For the little fish of course!

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Where Reaper is determined go to Lisbon while the doctor although finds it foolish, knows he can't change his mind and prepares him for the risks.

No one's POV:

Many hours ago

Reaper suddenly opened his eyesockets wide. All this time he was sitting on his bed. But once he found his consciousness he managed to fall down on the floor from the shock, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"Διάολε!" He murmured looking down on the floor. The door of the room suddenly opened wide so fast you could fear for a moment it was going to break from its hinges.

"Señor?" Ramirez was heard asking fast. Reaper raised his hand still looking down, signing him to stay where he was. He slowly stood up by himself and stared at the dog with that shocked expression he was making all this time.

"Estava mort..." He said slowly.

"Who?" Ramirez asked. Reaper didn't say immediately. It took enough seconds to finally do so.

"... Geno." He whispered.

"Ok cool." Ramirez said indifferently and he was ready to turn his back and leave. But he suddenly stopped and turned sharply to look again at Reaper. "El pescado?!" He asked realising and remembering for who his Captain was talking about.

"I saw him Ramirez. He was in the afterlife! He... he was at state between life and death. He entered my memories. But... but as soon as we saw each other he revived in front of me!"

"Ah ok." Ramirez said casually chill and indifferent again. Then he growled pinching the base of his nose. "What were you expecting Señor? He and Alter are in Lisbon, among humans. Dying wouldn't be surprising. But if he was about to die and then came back to life, then you shouldn't worry. He's still up to finish the mission. As much as the priest has become good friends with him, he won't let him go. Everything is under control for now."

"But... But what if he's not fine?!" Reaper pressed his hand on his forehead looking away.

"¡¿Me estás tomando el pelo?!" Ramirez thought. Truly, he felt almost ready to cry from the sudden wave of frusfration that ran through him at that moment. "He's already at stage to worry for that fish!" He inhaled and exhaled quietly, not like Reaper would hear him this agitated he was still. "Keep it together. He is just worrying. It's not like he will go all the way to Lisbon and risk his life just to see if the fish is still standing-."

"That's it." Reaper suddenly said serious, taking the dog off his thoughts.


"I'm going there." The skeleton declared.

Did Ramirez want at that moment to start hitting his head on the wall until he pass out? This frustrated he became hearing these words. But he sucked it up for now and kept staring at Captain, who had turn to look at him.

"Mi amigo, I want you to cover me. Once all lads go to rest, I'll sneak out."

"Esto es absolutamente estúpido." Ramirez said out loud still calmly, but his pinned back ears and his tail wagging fast and abruptly had started betraying his real emotions. However Reaper didn't seem to pay attention.

"I don't know how long it will take me, but if I'm not back in the morning and someone asks for me, tell them that I'm not well. Anything, whatever!"

"I don't tell lies Señor, even to the peasants." Ramirez kept going, now betraying spite, while a deep still very quiet snarl had started being heard. But impressively he was keeping it under control.

"It's not your lie Ramirez, it is my lie you will say. It ain't a big deal." Reaper stated. He was walking back and forth from all stress and excitement of the moment. "Alright. That is then. I'm going out. In a few hours we'll have to temporarily say goodbye to each other-."

"Your face is on the posters. Once they see you, you'll be hunted down by the government of Portugal."

"Not if you give me some of your 'magic tricks' though." Reaper said smiling wide. Ramirez had got the meaning, he had predicted the Captain would ask for his vials and other materials to disguise. Which had only make him even more angry. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as his ears were pinned back even more and a snarl clear as day escaped, getting Reaper's attention. "Doctor? What's wrong?"


He closed the door of the office causing a loud thud. Reaper jumped back surprised. Ramirez looked at him and his only good eye had something absolutely crazy in it. Anger and irony were dripping from there.

"You care for the absolutely wrong monster. You really think he cares and thinks about you? For your well being? You've gone completely mad if you think he does. He's with us against his will and stares at almost all of us as if he will strangle us in our sleep. You are sorely mistaken if you believe he cares to save you and if it was up to him he would have left long ago. You are cursed. CURSED! You foolish skeleton! He's scared of you, why would he end up caring for you?! Don't be a fool and just DON'T go risk your head just to see how he's doing. I am not giving you my help and I'm not wasting not even a vial for your lunatic plans. Señor Reaper Renrink, hijo de Hades, sit down right here and now and try think a little more carefully of your actions!"


Honestly, he really wanted to say all these. He could have done so. He could have denied give his help.

