First familiarities with the priest

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Where our hero hears why he got kidnapped and starts learning that he's part of a mission to stop a big evil scheme, while slowly breaking the ice with the tall skeleton priest.

No one's POV:

If looks could kill, Alter would have probably fallen dead with the way Geno was staring at him hostile. Lucky him looks couldn't kill. He took only a few steps forward and towards the table of the room, not even near Geno, closing the door behind him.

And yet the smaller skeleton crawled back on the bed until he collided on the wall. He hissed at the priest but the very next moment covered his mouth and looked away for a few seconds. It had happen again.

For the past 2 years, everytime Geno was feeling threatened he would hiss at people. He didn't like it and tried to hide it. He hated doing it. Hearing that sound, Alter stayed completely motionless, startled.

He had gripped slightly harder the tray in his hands momentarily shaking dangerously, threatening to fallBut he stayed chill and just raised a brow at Geno. The skeletons stared at each other for minutes the one calmly and the other with hostility.

After that, Alter walked again towards the table, stopped in front of it and placed the tray down. Without exhaling a single word he turned his heel around, opened again the door of the room, exited and closed it behind him.

Geno stared at the door, waiting to see if it would open again. A minute passed and nothing happened. Slowly and never taking his eyesocket off the door, he walked towards the table, stood on the chair and looked at what the tray had on.

There was what looked like a small round loaf of bread but smelled like tomato... and cheese! It was placed between a cup filled with a white liquid, milk as Geno guessed and an apple. And amongst all these there was a small note writting,

'Bone' appetite

Geno found himself snickering, understanding the pun. He looked again at the food given to him and quickly realised how hungry he was.

From yesterday he had lost the chance to eat anything. If the note indicated the food was for him, might as well. His hand went first for the small loaf and hesitantly took a bite from it. He felt in his mouth pleasant flavors and his eyesocket widened up from the unexpected satisfaction.

The melted cheese and tomato sauce felt like total bliss. As much as he wanted to just wolf it down in a few bites, Geno fought to restrain himself and eat slowly. It wasn't just his hunger. It had also been so long from the last time he had eaten anything so fresh and so tasty.

Plain bread and raw fish were alright as his main diet in Hondarribia. If every now and then he had fruits, he was more than fine with them too. But even these were becoming less and less interesting to him with the years.

Now this little cheese-and-sauce-filled fluffy bread was something else for him. Let's just say it was a beautiful and succesful combination of ingredients. Geno ate half of it to have it last and savour its flavor in his mouth.

He grabbed the apple next and started eating it. When he was done with it he drank down the milk, leaving a satisfying sigh. His look fell tenderly on the remaining of the half loaf, grabbed it and enjoyed it in blissful silence.

When he realised that there was no more, he looked at his hands kind of sad. But a few slow knocks on the door made him snap his head there. He then quickly grabbed the tray and held it above his head.

The door opened slowly and the small skeleton was forced to look way too up realising that the priest had entered. Alter looked at Geno with raised brows, showing slightly his surprise for seeing him holding the tray as a weapon.

But then he started laughing lowly. He elegantly covered his mouth with his hand and his expression took such a sweet and cheerful toll, Geno almost lowered the tray from surprise over how... beautiful and positive the laughter was.

But when Alter stopped laughing he took one step forward and streched out his arm at Geno, while bending a little to be more on the other's level. Smiling casually.

"I see you finished your lil' humble breakfast. Hope you enjoyed. May I have the tray back?" By that motion, Geno returned to threatening (or at least trying to) the priest to smack him with the tray. The taller responded with a calm hum. "My my, looks like I won't be gettin' my hands on that tray any time soon." He commented and closed the door behind him.

But he remained in the room. Geno took a step back, still holding the tray ready to swing it. Alter slid down the door, sat with criss-crossed legs and streched his arm towards the table of the room.

To Geno's surprise he saw the very next moment all books that were previously on the table flying smoothly towards the priest, surrounded by blue aura. He watched as Alter brought them close to him and looked at them all thoughtful for a few seconds.

After giving it a thought, he picked a small red book. Then he sended back the rest of them on the table and they sat on a neat pile. Alter opened the book to a random page and soon he drowned in reading.

