First troubles with the humans

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Where the 2 skeletons make a few more friends, get in trouble with humans, but in an unexpected way help comes.

Geno's POV:

I seriously need learn controlling my siren strength even on tensed moments. On my stress I dragged poor Alter down and he tasted the ground. Welp, he didn't get hit by the pebble at least😅.

But it hitted someone else.

"WHO THE F*CK IS THROWING PEBBLES?!" A man's voice was heard. I look ahead of us. About 5m. away from me and Alter there are 2 human soldiers. The one of them is rubbing his forehead sitting on the ground. The other glares as it seems to our direction. Uh oh.

"YOU STUPID BRATS, YOU'LL WISH YOU NEVER WERE BORN!" The soldier that got hitted yells then, standing up and with his partner ran towards us. I start panicking but at that moment Alter is still removing the dust off his face and clothes and doesn't seem to realise they're coming.

But the soldiers luckily just run passed us and went towards where I saw the kids for a fleeing moment standing before dissappearing behind a building. Phew, they didn't pay attention to us. I look at Alter then, who had stand up and looks down with an unreadable expression. I start getting worried again.

"Guido? Are you ok?" I ask. Alter doesn't respond. But after a few seconds he starts inhaling, making sharp pauses on the way. When he finishes he holds his breath closing eyesockets. "Uuuh... Gui-?"


I jump surprised from the sudden sneeze he let out, he steps back from the force and stayes then motionless with his elbow covering his nose. A few seconds later he inhales deeply with hands on his hips and exhales satisfied. He looks at me.

"Wooo! Great feeling letting out a sneeze!"

"Salud." I say. And there, in the middle of the road we start laughing and wheezing like crazy. Both of us are leaned forward, we're laughing with our souls, not caring if the monsters are looking at us or not. It takes us about half a minute to finally calm down. Well me, Alter had managed pull himself together before me.

"Eugenia, you could have just warn me that the child was going for my head again! You didn't need to drag me down like that!" He said holding back another laughter. I look down supposedly embarrassed and guilty with hands behind my back.

"I'm sowwyyy." I say in a cute tone.

"Come here you little ragazza!" He says and suddenly leans, wraps his arm around my shoulder gently and starts noogying my skull playfully.

"Guidooo!" I yelp.

"Aaaw, is that adorable baby your daughter?" We hear a woman's voice. Me and Alter turn and see 2 women, a sheep and a cow lady staring at us. Alter let go of me.

"I'm adopted ladies! He's still all single!" I throw.


"Ah but if she isn't the cutest girl ever!" The cow lady says, approaches us and actually squeezes my cheeks! "And you have such a good and handsome man to be your dad!" At the very last moment I'm not telling in my real voice to let me go!

"Guido heEELP!" I try to say. But the mister is laughing! REEE-

"Ladies, ladies!" Alter finally says still laughing and snorting and the cow lady finally let go of my cheeks. "Excuse us but we were just about to continue our walk! I'm flattered to hear though these words from such nice and pretty ladies!" You?! Flattered?! When you're the flatterer! The ladies look down shyly and laugh quietly. "Buona giornata ladies!" Alter says then, bows down lightly to them, then grabs my hand and we keep walking. I look up to him ready for another challenge.

"Flattered flatterer! Hah! Look who said that he's flattered!"

"A nice word or compliment is more than enough to brighten someone's day. Why being parsimonious with nice words? They cost nothing." Alter replies shrugging his shoulders.

"These 2 were too easy to flatter. Unlike, y'know~" I throw the innuendo. Alter looks at me with a calm smile again as we keep walking.

"I'd rather not push our luck with the hosts Eugenia. After all..." He says, suddenly pausing and looks away serious.

"Oh come. On! She's a little distant but I see it, you're breaking the ice together!"

"The problem is that I'm standing on the ice..." He murmurs as he looks ahead. I stop smiling and look at him confused.

"What was that?" But he doesn't reply. We walk in silence.