But he didn't.

"Ramirez?" Reaper asked again with more concern. The doctor turned his head away as the snarling died down. He placed hands on his hips.

"F*ck. this. all..." He heard him murmuring. "2 vials and powder for fake bruises. I'm going." He said more clearly.


"Just... when you go there, ask the priest how the mission is going so far. If it is done and the fish did whatever he have to. I'll bring your disguise tools." The dog cutted him off, turned his back quickly and exited the office, leaving a surprised and confused Reaper staring at him.

"What was there you truly wanted to say?"

"Estúpido! Idiota! You f*cking- You should have spoken!" Ramirez yelled in his mind as he was walking for the medical room with fast steps and lowered head, snarling like the antichrist. "No matter, I have him capable go to Lisbon even if I deny to help him. In my translation, he's THAT stupid to go without disguise. He will go as if he has a paper stuck on his back writting, «I am Captain Reaper one of the most dangerous pirates who has ever roamed all 7 Seas and at least 10 powerful governments have put a price for my head! Come and arrest me!». And for who he's going to Lisbon?! For the little fish of course!" He sighed. "Señor Hades por favor give me strength-."

He suddenly felt bumping on someone and the doctor almost fell down. But he kept his balance. The sound of a gasp, a tray falling on the floor, a loud thud and a cup breaking were heard all at once.

"MICHAEL YOU LITTLE-!" Ramirez yelled ready to shower in insults who he assumed he bumped into was the young human. God, how much he just couldn't feel at ease with this boy. He was so hateful towards poor Michael that even if someone else was bumping on him, out of habit he was still yelling his name.

Coffee had stained his coat and he could feel it's heat on his right hand, it had spilled there too. But he didn't care for the burn now. Because once he saw who he had bumped into, all the anger vanished in a finger snap.

"I'm fine." Aldo gestured, slowly standing up.

"Sometimes I truly have to stop being so angry. Everytime it's as if all my senses are shutting down and I'm not careful." Ramirez thought staring at the beaver thoughtful. Suddenly the smell of blood hitted him and he facepalmed. "F*ck Aldo, the cup slashed you!" He said.

Indeed a big fragment from the shattered cup on the floor was stained with blood. Aldo was clearly trying to hide his injured left hand behind his back, in vain, as said, since Ramirez smelled the blood. Without saying anything the doctor signed the cook to follow him, who didn't bring objections.

They both arrived and entered the medical room. But, well, with the way it was used, only medical room it couldn't be called. It was a little mentioned. But because the reader most likely can't keep up with all small details, necessary to say that this medical room was also called by all pirates as «Ramirez' laboratory».

In there, the dog wasn't just treating patients who needed his services. Many times he was locking himself in this room, making strange potions and experimenting on creating new stuff. In there he was making the filters that were changing the color of the magic. In there he had make many other disguise tools.

Useful for when his Captain was asking him to make them if there was a mission they had to accomplish on land in secret. Sometimes when he was deeply busy with one experiment, or it was required for him to supervise the process of making it to make sure nothing would go wrong, he could even stay all day and night locked.

He preffered to sleep in there, not on hammocks near the other pirates. That's why the medical room had also been simply called literally «Ramirez' room». He was even making explosives, which from the first day they were tested, were making the more difficult raids of other ships look like a child's game.

Recently he was discovered to be making potions that as he claimed would strengthen a monster's magic and make them last in battles for longer. But from the small explosions that were prevailing in the medical room if someone was passing by, there was still a lot of work to be done.

Despite all useful things Ramirez had done to make this crew the most fearsome and despite all his services, almost everyone was still despising him. And he wasn't trying hard to fix that. He was hated, but he was also feared, just some wouldn't admit it. He was evilly clever, sly and manipulative. He might seemed like he wasn't caring know about the others.

But he was a silent info catcher and once he knew the most important things about you he also knew what buttons to push in arguments. Despite all its other uses, the medical roon indeed had all necessary stuff a doctor would need to treat illnesses or injures, small and heavy.

A big table was in the middle where he was mixing stuff whether for his experiments, whether to prepare stuff to treat a patient. 2 beds were on the corner more further away from the door. The one bed was normal. The other had leashes to tie a patient's arms and ankles when they had to stay as motionless as possible.

Or when they had seizures so they wouldn't accidentally hurt themselves as Ramirez claimed. However rumors had spread about that specific bed. And the most believable one was somehow that Ramirez was sleeping on that bed and tying himself because he had some sleeping disorder that was making him scratch himself at night.