Geno stared at him for long, still with the tray in hands, waiting for the other to do something. But the priest was just reading, not raising his head once to look at the smaller. As if he didn't exist.

"What game are you playing?" Geno thought confused raising brow. He clenched his teeth. "Definitely playing the role of the guard dog. He's blocking the door. And I can't teleport if I don't know what's behind." He looked down, trying to figure out what else to do. He recalled how he saw Alter in the visions a while back. Could he trust them? "Look at where I am for folllowing some visions and voices!" He looked again at the priest, who was just turning a page from the book. Geno sighed. He allowed himself to think of all somewhat non-threatening or harmful things that have happened so far. "Welp, I'm still alive?" Awkward, but true. "Even though somebody drugged me from behind and now I'm captive of who knows who..." He snarled quietly as he looked again at Alter. "If I am still alive, then maybe... maybe whoever is behind all this wants something from me. I mean, I was even given food! Until then, I could use that time to maybe gain information about where I am. Gain the trust of that 'priest', let me outta this room and then... jump in the sea? I mean, I can swim. How long will I last though before some hungry sea animal decides to chew on me or before the sailors of this ship see me and get commanded to bring me back up though-? UGH!" Geno cursed quietly next. "Leave that problem to future you Geno." The small skeleton lowered the tray and dared to walk towards Alter, who didn't raise head not even a little.

Despite he could hear Geno moving towards him. Geno stopped just in front of him, 2 breaths away and just stared at him silent, hesitating to say anything. Did he even want to say anything to that skeleton?

He had tricked him! But Geno had nothing else to do. Except talk with him. He lowered head and sighed. But when he looked again at Alter, he realised that he was also staring at him, not looking at the book anymore.

The 2 skeletons looked at each other for many seconds. Until Alter... smiled again. Geno found himself getting caught off guard. Wow. He had such a warm beautiful smile. Genuine. That smile was one of the most true and happy things Geno hadn't see in years.

Back at Hondarribia, the only times he was seeing people smiling at him were when someone was able to catch him for something he did, stealing or bringing trouble. He remembered again the baker's smile that morning and frowned a little. Alter closed eyesockets and held the red book with his left hand. He approached it close to Geno.

"Wanna rea-?" He didn't finish. For when Geno swung the tray and slammed loudly the back of the priest's stretched hand, he didn't realise. He only saw the hand as threat, not even letting Alter ask the whole question.

The book flew and got slammed on the wooden wall to the left of the room. Clenching his teeth and holding back a groan, Alter held his hurt hand and massaged it gently with the other. Panicked, Geno let the tray fall and backed away.

"I'm screwed.He had think. Now the other skeleton was going to get mad and... and who knew what he would do to him!

The small skeleton's legs started shaking, waiting for when the priest would open his eyesockets and look at him angrily. Stand up. Act. Punish him. He was damn well expecting a serious penalty for this.

He was always threatened with such by the humans of the village. He clenched his fists and teeth as he could see the bruise on Alter's left hand growing bigger. But when the taller skeleton opened again his eyesockets, he didn't even focus on Geno.

He looked at the back of his hand and sighed. He closed again eyesockets and brought his hand close to his mouth. Then to Geno's confusion, alongside still fear, he saw Alter's magic, deep blue tongue licking gently the bruised spot

(i know this is going to shock you, but skeletons and other monsters of the elemental class can summon tongues. magic is their way to replace some things they're not born with. magic answers quite many inexplainable things, even if it doesn't seem like a good enough explanation. i remind that this is my take on things, my unhinged story, MY rules)

Like a cat. A few seconds later, with surprise Geno saw the bruise slowly dissapearing and Alter sighed relieved from the pain. He looked at Geno completely calm and that simple smile he had a while ago, appeared again.

"It was but a small bruise. I must have startled you with my gesture. My apologies."

Not only he had gotten hurt, he was also apologising! Geno felt completely puzzled by such actions. How could he be so chill about what had happened?! Such reaction was unlike of whatever the small skeleton was ever faced with. But he didn't say anything.

"Why is he like this?" He thought as Alter was dragging the book back to him with that blue aura and holding it again. He held it on one hand and made again the same gesture, giving it to Geno.