Alter's POV:

Should I tell him what's going on? What I heard yesterday? It's amusing at times seeing him try make me feel embarrassed, but at the same time not when I know for what reason I'm 'denying feelings'. These ain't for me, they can't be, even if I catch myself slipping at times for... *sigh*

I should give it more time. Perhaps if I hear more conversation from the siblings. If she thinks the same for me again I shall warn Geno be more careful. Keep playing innocent, but cautious and informed at least...

No one's POV:

The 2 friends kept wandering, chatting cheerfully even after the fleeing seriousness between them. It seemed that everything was going to flow smoothly.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE THIEF!" Immediately the 2 skeletons turned and saw a little monster running towards them holding a bag. Behind it a monkey monster was hunting him angrily holding a broom on his hand.

"Catch me if you can!" The little monster mocked. But suddenly Alter grabbed it from the back of it's shirt making the monster stumble and almost fall down if the tall skeleton wasn't holding tight. He helped it stand normally but never letting go.

"Guido what are you doing?!" Geno yelped. But Alter without paying attention to the smaller was staring at the little monster, which as it seemed was a lion!

"I remember you." He said simply.

"LET ME GO!" The lion screamed trying to escape Alter's grip.

"There you are you little-!" Everyone turned and saw the monkey monster approaching with slower steps, his eyes were emitting flares from anger. But then Alter, never letting the child, stood in front of the monkey.

"Mi scusi Signoro! What's going on here?" He asked with his perfect excited tone. The monkey glared above his shoulder at the lion.

"5th time these 2 weeks! This little monster steals apples from me!" He said. Alter laughed. "This is not funny skeleton! I have mouths to feed at home too and make ends meet, not feed little thieves too for free!"

"Ah, but you're right, you're right..." Alter said, stopped laughing but kept smiling. "... you're trying to make money, understandable. So, how many apples did that little boy steal again, if it's not much to ask?" He asked. How calmly he was handling even the angriest of people! Geno admired that. The monkey's face softened just a little, shaking head left and right with crossed arms.

"This is his 5th apple and the last one if he learns after I whoop him with the broom!" He said. Alter hummed looking away quietly but quickly looked again at the monkey.

"And may I ask, how much does an apple cost?"

"1 copper each, which he doesn't even pay up!" The monkey replied.

"1 copper huh?" Alter did and then, Geno saw him cramming his free hand in his pocket, seemed to search something and a few moments later flicked a gold towards the monkey who grabbed it.

"I give you 1 gold and consider the child forgiven for keeping the extra." He said with a big smile. The greengrocer, Geno and the little lion looked at him surprised. The monkey looked at the gold and bit it to make sure it was real and not a hallucination. When he was sure, he looked again at Alter with the same surprise.

"Oh, GOD! It's-!"

"Real. Rare see gold these days, am I right?" Alter said. Then he turned his back but waved as he was walking away with Geno following. He had let the lion boy. "My name is Guido Siracusa! Buona giornata Signoro!" He said cheerfully.

"Sir wait!" The monkey suddenly said running behind them. Alter stopped and turned to look at him raising bonebrow.

"What is it?" He asked. The monkey seemed to look at him carefully and stayed silent for a while before finding his words.

"First of all, thank you. But..."

"But what? You don't want to keep the gold? Ah, but it's fine Signoro, I gave it with my free will!"

"Not that! Just..." The monkey approached closer and looked around as if he feared someone else would hear and shouldn't. "... Be really careful with your gold Sir. Now that human soldiers are here, other human citizens might be roaming in monster town with less worries. It's not just the soldiers that do crimes, even human citizens if there aren't monster guards nearby. They're not getting arrested by the soldiers if they're seen by them, the soldiers then pretend to be blind or they will defend them. And then they say they're trained to serve justice! Justice my a-!"

"Alright alright. And?" Alter cutted him. The greengrocer looked again around before looking again at the tall skeleton.