Despite it couldn't be explained how he was tying and then untying himself when he woke up, it was still the most believable rumor. They could remember Doctor's first months in the ship. When they were seeing him around, he seemed extremely tired.

His fingers and wrists were bitten. His face was full of scratches. The snout and lips had wounds. But the worst ones were on his shoulders and arms. One of the pirates had jokingly managed to take his coat one day. And only then everyone saw his arms bandaged, at some parts stained in grey spots.

Yes Ramirez didn't have red blood. It was silver colored. He didn't care when everyone saw his exposed arms, despite he was wearing the coat even on warm days, clearly hiding..No one was exactly sure of why Ramirez was harming himself. But they had hear something about past sh*tty family drama.

But anyways, the day that bed with leashes was added in the medical room, Ramirez had 0 fresh injures after. It might had indeed been useful for patients with seizures. But it might was most likely also true that the doctor was sleeping on it to avoid being self-harmed and rest properly.

There was a bookshelf and 2 showcase cabinets on the wall opposite the door next to each other. The bookshelf, more aligned to the door had on its 4 shelves medical books in alphabetic order. The cabinets had each 4 drawers below with who knew what in there.

Above they had doors made out of glass surrounded by wodden frame. Behind their glass doors there were 3 shelves. The showcase cabinet between the bookshelf and the other cabinet had on its shelves vials, small and big bowls, weird herbs and bottles with labels saying complicated names, funnels and tubes. The second cabinet had worse.

It had on the shelves tools such as pinchers, syringes, suction cups and many more sharp things that could make you shiver. But the one thing that was catching the attention of the eye that stared at this cabinet the most, was a big square glass jar which had stuck on its walls little dark red almost black balls.

Sometimes they were unfolding and crawling. You reader, you might have guessed right if you did try to do so and you have sharp eye. Leeches. Any pirate who had to enter the room and get medical treatment, seeing them wiggling and crawling in their 'home' were shivering.

These leeches had become almost some short of horror story around the ship. Ramirez had gather them from swamps for the purpose to suck bad blood and with their saliva make effective medicines and potions. And he still was gathering them when some of them were dying and they weren't enough.

He even did experiments with them too. These exactly were giving a very good reason for most of the crew to not get sick or injured stupidly, fearing to even think these creatures on them sucking their blood. Aldo so far was the only one who had been sucked by the leeches and when everyone thought it was the most horrific experience, they got shocked when Aldo had let them know,

"It was absolutely nothing. Just like fat syringes penetrating you."

Later on it wasn't much of a surprise. With Aldo who had been through so much worse, torture, whipping and getting his tongue cut, he had no reason really to fear some leeches. It hurted only a little bit but again, nothing like his tortures years ago.

But even the pirates who had go through pain and tortures too, were still keeping their distances from the leeches' jar when they were in the medical room. There had even be rumors that the blood Ramirez was taking from the crewmates for examinations and tests, some of it he was feeding it to the leeches.

And rumors that were taking it further were saying that he was feeding them with his own blood. And so, these leeches had become such a scary sight and story for almost all pirates, that sometimes it was competing the creepiest ones they would say many nights before sleeping.

The only explanation of why Aldo wasn't scared of these creatures or why he wasn't caring, must not was simply because of the past experiences and tortures he had been through. It was also that he simply trusted Ramirez in whatever he did. Heck, 3 times the dog had saved his life. And without him he wouldn't be here today.

The 2 from the first day they met, if you could see them from a corner, you would think they would be enemies. Well, Captain Reaper, who had witnessed their first encounter thought so too. Ramirez classically was looking lowly at anyone who was lower class, at any 'peasant'.

He himself was from a noble enough class, having relationships and meeting high classes. And Aldo, becoming part of Reaper's crew after coming straight from the dungeons where he had been tortured and having his tongue cut by soldiers commanded by the aristocratic class, he wasn't seeing the high classes with sympathy.

From the first day Ramirez entered the crew, he really didn't want any connections with the pirates. He was looking at them hostile. Well, the others were looking at him with hostility too. But he was dedicated to Reaper and previously his father's family. And so, he only joined the piracy to follow his master.

After the first interactions, Reaper leaded him to the medical room, which was not the same at all years back. It was much more simple and 'naked'. Thing Ramirez didn't like at all, he hated it not seeing the necessary stuff in the room. There was only one bed and not 2 then. And on the one bed, Aldo was sitting with crossed arms.