"Would you like to read?" He asked chilly and grinned a little wider. But then his eyesockets opened slightly wider as if he had realised something. "Pardon me, do you know how to read?" He asked.

Reading and writting wasn't priviledge for many, mostly for higher classes, you know, royalties. Yet Geno knew. Somehow, when he woke up with his brothers in Hondarribia, with no memory of his past, he just had the ability to read and write. How he had learned or who had taught him was unclear to him.

He looked at Alter confused and uncertain if he could trust his friendly behavior or notBut he didn't take the book. Alter just gathered his hand back, opened the book and started reading again. Even if he denied to take the book at first, soon the curiosity started eating Geno, to see what the taller was reading.

He was hesitating to approach, until he couldn't take it anymore. He started approaching slowly, without taking his single eyesocket off of him. Alter completely ignored him. After seconds, Geno finally approached the priest and sat next to him with his back on the door.

Good gracious, next to the priest he looked like a literal child, if not toddler! On guard and ready to react on the slightest move of Alter's, Geno peeked on the book's pages he was currently on. Only to soon get confused.

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

9. 1 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

3 "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

6 After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes. 7 "Go," he told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam" (this word means "Sent"). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.

8 His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, "Isn't this the same man who used to sit and beg?" 9 Some claimed that he was.

Others said, "No, he only looks like him."

But he himself insisted, "I am the man."

10 "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.

11 He replied, "The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see."

12 "Where is this man?" they asked him.

"I don't know," he said.

Kind of recognisable. Alter turned to slowly look down at Geno and very slowly gave the book to him.

"I insist. You can have it and read if you like, as I see you can." He said. Geno couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't stay silent. He stood up and backed away from him. He crossed his arms.

"The cassock doesn't make the priest." He started and Alter raised brow at him, still smiling. "You wear the clothes, you have this book, but what you did to me by drugging me ain't gonna pass! What kind of 'religious' person does this?!" He asked. The taller chuckled lowly.

"Since you seem to have knowledge upon priests, what makes someone a genuine priest to ya?" He asked. Geno looked down for a moment thoughtful. A few seconds of thinking later he looked again at Alter sternly.

"Well, they seem to know by heart all these weird songs they sing often-."


"Whatever. And they know by heart all these words by their religious books without even looking inside them!"

"Ah, is that so?" Alter asked and closed the red book. "Well, that is of the human priests or religious people generally. They learn The Bible, The New Testament, all prayers and psalms they can by heart. But more often, only there. They often don't focus on the meaning of the words. They use them just to impress and persuade the audience to follow 'em, 'cause it benefits 'em having obedient sheep. And they don't follow the words or try to understand 'em but force and persuade others to do that. I might be reading the religious writtings of humans, which indeed could seem strange since most monsters don't believe in what mankind does. But these writtings are wise. They hold truths and virtues worth following. I don't read these books to impress anybody. I read them to remember my place in this realm, find the hidden messages and follow the virtues. Considering my position, such would sound even more strange and ridiculous."

The priest was talking stably and slowly, enough for Geno to comprehend his words. He had found himself being slightly impressed by his answer. But then he shook his head left and right and looked at Alter with raised brow.

"So you're not a priest?" He asked.

"I have an important diference from most religious humans and their priests: I am one who prefers to follow the actions and not stay on the words."

"... Elaborate?" Geno asked. Alter chuckled and stood up slowly. Geno stepped back.

"Tell me you've lived amongst humans for the biggest part of your life and never in a monster village, without telling me directly." The taller commented. "Generations and centuries before me, there were times where monsters used to cooexist with humans in villages. Even the one I used to live. The religious teachings were kind of forced upon us monsters, or else we wouldn't get along well with the humans. We had to believe what they were believing and forget our traditions, for, they said that if we didn't believe in God and we kept following our own beliefs, we were proving their 'point' that we were real, impure spawns of evil and had to get casted in Hell. In other words, massacre for the monsters that denied to follow the beliefs of the humans. I prevented live under such cooexistence for the first few years of my life before the humans were commanded to move into other villages with their own kind. Without the humans above our heads, we could perform the monster traditions freely, which we were performing in secret. Their religious influence however had stayed upon quite enough monster villages, for, we liked the messages and saw the wisdom behind 'em. And the forced teachings became likable by us. Monsters like me chose to study and even teach 'em to other ones, being also a good example." Geno was listening impressed, his eyesocket perked up from interest.