"Make sure you keep your gold safe, not show it much and be careful, they might arrest you even for that, for carrying gold supposedly stolen. If you're lucky a monster guard will be around to help in case of trouble." Alter looked at him with raised bonebrows and a calm smile as if the greengrocer wasn't warning him but they were having a normal conversation, or as if he knew that already.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." He said politely and finally turned his back. Now with what that monkey monster said Geno had started looking around even more worried. He had the feeling all human soldiers were targeting him and Alter. Unconsciously he held his hand tighter.

"There's nothing ya have to worry about. If humans bother us, I know how to handle it. But if I ask for your help I'm pretty sure you'll do just fine. Ok?" The taller said calmly and with chill. Geno nodded slowly.

"Mister, wait!" They heard a child's voice. The skeletons turned and saw the lion monster boy running towards them. He stopped and looked up to Alter serious.

"What is it bambino?" The taller skeleton asked tilting his head with a genuine smile. The lion clenched fists.

"Why... did you help me get away from trouble after I tried throwing pebbles at you?" He asked. Alter leaned forward to be closer to the boy's level.

"Why? Well, I'm as positive as I can and I don't find it necessary holding grudges. You threw pebbles, so what? It didn't kill me!"

"But it hurted."

"It might did hurt but it's already in the past! And I helped you back there because I genuinely like helping people!" Alter said kindly, never loosing his cheerfulness. The boy looked down. "What's your name young one?" The tall skeleton asked then. The lion looked at him a little surprised but then looked away.

"David..." He said calmly. Alter raised bonebrows.

"Aaah! David! For real? Like that little man who fought and won against Goliath! I have a friend of mine with that name also!" He became suddenly bubbly. The lion looked at him with more surprise.


"Oh yes little one, yes! He's a strong, tall, tiger monster!" Alter was describing Dave as if he was some miracle while Geno was fighting to not laugh. Him himself knew what Dave seemed.

"W-Woah." Little David did.

"And it seems that your name suits you! You're very good with the slingshot! You have very good aim!" Alter kept complimenting and David placed hands on his hips smiling proudly.

"I can hit flying sparrow from 30m. distance!" He said. Alter raised bonebrow.

"Aiming on people, let me understand it, that you perhaps might not like someone. But what did the birds do to you?" He asked calmly. There David looked away awkward and with some guilt.

"There were times sir, where famine had fallen and the food was hard to find. What can we do, if not trying catch whatever can be eaten?" He asked with complain. Geno felt bad a little, he too had been through periods where there wasn't much food in the village he lived and barely anyone could survive. To the lion's surprise Alter ruffed his head with a sympathetic smile.

"The despair speaks there huh? Was this one of the reasons you learned aiming so well with your slingshot?" He asked.

"In these conditions y-yeah. And also..." There David leaned closer to Alter and whispered, "... so I can give on the human soldier's nerves with my friends."

"Oh my! That is bold young one!" Alter said and Geno imagined a rain of pebbles hitting human soldiers. He chuckled.

"I know. But I despise them so much I just want them to-! to-!"

"End them? Stop having them above monster kind's head?" Alter said calmly, looking around too. Geno had guessed, they were having a 'dangerous conversation' right now. "And how old are you David?"

"14." The lion replied. Alter smiled just a little wider.

"So young, yet with such spirit and will to fight! But it's not your time yet young one. You'll have to grow up more, have patience. And when your time comes to prove you can fight, hopefully you keep that fighting spirit still."

"I will sir!" David said determined. But then he looked at Alter raising eyebrow. "But... who are you? Your clothes are simple but more decent. And your manners are much different than how we've seen. Are you an aristocrat?" He asked. Alter laughed quietly.

"Me? Aristocrat? I might have some comfort with money but nowhere close to be in aristocrats' class! My name is Guido. That's my daughter Eugenia. And we're not from here. We come from Syracuse! Do you know where it is?" He asked. David shook head left and right confused and disappointed. "Ah, that's ok, that's ok." Alter said standing normally.

"I heard rumors that some newcomers are guests of Lord Pyros and Lady Tefra Infernal. Is it true?" David asked looking at Alter and Geno with wonder and admiration. "Are you these newcomers?!"