I sense more aristocracy walking in.

He had write on paper after seeing Ramirez for a few seconds with his eyes like daggers. At that moment Ramirez assumed Aldo was simply mute. He hadn't even bother to ask anyways.

After Reaper asked nicely the doctor to examine Aldo, for, the last days the cook seemed sick and was showing signs of weakness, the beaver's first response hearing that, was something like a hiss, showing that he clearly didn't want Ramirez near him. But either way the dog approached.

Even if his expression was clearly saying he didn't even want to examine Aldo. Still because Reaper said so, he had to. And so, the first thing he did was walk and stop in front of Aldo, asking him to show his tongue. The beaver looked away like a spoiled child and the doctor already felt that he wanted to slap the patient.

"Cat got your tongue?" He simply asked trying to keep it together. Aldo faced him again with more hostility but didn't open his mouth. There Reaper interfered and asked Aldo to open his mouth and let Ramirez help (even if he clearly showed he didn't want to as said). Eventually Aldo opened his mouth annoyed and let Ramirez see.

But the first reaction was surprising.

Seeing that Aldo didn't have a tongue the doctor became incredibly shocked. It was rare. But it wasn't for the reason of simply seeing no tongue. One of the things that were capable of shocking Ramirez was in the section of his job. When seeing a critical case or injure, it was always intriguing or concerning him a lot.

"Ai kaka, hau txarra da!" With a single glance Ramirez immediately turned to look at Reaper and asked for paper.

He immediately started writting down fast. When he was done he suddenly became calm again. But what he said next made both Reaper and Aldo turn pale. What was the 'diagnosis' after staring in Aldo's mouth for only a second? That was the answer:

"He's dying in less than 3 months. This medical room is awfully empty. I'll need these herbs I wrote down, maybe if you decide to stop on tropical islands and mountains. Some of the other non-herbal stuff can be found in civilizations. In the next town you decide to raid. Better decide soon if you so need your beaver alive. With every thing I need and get we delay the infection from becoming deadly. And once I have them all, the infection will vanish." He said in one go.

And then he looked around the room as if he wanted to check what else was missing from it. Ramirez had seen that the cut was badly infected. When he asked how long was the tongue cut and Aldo wrote 3 years, you feared that his neck would snap when he looked at the cook again. He wrote down something else on the paper after that.

"Fascinating how you lived for so long with that infection." It was absolutely crazy how he knew exactly what he needed to treat Aldo's infection in his mouth. It shocked the beaver. But as Reaper told him, he knew him for enough years. The best doctor he ever met in his life.

After all he had studied on the University of Padua and had excelled in medicine, doing surgeries and in general had learned all well how to be a doctor. That kinda impressed Aldo. Padua? But that was in Italy! That was changing some stuff all of a sudden for him, now looking at Ramirez less hostile and with more wonder.

In the next 2 months he observed how dedicated the new crew member was being on transforming the medical room. At first Ramirez started with a long LONG list of stuff he wanted to see in the room and have if he was to be the doctor of the crew. Next Aldo saw him sketching on 2 large pieces of papers.

The one had a representation of a human organism. The other had 3 differently shaped monster bodies with a soul to their left. Animalistic, Phenomenal and Elemental monsters' typical body structure. The sketches had such accuracy, they were incredible. As Ramirez stated later he had sketched similar representations years ago.

They were for his thesis, his final project to get his 2nd degree in surgery. But he didn't have them with him when he entered the crew. And there was no way anymore to get them back. And so he was redrawing them. Meanwhile, with every stop on islands and with the raids on lands, Ramirez was claiming all useful stuff he needed, tools, medicines, herbs etc.

And luckily these were found quickly, because he could treat Aldo's infection fast and successfully, saving him. 10 weeks after the diagnosis he finally announced Reaper that the beaver was not in danger anymore. But, he had made it from the beginning loud and clear to Aldo, that he was helping him only because Reaper commanded.

But the cook at the end either way thanked him. Ramirez didn't comment about it then and just turned his back at him. But the next 2 times he saved Aldo's life, these times he did them willingly. Almost. Months after Ramirez entered the crew, the pirates had stop at a tropical island to hide, get a few supplies and rest after a raid.

As Reaper adviced the doctor, he shouldn't try go alone if he went exploring the jungle and should be with someone else. Even though Ramirez didn't like much hearing that he had to be with a partner, he ended up picking Aldo for the exploration if he wanted to study the flora of the jungle.