"Where are you coming from?"

"Well little one, since you ask, I am but a skeleton who comes from a village in grounds where not many humans would come often, in the boundaries of the Power of Portugal. East and a lil' bit North of Hondarribia, where you were living." That last sentence made Geno flinch.

"Wait a minute!" He looked around him. "Where am I? Who's ship is this? Who's behind my kidnapping?!"

"Welp, almost kidnapping since there was very little force at the end to keep you in the ship."

"Don't change subject!" Geno yelped and clenched his fists, the relaxed mood he was starting to have around Alter all gone. "Tell me where I am. Am I even safe?" He asked and now he had started hissing lowly and uncontrollably. That didn't intimidate Alter, who just sighed slightly sad.

"Are you sure you wanna hear?"

"Obviously!" Geno hissed.

"OI PRIEST, WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!" A loud rough voice was heard and Alter pressed his back against the door the moment it was opening, barely managing to close it. Geno stepped back and hid under the table.

"Not now David!" Alter did as he put more force on pushing the door.

"I heard someone else talking to you!"

"You misheard!"

"I know what I heard! Come ooon! Let me in, what are you hiding?! Don't tell me you actually got a chick for yourself and you're hiding her from us!"

"Certainly not!" Geno couldn't help but chuckle with the tall skeleton's reaction, chill but his eyesockets slightly wider hearing the comment.

"Greedy priest! You're keeping for yourself a chick and didn't think of sharing?!"

"I'm not having a woman in here!"

"Then if you're not hiding anything, why don't you let me in?!"

"Cause that is invasion of personal space."

"Just one peek!"

"That's enough Dave!" Another manly voice was heard interfering.

"Ah, Captain!" Dave's voice was heard behind the door. "The priest is hiding something in his hermitage and don't wanna show!"

"Leave Alter alone." The newby said sternly.

"But Captain!"

"Are you disobeying me David?" The Captain asked and Geno could have swore the temperature dropped in the room.

"No Captain." Dave was heard saying slowly.

"Very well. Do not disturb Alter again." Captain said and the temperature went back to its previous state. "For all I know, most he could be hiding would be some angel send from the sky to praise him for his pureness and loyalty to the Lord. Dismissed." Heavy footsteps were heard walking away. For a few seconds there was silence.

"Are they gone?" Geno thought.

"How is the skeleton?" The voice of the Captain was heard and Geno froze. Alter turned to look at the smaller, walking away from the door he was keeping closed all this time.

"He's fine for now. Startled and confused, but overall quite energetic."

"Good to hear. I leave you 2 alone to break the ice then."

"Sir, do I tell him where he is currently? Would it be acceptable now?" The priest asked.

"You can tell him, but not all, you know what I mean. As a matter of fact explain to him why. You have such a way with words."

"Yes Sir." Footsteps of boots were heard taking a few steps away before a sharp woosh cut them abruptly.

Alter exhaled and focused his attention on Geno. Soon being concerned. The small skeleton was even more pale and was shaking as he was hugging his knees. His eyesocket was staring up to Alter with anger and fear mixed together.

"I'm in a pirate ship, am I not?!" He asked with his voice pulsating anger. Alter raised brows interested.

"How didja find out?"

"It all makes sense. The way this Dave dude out there and that Captain were talking, the way Captain keeps his hierarchy by being threatening and- and... I should have known from the trick you played on me!" A bone appeared in Geno's hand and he clenched it tighter, same as his teeth. "... and then you saying something about how your position as priest would be ridicoulous considering where you are. Yes, I see where is the ridicoulous and mockery in this, you are a 'priest', who has sided with pirates, the one thing I hate more than anything in this darn world!"

"Keep it down." Alter tried to keep the situation calm.

"How many have you killed in your life thinking that they don't deserve to live and that whatever is theirs is now yours?! How many families have you torn apart huh?! Cause that's what all pirates always do, they trick and kill and take and seperate loved ones from anyone! Just like they did to me and my brothers!" Geno snapped, causing the priest's eyesockets be filled with sadness to the last sentence. Instead of doing anything with the bone he had summoned, Geno buried his face between his knees. "Why did it have to be you?! A pirate being the one I'm supposed to count on for answers!" He didn't sound like he was crying, but he was refusing to look at Alter. No side spoke for many seconds. Alter exhaled from his nose quietly and approached the small ball of bones underneath the table. He sat with criss-crossed legs 4 steps away from him.