"Indeed we are amico!" Alter said. The lion's eyes glowed even more.

"Awesome! So you know..." He suddenly paused and looked away awkward. But both skeletons saw his cheeks changing color.

"Uh oooh~ I know that look amico." Alter said.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Is there any girl around the neighborhood of the guards' houses that has caught your interest?" Alter insisted.

"N-No! I-I mean..." David fought to find his words.

"It's Mariah, isn't?" Hearing Alter saying that name the lion child flinched and rubbed the back of his head.


"Ain't you like 3 years younger than her?" Geno unconsciously did the question. David glared at him.

"Since when the age gap matters to you? Since when is so bad if a girl is older than a boy huh?" He attacked.

"Relax, relax." Alter did. "That's very right young David! If you really like someone, whether as friend or more, age is from the last things that troubles anyone! It's not something to be ashamed! How come this lovely girl got your attention anyway?" He asked. More encouraged with Alter's words David stopped feeling awkward.

"Well, she was living in my neighborhood before moving in with the Infernals because of the earthquake, if you've heard about it. But even when she moved I would go and... visit her."

"Ah sweet! You're friends then!"

"N-Not exactly..." David made things more confusing.

"Not exactly?" Geno asked raising bonebrow.

"I would silently prevent her from any dangers but from distance. I... I've never spoke to her."

"Why?! You need to get to know each other! You aim for soldiers' heads with your slingshot but you're not talking to her?!" Alter asked.

"Yeah, my friends and parents say that a lot. I just don't know what she'll think of me."

"There's nothing to worry about young one! I know Mariah only for about a day but if anyone harms her I'm going to kill everyone in this town and then myself."

(just kidding, he didn't say that)


"There's nothing to worry about young one! I know Mariah only for about a day but she's very kind and sweet. There's no way she will judge you or think bad about you. You really need speak to her, not just watch from the shadows!"

"I've actually approached but..." David started passing the apple from his left to his right hand and back from nervousness. A realisation hitted Geno unexpectedly.

"Apples! You're stealing apples and give them to her!" He said. Both Alter and David looked at him surprised.

"How did you-?!" The lion asked.

"Yesterday I saw on her drawer apple seeds. Don't ask me Guido when and how I observed that or why do I even remember!" Geno kept going with serious excitement.

"W-Well... once she comes to the door and opens I just hand her the apple and... run..." David admitted. Alter laughed gently. When he stopped he looked at the lion child and leaned forward again.

"It's nice that you want to give her something little. But tell you what, you need to speak to her. If you go find her, once she opens the door, you will not run away. Introduce yourself, tell her that you were the one giving her apples, talk for a while. Then you can perhaps start officially being friends. But also, you need to stop stealing. She might like the gesture of you giving her something but not so much if it's stolen. Don't worry, you'll find other ways to make her happy." He said. David looked down thoughtful. But soon he looked again at Alter and nodded many times.

"Yes Sir! I'll try Sir!"

"Don't call me sir. Call me Guido. And we are now friends ok?" Alter corrected him. Then he looked around and approached closer. "Are you a good child David?" He asked.

"With my parents, my friends."

"How many friends do you have?" Alter asked then.

"Uuuh, all children around monster town we know each other more or less. But I have 4 close friends." David replied. Alter tapped his finger on his jaw for a few seconds before taking from his pocket a small pouch, opening it, counting something in it and then closing it again. He took David's hand and gave him the pouch.

"David, you are a little bold, energetic and tough. But I think you are a very good child. These in the pouch are for you and your friends. Try sharing them equally. And make sure no human sees you and try take it from you, ok?" David opened the pouch a little only to soon close it agitated about to give it back to Alter.

"Sir Guido, I could have taken it without problem, but no, I can't accept these silvers!" He whispered.

"I insist boy."

"No no. You've already done enough for me by paying for what I've stolen and I don't want to own many things to anyone!" The lion kept denying. Geno saw Alter's irises glowing for a fleeing moment.