For the next 10 minutes of walking in the jungle, he hadn't say a single word to Aldo and didn't refer to him at all. He was only focused on studying the exotic plants of the jungle, taking a few specific samples from some and putting them in the big backpack he was carrying along. But then Aldo couldn't take it anymore.

That whole situation was awkward. And so, while Ramirez had his back turned at him, he took out paper and pencil he was always carrying and started writting. He held the paper in front of him and waited for Ramirez to finish examining the plant. But once he turned he got his attention by seeing the message written on the paper.

Ti sto irritando solo stando con te qui?

Remembering what Captain had said about Ramirez going to Padua for studies, Aldo wanted to see not only if the doctor was just trying with all of his might to ignore him but also if he knew Italian. Ramirez looked at him from top to bottom all serious and unreadable for a few seconds before start walking ahead.

"Even if it wasn't you who I had to go with in this jungle, either way they would be annoying. At least you're not talking..." He said bluntly.

"Ah..." Aldo just did. But a few seconds later Ramirez kept talking.

"And I like silent people anyways." The beaver looked at him surprised.

It was the first time he was being honest but in a somehow positive way. He was always honest but mostly to point out negative stuff. He had observe it about Ramirez, if he was going to give an opinion, he was going all the way, no matter how bad it sounded or if it offended someone.

But before he could even think about it, Ramirez suddenly stopped walking and stood on guard. His ears were rotating, his nose had started sniffing quietly and fast the air. Eventually a snarl started being heard and Aldo looked at him worried. He was about to tap his shoulder, trying to understand what was going on.

But before he could move a muscle towards Ramirez, then, something long and very big attacked the beaver from behind with the result fall ahead. Even worse, both Ramirez and Aldo were standing near a downhill and started rolling down with the thing that attacked him.

"CAZZO, PITONE!" The dog yelled. And indeed, what had attacked poor Aldo thinking he was a tasty snack was a big python snake. When they stopped rolling down, Aldo and the serpent had separated.

But only temporarily, as the python had turned its attention at the beaver again and started crawling slowly towards him. Aldo tried to stand up only to fall down again yelling in pain. He had twisted his leg from the fall on the downhill. He crawled back terrified, staring at the snake.

The serpent suddenly dashed. Aldo closed his eyes. But the very next moment loud whistles from the snake, snarling and barking were heard all together. He opened again his eyes and with shock saw Ramirez and the serpent wrestling to death. A battle that lasted only for 10 seconds however.

The python had managed to only wrap around the doctor's leg, while Ramirez had shoved his hands in its mouth, then pulled apart the jaws with such strength a crack was heard. The python fell lifeless on the ground with loosened jaws and slowly the doctor unwrapped his leg from its grip. He stood up and dusted off himself.

"Jawohl. Überleben der Stärksten." He said calmly as if he hadn't fight and kill a snake double his weight. Aldo, who was still shocked from what played in front of him and with his leg killing him was looking down fighting to stop crying.

When he heard Ramirez approaching he hurried to wipe his tears and lower his head even more, shutting his eyes. Was he expecting the doctor to be sarcastic seeing him crying? Definitely. Instead, Ramirez walked away. A few seconds later Aldo heard him breaking and snapping branches.

Many seconds later he returned and kneeled near the beaver's injured leg. Aldo raised head. The doctor without saying anything lifted the pant leg and examined for about 10 seconds carefully. And 2 minutes later he had done everything properly.

With the branches Ramirez had cut and bandages in his bag, he had made a splint for Aldo's broken leg. And he did that perfectly. Aldo hadn't feel pain not even once. And these claws Ramirez had that seemed capable to slash even without much effort, they had done nothing to cause pain.

How was he doing that so carefully? Then, Ramirez took a much longer stick, like cane and handed it to Aldo. For support. When the beaver managed to stand up, by the first second he almost fell and held as if for dear life onto the cane. Ramirez sighed and without any word stood on Aldo's right.

"Wrap your arm around my shoulders." He said quickly. Aldo obeyed but soon felt that the dog was almost literally ready to lift him. And he was still wearing the backpack on his back!

"Just how much strength does this dog have?!" He thought. The 2 managed to walk up from where Aldo rolled.

But there Ramirez let him and said he'll be right back. Aldo saw him running and jumping the downhill, then approaching the python's dead body. Then grabbing it from the head and squeezing it under his right armpit. And then, literally dragging the body along. Aldo's eyes widened up.


