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this shall be a message before any of my (future, if they ever see the light of day) stories begin. you can ignore it if you want

welcome to chosen falls for a pirate (title possibly gonna change someday)

i welcome freely and without hesitation all humans of the ut fanbase. hopefully this story, no matter how long it is, attracts you and you read it.

however if you are any random reader out there who has no idea what is it based on, nor knows HOW it is and evolved throughout the years, if you're not in the fandom, i advise you to not read it. it's not that i do not allow you, but i just tell you,

you will not understand sh-

but then again you can treat this story as one like i smoked more than i should. something like historical crackfiction.

here's a few things that will help you get an icon of this fanfiction's world but also warnings:

- the story takes place in 16th century. it revolves around real historical events, part of the human history, however there is also the element of magic and monsters and their struggle to live amongst the humans who treat them unfairly and with cruelty, often exploiting them

- the monsters have many different forms. they are seperated on 3 categories:

/ the Animalistics are monsters that remind of any animal out there, mainly big land mammals but can talk, walk on their hind legs and generally have a little bit of human behavior. they have magic in them but can't use any. they rely on their animal abilities given by nature. they have strong durable bodies and can live a little more than humans if dying by old age (even 100+ years).

/ the Phenomenals. a few remind of classic animals, but most of them are based on mythological creatures all around the world. they posses magic abilities, varrying from creating weapons to controlling elements of nature all around them. a mix of Animalistics and of the next category. a perfect combination of strong bodies and strong magic. they can live even 200 years if dying by old age.

/ The Elementals are the monsters that remind of almost nothing human, nor animal even. their bodies consist mainly of magic and are structured mostly by nature elements. there can be monsters that in form might kind of look like human, but are made of magic mixed with fire, or be water like, based on plants, on rock (golems you could say) etc. a few special cases are the ghosts, spirits and skeletons. and mentioning them, there are MANY skeletons mentioned in the story. they have powerful magic weapons, but their bodies can be the most fragile, unable to protect the soul enough. Elementals can live even more than half a century if dying by old age.

- all monsters have as their weak spots mainly their souls. in this story, souls are white have a visible form and resent mainly inside the monsters' chests. their appearance, glow and bright determine the monster's health. souls are what help a monster find their other half and in some cases, it is what helps them in reproduction, mainly the Elemental monsters.

it so happens to be responsible for carrying in a special way a conceived baby. if the soul gets hit, cracks and breaks, the monster dies by dusting. souls can break if a monster is heavily injured and the soul can't keep up with keeping it alive.

- unlike humans, 2 monsters can in enough cases conceive babies without being of opposite gender. however only if one or both monsters are Elementals. also Elementals are the only monster category who can carry babies, whether they are male, whether female and always through the soul.

- in the story there is the mention of both sirens and mermaids, as the same half-fish creature however. sirens used to be the ones we called the birds with woman head from homer's odyssey. however in the middle ages, they recreated the siren and made it as a half-fish, naming it later mermaid. while the mermaids as half-fish already existed in cultures, they brought the feathered sirens and made them mermaids???

that's confusing for me too

in my fanfiction, while there will be a small mention of homer's sirens, as the bird-women, there will also be the sirens and mermaids as half-fish creatures. however these sirens and mermaids of mine while they will have kind of same morphology, there will be major differences between them in behavior and habits. i read an article that says the mermaids are quiet and good enough creatures, while the sirens are vicious. i did quite the opposite and made the mermaids evil and the sirens the peacefull creatures who often try to avoid being seen by humans. if that all is confusing, ask me to specify.

- the protagonist himself will be a monster. a skeleton specifically. having focusing around a monster mainly will lead you to read and witness maybe confusing information about how monsters work in general. i ain't gonna specify about reproductions, good luck handling my wacky explanations😂😂😂. i mentioned it before, but i say again, there will be MANY skeletons mentioned.

- the fanfiction will have quite some same-gender relationship dynamics. if you are uncofmortable with homosexuality, you can leave this fanfiction.

- there will be many different languages. there are a few translations, but in case you are not a fluent english speaker, ask for help. i also tend to make up words to name a condition or anything.

- εάν είσαι έλληνας/ίδα εσύ που έχεις διαβάσει όλες αυτές τις πληροφορίες μέχρι τώρα, μπορείς να αφήνεις σχόλια στα ελληνικά😂

- aside all the warnings and information i gave, if you stay determined to your decision to read the fanfiction, welcome to Chosen Falls For A Pirate (title someday to be changed)

you may proceed

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