"... I'm sorry to hear that. May your brothers rest in peace."


"Maybe... you think that I don't understand how it feels loosing a loved one. But I know the feeling more than you would ever think."


"I can tell than even if I was to assure you that I've never been a murderer in my life, you'd still not believe me. And that's alright. It all happened quickly. It all changed so fast for ya, you need time to coprehend it all." Alter closed his eyesockets and exhaled quietly. "Before going uncoscious, you said you've been told that me specifically could help you answer some things. Wasn't it visions?" He asked. Geno slowly raised head, still glaring at Alter. But he slowly nodded. "For me to answer in the best of my capabilities your questions, answer this one of mine first: do you know yourself?" Geno raised head a little higher looking at Alter confused.

"I am a skeleton who has been living from 7 years old in Hondarribia, a village exclusively for humans with 2 younger brothers, normally not acceptable. Until recently when some pirates disguising themselves as if send from Galicia kidnapped me." He said, sarcastic on the last sentence. Alter hummed quietly looking away.

"As it seems you know almost nothing."

"Why, are you my father and you know me better?" Geno asked sarcastically and annoyed.

"Rather, you don't remember. Amirite?" Alter looked straight in the eyesocket at Geno, slightly catching him off guard. Well, damn. He was right, the small skeleton couldn't remember himself before 7 years old. He looked away awkwardly and even more annoyed.

"So? What do you know of me?"

"I don't know who are you and your past. That would be something you yourself could say. But I know your role. I know why you are where you are right now and where you must be. I know it from someone who has been watching you from afar for years, the one who made you forget all that you really are." Geno's eyesocket perked up.

"Who?! Who made me forget and has been watching me as if I mean anything for anyone?!"

"Oh, you mean for her more than you could ever believe you do."

"Who is she?!"

"That is not something I am allowed to say. But she told me when I met her for the first time, that when the time would be right, she would tell you herself."

"Tell me!"

"I will respect her wishes and allow her give to you that answer."


"She has her ways she said." The priest stayed uncompromising.

"This is ridiculous! But-! I-! UGH!" Geno pressed the sides of his skull and groaned loudly. "Whatever! If you are not gonna tell me about that 'her', who are you, why from all living beings out there I had to see you, the one to help me answer whatever bothers me and what is your purpose here?"

"Welp, I introduced myself shortly before, where I'm coming from. I told I'm from the grounds of Portugal, at least before following piracy, for my own reasons. But the name is one thing I didn't mention and ya could use if you're in need of something I can help with. My name is Alter. The others from the crew more often refer to me as priest though. What else? You asked why you saw me in your visions. That was but a lil' something planned and meant to happen by the force of Fate, your Fate." Geno raised brow surprised but didn't interrupt Alter. "4 years ago, around the same time I chose piracy, the Lady who has been watching you offered me get tied to a high purpose, against a threat that is soon gonna emerge and cause destruction. Something in which, you are meant to have the biggest role." The small skeleton couldn't keep his mouth closed.

"What threat?"

"A threat from the depths, that's what the Lady told me. From evil creatures with corrupted minds, the mermaids." Geno's eyesocket widened up.

"Since when do I have any relationship with the mermaids?!"

"Long before you were even born as the Lady told me. As a matter of fact, the mermaids, from what I understood, they are after you. To harm you." The panic that emerged on Geno's face became visible the moment Alter said that.

"They what?!"

"They want you out of the way, 'cause you're the only one who can stop whatever they're planning. And that, is the destruction of the world." Geno's pupil inside his eyesocket dissapeared. "And that is why I'm here with you explaining all this."

"... For what?" Geno asked hesitant.

"4 years now, ever since I met the Lady, everytime I went to sleep, I have been having the same message. Your duty will begin when you meet. One night before seeing you entering the ship, I saw you too in a vision. I saw your form while hearing the message. My duty, the duty I accepted from the Lady, is to stay by your side, escort you through all that will appear in the way and protect you from all threats possible, especially by the mermaids. In other words, I am your guardian." Geno looked at the priest momentarily interested. But then his expression went sour.