When the 2 found their way back to the others, temporarily the doctor putted down the snake but still supporting Aldo kept walking ahead. Once the pirates saw the beaver injured they rushed towards him and Ramirez to see and ask what had happen. Some were already staring at the dog hostile.

"Παναζία μου! Aldo what happened?!" Adrian asked placing his hands on his cheeks expressing his worry and shock.

"Did that filthy dog break your leg?" Dave asked. But then Captain interfered and asked himself what happened looking at Ramirez, who explained the whole story in quick words.

"Is this true Aldo? Did the doctor say something you think is wrong?" Reaper asked looking at Aldo, who signed that all Ramirez said were true, to the pirates' surprise. That still didn't seem to convince them all though. One of them asked for a proof. Ramirez let go of Aldo and walked towards where he had let the snake. Then he dragged it so all pirates could see it. Their eyes widened up.

"Sanırım hasta olacağım..." Yalin said looking away. He seemed ready to throw up.

"Nothing much. I only had to break its jaws with my hands." Ramirez said bluntly.

"You seriously brought the snake all the way here?" Reaper asked surprised.

"Just for study. Since I got in my hands something from the fauna of this island except from flora. Also, if anyone has big appetite, it makes great meat for cooking." The doctor suddenly stated and that time Yalin wasn't just ready to throw up, he actually did so. The doctor definitely had said that on purpose to trigger him.

Since that day, Ramirez and Aldo broke the ice even more. Until the cook was able to walk again, the doctor was always watching him, to make sure the patient would recover well. They didn't seem hostile with each other anymore, rather awkward though.

But the 3rd time Ramirez saved Aldo's life, was the last to stigmatise forever their mutual friendship and partnership. That 3rd time was after an year. On a raid. When they had gotten the captives and brought them to the deck to see if they would sell them or feed the fish.

And one of them as they were on their knees, a human, had enough audacity and speed to stand up and rush towards the Captain, holding a dagger to stab him. Now, a strong Captain should be able fend for themselves just fine. But when the Captain is also loved and respected by their crew, you protect them at all costs no matter what.

And that was what Aldo did then. He got in the way receiving the dagger on his left shoulder. Despite yelling in pain, he quickly used the knife he was holding all this time and shoved its whole length on the back of the human's head, penetrating his skull as if he was stabbing butter and leaving him instantly dead.

Everybody gave him praises both for the kill and for his speed to defend the Captain. Irritated Reaper immediately commanded his crew to kill the captives. After such attempt to kill him, only to end up stabbing Aldo had took away the last of 'mercy' he was letting the captives have.

To choose whether become meal for the fish, or join the crew. When everyone who had to be killed was killed and he commanded next for the corpses to be thrown in the sea, he turned to look at Aldo, who was already getting examined by Ramirez. He smiled and asked if he felt alright.

But the beaver never managed to give a nod or not as he suddenly let out a sharp breath and fell backwards while spasming wildly. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at their cook shocked and terrified. Except from spasming and throwing his head abruptly to all directions, Aldo's mouth had also started foaming.

Muffled gasps as desperate attempts to breath could be heard from the poor monster while his eyes had started turning upside down. He couldn't recall much happening before loosing his senses. Just all pirates calling his name worried and Ramirez picking up the dagger exclaiming,


Aldo had been in a very critical condition. Barely Ramirez had managed to save his life then and keep him stable as long as he was uncoscious. But he had done it. 3 days later Aldo finally woke up. He needed one more week to fully gain his strength back, but the moment he found his senses, he was safe from now on.

If today these two seemed in front of everyone as if they still weren't actually getting along and that Ramirez seemed to have a hard time being softer to Aldo, it was all good. Ramirez was used to Aldo's more energetic and happy mood and the other could handle the grumpy dog just fine...

"Done." Sitting on the normal bed, Aldo looked at his now bandaged hand expressionless hearing Ramirez talking.

He was so lost in his thoughts recalling all past memories of being saved by Ramirez while having his head turned at the leeches' jar, well. He hadn't even realise when the doctor had checked his cut to make sure there weren't cup fragments in it, cleaned his hand with iodine and bandaged it.

Ramirez walked away and opened the drawers beneath the showcase cabinet, searching for stuff. The moment Aldo looked to his direction he saw him taking out vials and a leather pouch. He raised eyebrow, stood up and approached him as he now was letting the stuff on the table and staring down at them.

