to be very interesting.

"May the dancers prepare!" Danarei says as she carries 2 guitars and handing the one of them to one of her friends.

"Sir. Eugenia. Best of luck to both of you." Fuku says. I exhale from my nose and face the stranger. I look at him more carefully as the silence falls more and mode heavy. About a head taller than me. Skinny. He lets no part of his body to show, covered completely in black. However there is something on his right wrist which is under his sleeve, making it look bigger. Like a bracelet. Is it what I think it is???


Well, the more he's just standing there, the more I look at him, the more I have that strange feeling.

That I know him.


*pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat*

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