"A pirate priest? My guardian? Hah! What an irony. Did the Lady know you are member of a pirate crew when she asked ya to assign be my guardian?"

"She knows everything 'bout me. She chose me for my capabilities and for seeing with her abilities the goodness I still keep in my soul."

"Even for being a pirate?"

"Even for being a pirate. 'Sides, pirates are from the few who are bold enough dive into any risk and danger, for whatever benefit and reason. And considering where we must be..."

"Pardon, but where are we goin'?" Geno asked, with a bad feeling crawling on his back.

"Ever heard of the Tearful Cave?" Alter asked and the small skeleton's eyesocket widened up.

"Ain't that just a myth?!"

"Alas how I wish it was. 'Cause I went there..." Alter's eyesockets went pitch black empty.

"And what didja see? Are the rumors true that it has treasures? Gold? That the water that ain't sea are the tears of Sirens?"

"I felt the death and threat in the air that night, barely when I entered..." The priest said quietly. But then he shook his head left and right.

"Oh hell nah! And ya say you gotta take me there?! No thanks!"

"It ain't in my hand to stop that from happening. You must go."

"'Cause my Fate says so?!" Alter just nodded. Geno hit the back of his head gently on the wooden wall. "The pirates are sending me to die!"

"Or to meet your destiny and save the world."

"Who the heck has this much faith in me to believe that a small sickly skeleton like me can save the world from whatever the mermaids are planning?!"

"The Lady does." Geno looked at Alter with an expression that was screaming doubt.

"Alright, wait. Wait. No more. Gimme a break from destiny and Fate that just now I heard I have!" Geno looked up and inhaled loudly. "I dunno if I can accept this as truth."

"I wouldn't accept it either. It sounded impossible to me too when I heard it." Alter said. Geno slowly looked again at Alter.

"Since it has already gotten this bad, with me hearing all these, from a priest who is also a pirate, all while being in a pirate ship, may I also hear in who's ship am I held captive and send as a sacrifice to the Tearful Cave?" Instead of an immediate answer, Alter crossed himself 3 times while looking up to the ceiling. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Aqui vai nada (Here goes nothing)." Alter said and turned to face Geno. "Under the circumstances we meet, awkward and definitely not so pleasant so far, welcome to the pirate crew Reapers."

Dead silence filled the hermitage. Interestingly enough Geno's expression remained... calm hearing this. But there were hints that he damn well knew for the crew Alter said. The priest interpreted this as a sign to leave the smaller alone.

That perhaps he wouldn't want him at the moment in front of him. Besides he could really use a break from what he heard. He slowly stood up. Geno's look followed him. Alter turned his back ready to exit the room.

But he only took 3 steps towards the door when suddenly he felt a tug on his cassock. He turned slightly surprised to look behind him. Then down. Geno was holding him and looking up to him with wonder. He raised brow at him.

"What does a priest like you wants with this crew of pirates? It is said only the most capable stay alive in the Reapers." Suddenly he let go of Alter's cassock and stepped back, loosing his small burst of courage to come up to Alter and touch him. The priest raised both brows.

"Ya wanna know?"

"I am one step away from just loosing my mind of the situation I am in right now. But... I am interested enough to hear how ya ended up here. 4 years ago ya said?" Alter nodded. Without taking his eyesocket off him, Geno jumped on the bed and sat. "And if you are supposedly my guardian, then stay and tell me something else other than the mess I'm in. 'Protect' me by distracting my mind." Alter chuckled lowly.

"Fair enough." He was ready to sit on the chair in front of the table.

"Wait..." The priest looked at Geno, who looked down and away awkward.

He hesitantly patted the spot next to him on the bed. Soon after Alter accepted the offer and sat next to the smaller skeleton, smiling gently. He intertwined the fingers of his hands while his elbows were pressed on his legs.

"Where do I start from?"

"Aside all the crazy stuff ya told me before, I better get to know my assigned guardian. So... how was your life and what were ya really doin' before the Reapers found ya?"

Little did Geno and Alter know, it would be the beginning of their friendship.

5615 words. *pat pat*

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