There was no emotion in his expression. Aldo waited for a while. But seeing Ramirez so lost he sighed and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Even then the doctor didn't respond, nor turned to look at the other. Aldo then held in his hand one of the vials and looked at it.

Small dark particles were swimming inside a light purple liquid. Usually a magic filter didn't have particles swimming in liquid. It was just the liquid that was showing what color the eyes would take after drinking it. Respectively that was for all magic filters, that's how they seemed. Aldo's look fell on the pouch.

That one, he couldn't know what it was. He took paper and pencil and wrote down stuff. Then he almost shoved the paper on Ramirez' snout. It might was a high chance that most likely he was going to die by doing this. Ramirez had another problem with abrupt moves and usually scratching whatever or whoever was near him.

Especially when he couldn't see it from the side of his useless eye. Though last months he was really trying to fix that aggressive behavior by just stepping back and staying on guard. Luckily for Aldo that was what he did and looked at him offended. But he took the paper and read.

What is troubling you? Does it have to do with what you told me about yesterday?

Ramirez clenched the paper but kept staring at it. Many seconds later, with his other hand he covered his face and sighed deeply.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I try to reason with him, speak, show him logic. He doesn't seem to listen. I don't think I see him understanding castoro. He's attached to the fish and he will-." He suddenly stopped. He was about to say what Reaper wanted him to cover. He exhaled while snarling. "Forget it. Només sóc un idiota. I wasn't and am not taking care of him because I swore to his parents long ago. I have truly ended up caring and worrying sick for him." He looked at Aldo with a still angry but also pained expression. His ears had folded back again. "What do I do Aldo? We're trying to save him but he risks his head right now. Just... what do I do?"

Aldo looked at him kind of surprised. It wasn't like the dog wasn't showing sometimes desperation or frustration. Well, mostly when he was loosing the whatever faith he had for anything stupid any of the pirates were doing. It was different now. He did show concerned lately. But what had suddenly cause him more agitation?

As he walked passed Ramirez he pat his shoulder making him turn. He sat at the bed and pat a spot next to him. Ramirez stood some more but eventually slowly he approached and sat next to Aldo. He stared at him with elbows pressing on his knees and fingers intertwined, waiting. Finally the cook started gesturing.

"I don't know how all of a sudden you're even more anxious. I can't guess why your concern for the Captain is suddenly expressed even more clear. And I realised there was something else you were about to say before you change your words."

"From now I say, I can't speak." Ramirez cutted him. Aldo rolled his eyes.

"I figured. And I won't ask-." He suddenly froze and his eyes widened up.

"Wtf happened to you now?"

"Oh God, he will go all the way to Lisbon and see Geno, won't he?!" Ramirez facepalmed. "Holy sh*t, it makes sense! You suddenly express again your concern for Sir and him getting attached to Geno. And then you take out the vials and the pouch. Disguise tools!" He paused moving for a while, staring at Ramirez surprised from the realisation. The other looked away.

"F*ck, he figured out everything..." He thought as Aldo shook him from his shoulder gently and looked again at him.

"Your expression says I'm right."

"Yeah wow. Congratulations smartass! Want me to give you an award now or what?!" Ramirez admitted and he was again his normal seemingly-angry-all-the-time self. Aldo sighed. He suddenly smiled bitterly.

"You won't like what I suggest." He started gesturing again. The other raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Let's see how much I won't like it." He allowed him to go ahead and spea- eeerm gesture.

"Let him Ramirez. He's not that little child you said you had to raise."

"For the years he is as skeleton, he is still able making VERY foolish decisions like a child." Ramirez pointed at Aldo growling.

"If you don't think he's not wise enough to his decisions, at least trust him for his strength. He's a literal necromancer Ramirez. He could kill a whole army by himself before they can even scream, Mommy!" The beaver gestured so abruptly in the last word and made such a funny cheerful expression Ramirez looked away coughing. His ears had suddenly perked up, he seemed ready to... laugh! But he refused the urge. Aldo though chuckled seeing his reaction.

"Oh shut up!" Ramirez growled and looked again at the other serious. Aldo calmed down and kept gesturing.

"Just let him. Give him your help which is waiting on the table. He's waiting for you to help. Trust him that he'll be alright. Just that. He will defend himself just fine if he has to."

Ramirez looked slowly at the vials and the pouch on the table, the powder for fake bruises, thoughtful from all that Aldo had suggested.