"You're fair. But if you really want, I know a way you will be able repay me. With that deal we will be even..." The tall skeleton said. David waited silent and confused to hear Alter, who started whispering in his ear. The lion at first was listening surprised, but then an evil mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Oooh, I so am going to enjoy that with my friends!" He said loud enough for Geno to hear.

"But remember, it might be a little risky. Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you and your friends be in serious danger because of me." Alter said, betraying just a tiny bit concern.

"Don't worry Guido. Me and my boys are capable run away from human soldiers before they can even understand what hitted them. We know the town like the back of our hand! We'll wear even masks if you ever need 'our services'."

"Is it a deal then?" Alter asked stretching his arm.

"I'm in!" David said excited and closed the handshake with him. Alter quickly whispered something last and David nodded with understanding, "I'll remember!", he said. When Alter stood normally he turned his back. "Thank you!"

"You welcome! Have a nice day!" Alter said cheerfully waving. With that, him and Geno continued their walk.

"What deal did you 2 make?" Geno whispered with the curiosity getting the best of him.

"Let's just say that once we're done with the mission and ready to take our leave, if for any reason something goes wrong, we'll need him and his friends as backup help." Alter replied with a simple smile.

"He answered in many ways, but I'll never stop wondering how does he keep his chill almost 24 hours per day..." Geno thought.

"THIEEEF! STOP HIM!" Someone yelled.

"Catch me first you filth!" A manly voice mocked. Geno turned and saw a human running full speed while holding a stuffed sack. Behind him he saw again that monkey greengrocer hunting him. But suddenly as the human passed closely from Alter he tripped, lost his balance, rolled about 2 times on the ground and stopped with his face tasting it.

The sack opened and a bunch of apples, oranges, potatoes and carrots rolled and scattered to all directions. Geno stared at the human shocked, but then his eyesocket caught Alter with a smug smile staring down at the human.

"He tripped him up..." He thought. Alter approached and grabbed the man from the back of his shirt, lifting him up.

"You 2 again?!" The monkey asked surprised trying to catch his breath.

"Apparently us Signoro. And as I see humans are boldly trying to steal." Alter said looking at the human with a sharp expression only Geno saw and was enough to make him shiver.

"LET ME GO YOU STUPID SACK OF BONES!" The human yelled trying to turn and smack Alter, who didn't loosen his grip not even a little.

"Pay up first for all the things you tried to steal." The skeleton said in an icy tone. The human guffawed sarcastically.

"Or what? You're going to hit me?"

"I don't have the right to do so. But let me tell ya, dare to keep playing it smartass, I'll freely give you to the Infernals take care of thieves like you." Alter actually threatened. It worked. The human's face lost it's color. The skeleton then dragged him in front of the monkey monster. "Come on. Pay up like a real man." He said. Cursing underneath his breath the human took from his pocket a full pouch and threw it at the monkey.

"There! Are you happy now stupid monsters?! Let me go now skeleton!" He growled.

"Nuh uh uh! Not until my dear friend checks if the gold you gave him is real or fake." Alter said. Geno looked at him surprised. Real and fake gold? He looked at the monkey as he was biting a gold. But the very next moment he placed hands on his hips and glared at the human.

"You dare give me fake gold you human scum?!"


"That son of a-!" Geno thought enraged and worried. How is Alter going to handle this?! Immediately 3 human guards came out of nowhere and approached threateningly. Violently one of them made Alter let go of the thief and held him from his wrist, luckily the one he wasn't wearing the fake magic blocker.

"You stupid monsters, you thought you could attack an innocent human without consequences?!" Another guard asked sarcastically while the thief was smiling satisfied. Even in such situation however Alter was smiling chilly. He closed eyesockets, inhaled and suddenly said out loud,

"Oooh, if only there were some angels to help!" He said in a fake dramatic tone, placing the back of his free hand on his forehead.

"Really Alter?!" Geno thought agitated.

"Shut your mouth, you have no right to speak!" The 3rd soldier said ready to hit Alter.

"And why doesn't he have the right?"

who came to the rescue? who's gonna help justice be served right?

4135 words. *pet pet pet*

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