The sun wasn't even that near to touch the water. And yet no soul was on the deck, all pirates had gone to rest after Reaper sended them. Now only him was on deck, pressing his hands on the gunwale and staring far away. This time he was wearing a dark blue shirt with long sleeves and a seemingly old and torn black cape.

When he heard footsteps hitting the wooden floor he turned and stared at Ramirez. He was carrying a sack where the disguise tools were in, on one hand. On the other he had a small mirror. The 2 looked at each other silent for many seconds before Ramirez take out from the sack the pouch. He brought it close to him. Reaper already seemed to recognise what it had in it.

"Better start disguising yourself before going there. You won't find the chance there easily. Just... don't let water splash you on the way." He said slowly. Reaper took the pouch, then he was about to take off his one glove.

But he stopped. Ramirez didn't know about the marks that were more and more filling his bones. Just yesterday he saw that the marks had started going for his ribcage too. And they were even worse than before. Also he had the feeling they were threatening to start climbing his collarbone.

How much longer could he hide from everyone except Alter? From Ramirez, who would start being even more anxious? He very quickly took off his glove and shoved his hand in the pouch. The soft sensation of the powder made him smile. Purposely he covered it with as much powder as possible to stick on his hand. Then he stared at it supposedly impressed.

"Wow Ramirez. This powder is even more effective than any other you've made!" He said. Now his whole hand seemed bruised, as if someone had crushed it many times. Ramirez sighed.

"Yeah whatever. Just disguise already." The other scoffed still holding the mirror. He hadn't see the marks. Phew for Reaper.

In a minute, the skeleton was done and had 'painted' his face the way he wanted. Ramirez looked at him and nodded. He handed him then a vial and Reaper drank it down in one go. Very quickly he saw on his reflection his irises changing color and becoming purple, with black spots in the area however.

"Oooh. That's great." He said seeing the result. Ramirez said nothing and just handed the sack to Reaper.

"In, I have also put a magic blocker. Real. But I restrained enough of its effect so you don't loose your magic and at the same time so it can cover your aura just as much as it needs. It is very strong and a fake blocker wouldn't help you hide well." Ramirez analysed. The other looked at him surprised. "Obviously don't wear it now. Once you're there. I have also its key if you need to unlock it." He added.

"Clever dog." Reaper said smiling. Ramirez said nothing again and both him and the skeleton stared to each other silent for many seconds. Slowly Reaper's smile dropped however as he now stared at the doctor with wonder and concern. "You don't want me go out there. Do you? Is this what you wanted to tell me a while back?" He asked.

"Forget it." Ramirez said looking away. "Just go, see your fish but ask too how the mission is going. And for f*ck's sake, don't you dare get caught." He crossed arms and refused to look at Reaper.

The skeleton kept staring up to him. Eventually he sighed and walked passed him slowly. 10 steps away from the gunwale he stopped and turned to look. He looked at the sun as it still hadn't start touching the water and then looked ahead. His eyesocket caught Ramirez nodding at him as he was now staring again at his Master.

"Get caught? No chance. After all I'm the mighty Captain Reaper." He said with a confident smile.

And then he started running, then jumped at the gunwale, bended his knees and jumped again up high slowly. When he started falling also slowly his speed also reduced. But then a big blaster suddenly appeared in the air on which he landed, ran on it and by taking speed like that, once he jumped he went further ahead fast.

"Woohoo!" Reaper yelled excited doing a flip and finally the next blaster he summoned was the last as he now stood on it and normally flew ahead fast. Ramirez stared at him flying away from the ship and when the skeleton was just a small dot in the distance he allowed himself to turn, ready to walk away.

"Always wanting to play with his magic. At least he wasn't playing with his food younger like other brats." He murmured and stopped abruptly seeing Aldo standing. The beaver nodded with a half-smile. Ramirez just sighed. "Let's just go." He said as he walked passed Aldo.

and that was it folks. i promise, no more striving away from seeing the marriage AND what some readers truly die for, to see the afterdeath they so want. i just described in this chapter not only some past stuff and lore for ramirez and aldo's friendship, but also how and why reaper came to find geno~

as the marriage of fuku and skate's approaches, i think you can already guess that it won't be just that. there are more relationships and events to include and focus on, with some of them being important the moment they are revealed and other that you might understand and see that they make sense only a lot later and that they reveal lore you might not expect.

hopefully you take that last paragraph into account sometimes as the story unfolds more. 7700 words. goodbye readers. see you on next chapters.

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